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I woke up in the same room again. There was an aching pain on my left eye, it felt swollen.

The door opened and Mark walked in. He didn't say anything but approached and squat down so that he was levelled with my face. He gently held my face with his hand, using the other hand to caress my cheeks.

"Your poor face is ruined." He continued to caress me.


The hand he used to caress turned to a hard slap.


And again. Mark slapped me hard on the same spot.


This one hurt the most making me yelp.

"Shut up. This is your fault."


"You deserve worse"


I tried to move my face but his hand held it in place.

"I would do so much worse to you."


"But i love you too much"

Mark released my face, there was blood streaming out my nose and my cheek was burning hot and red. Tears were also falling with the blood.

"Now, are you a good girl."

I didn't want to get hit again so I answered.

"Yes." I whimpered.

"Yes who?"

"Yes mark."

"It's sir to you, now say it again."

"Yes, s-sir"

"That's a good girl. Now kiss me."

"W-what?" He goes from slapping the shit out of me to wanting to kiss me. This guy is not okay.

"You heard me. Do you want another beating?"

I shook my head and leaned my face into his, slowly planting a kiss on his lips. Mark took this opportunity to grab my neck pushing himself on top of me.

He doesn't let me move or squirm while he was trying to deepen the kiss, biting my lips making it bleed so I could open my mouth. This was painful and disgusting but I couldn't do anything.

He said I deserved this, right? Yeah it's my fault.

Mark pulled away, releasing his grip and just looked down at me. His eyes softened when they locked with mine, as if there were stars in his eyes. Throughout my childhood I've never noticed how beautiful his eyes were.

"Go wash up in the bathroom then come have breakfast with me." He caressed my bruised cheek before getting up and leaving the room.

I did as I was told, lifted my bruised and wounded body up and made my way to the bathroom down the hall. I almost screamed when I saw my reflection. My left eye was purple and swollen. There was another bruise just under my left eye, on my cheek, I'm assuming it was from Mark's shoes. I lifted up my shirt and saw there was a large red mark on my stomach where he kicked me and there were cuts covering my arms and legs, some were bandaged up while others were still bleeding.

But for some reason, I wasn't angry anymore.

"This was my fault." I said confidently to the mirror.

My fault.

After showering and brushing my teeth I went into the kitchen where Mark was waiting. I was expecting  to be welcomed by a plate of food with a big smile coming from Mark.

But that never happened.

Mark was impatiently tapping his feet with his arms crossed leaning onto the fridge. I could tell by his expression something was wrong.

"What took you so long?!" He yelled. "Hurry up! I'm hungry, go cook me something!"

I made my way to fridge where Mark was just standing. I bent over and poked my head inside the fridge to see if there was anything to eat. Suddenly there was a hand on my ass making me flinched and turned my head back.


I let out a yelp when there was a sharp piercing pain on my left butt cheek where Mark had just slapped.

"Do your job." His whispered in my ear before pushing my head back into the fridge.

I quickly scanned around the fridge to see what I can make but it was hard since Mark literally had nothing.

"U-um sir, there's nothing"


This time it was a slap on the back of the head.

"We'll think of something! I'm fucking hungry here."

I grabbed some eggs and ham and some other vegetables and made my way to the counter and prepared something for Mark to eat.

After some time I plated scrambled eggs with ham and assorted vegetables.

I watched as he ate but the moment he placed a mouthful in his mouth he immediately spat it out.

Oh no.

"What the fuck is this?! Do you think I'm 6?! Absolutely dog shit, you can't even cook!" Mark threw the plate of food at me. The eggs were freshly cook and so it was still really hot. I could feel the burns along my arms and legs as I screamed.

"Shut up!" He grabbed me by my neck and slammed my chest over the counter top making my back him.

Then I heard metal clinking.

My heart dropped



He won't.

I peered over to see Mark unbuckling his belt.


"You need to learn the rules here. You are absolute trash and made like this. This is your fault."

It's my fault..


Coincidence || Niki ENHYPEN FFWhere stories live. Discover now