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"I missed you"

There was this feeling in me, it's a feeling that is so familiar yet I can't put my finger on it. It's a warm feeling that makes me want to smile.

What am I feeling?

Why are his words affecting me so much?

I barely know you.

Have we met before?

If so why don't I recognise you?

"Can you walk?" Niki's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Oh uh yeah" Niki slowly and gently placed me on the ground, holding onto my shoulder so that I don't fall. "Thank you" I said while he just looked at me with his soft eyes.

"I'll call a friend so he can pick us up" I nodded in response and watched as he took out his phone.

"Hey dude I'm fine and I'm with her now. We're at the end of the street. You're on your way? ok cool." I heard him say before putting his phone back into his pocket.

"He should be here any minute now." I nodded.

We both just stood next to each other not saying a single word. I could feel his eyes on me every now and then.

I wonder what's gonna happen now.

Are they gonna hurt me?

He seems really nice.

But he hurt Mark.

What did Mark do?

"This was all your fault. You will pay for this."

What did he mean by that?

"Hey dude" I looked up to see a white car pull up.

"Let's go" Niki said as he opened the back door for me.

I slowly went inside and sat behind that passengers seat.

"Hi." The driver said. I'm assuming this is Niki's friend. He looks really nice.

But he could be a bad guy.

"I'm Sunoo. You must be Jennifer." He said. I was a little surprised to how he knew my name.

Sunoo noticed my awkward posture and tried to reassure.

"Niki told me about you."

"How does he know me?" I asked

How does he know me. He just randomly came and just happens to know my name and tells me how he misses me.

But I didn't run away, I didn't scream or anything I even let him take me away.

Ok well I did scream when he suddenly appeared in the house but now I feel so calm with him yet I don't know him.

Sunoo looked at Niki who was sitting in the passengers seat. I heard him let out a sigh.

"Let's just go to my place." Was all Niki said.

The car started moving and no one spoke a word. I could see Sunoo looking at me through the car mirrors and then look at Niki. I can tell he sensed the awkwardness in the air and turned on the radio. The music made it less awkward and I just sat there listening to whatever was playing. It was nice music.

"da 🐬 da 🐬 da 🐬 da 🐬 da 🐬 da 🐬 da 🐬"

It wasn't long until we arrived outside a modern looking home. It was near a large river.

"Woah" I said quietly.

The river was so big and so pretty with the sun reflecting off the waters. There was a city across the river. I've never seen such tall buildings let alone been in one.

I was so intrigued by the view that I didn't notice Niki's gaze on me through the side mirrors.

My view was suddenly interfered by Niki standing right in front of my window.

"Are you coming?" He asked.

"Oh, yeah." I opened the door making my way out of the car and into this better-looking house. Inside was a little bigger than Mark's house but was still quite small.

"This is my house. Make yourself at home." Niki said before walking off to a different room with Sunoo.

"But my home is with Mark." That sentence made Niki tense. He stopped walking and turned around to me.

"His home was never a home. He hurt you Jennifer."

"Hurt? He was teaching me a lesson."

"He was not teaching you a lesson, he was hitting you and that's not ok."

"But Mark-"

"Don't mention his name in my house!"

I raised my hand over my face covering it, expecting Niki to hit me. After a bit, I noticed that he hadn't lay a finger on me. I opened my eyes to look at Niki.

Suddenly he pulled me in for a hug. My face was in his chest. This was...weird.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled." Why was Niki apologising?

"Why didn't you hit me?" I asked clearly still confused by the situation.

Niki pulled away, he gently held both my shoulders and gave me his full attention.

"Jennifer, I would never hit you. Never. What Mark did was not right whatsoever. You're safe now, you won't get hit ever again. Mark is a bad guy."

Mark is a bad guy.

i had to im sorry da 🐬 da 🐬 da 🐬

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