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Niki POV - flashback

I went grocery shopping since there was barely anything to eat. These days I don't eat that much since I don't get hungry that easily. I mean at least I eat once maybe twice a day. I still remember those days three years ago where I went weeks without eating. I've been to the hospital so many times from passing out. I'm still surprised that I'm still alive, it's funny how much has changed in the last couple years.

A lot has changed.

The shop was pretty empty, just some people here and there. I went to the snacks since that's what we all eat nowadays right? No one actual has a healthy diet, or maybe it's just me.

I looked on my phone where I wrote a list of things I needed to buy.

Chicken fillets.



Olive oil.

Olive oil?

What did I need that for?

Oh yeah, I wanted to actually try and cook something healthy. Is olive oil healthier than normal oil? I don't know, oh well we're getting it anyway.

I walked out of the snacks aisle and went to the aisle with all the oils.

For some reason I couldn't find the aisle. I had to look in the aisles to see if I could find the oil since the signs weren't helping.

Oh my god that girl is layering up so much. I mean yeah it's pretty cold but it's not snowing yet so she doesn't need to layer that much. She's kinda pret-



My eyes widen in shock I almost dropped my basket of food. I quickly turned and walked away.

Suddenly all the memories of three years ago replayed in my mind again. My gripped on the basket handles tightened. All the pain and suffering I had to go through because of her. She made me go through so much I almost killed myself. But I didn't, I found hope through other people. I was able to make friends who were able to help me. But seeing her again makes me so angry.

"Breath Niki, breathe." I tried calming myself down. It mostly worked and I went back to shopping.

I tried to be as quick as possible so that I could leave sooner.

I bent down so that I could grab something on the bottom shelf when someone bumped into me making me fall onto my butt.

"hey watch where you're going!" I didn't shout but I said it pretty loud. I expected an apology but the dude didn't even look at me.

How rude of him.

I saw him walked out of the aisle I was in and walk into the one next to me.

"Hey!" This time I shouted but he still didn't look at me. I got up from where I was and ran after him. "Are you gonna apolog-"

I stopped talking when I saw him with another guy. They both looked pretty intimidating.

But I wanted an apology so I started walking up to the guy.

Then I saw the guy's face. Not the guy that pushed me, but his friend.

I stopped moving.

My eyes widen.


I quickly ran out the aisle and into the one I was in before.

Why am I so surprised? They're probably dating.

Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now