Too Late Pt. 4

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"I'm not sick. I'm pregnant."

Joe stared at her for a moment, his jaw hanging open. Taylor let out a small sob, wrapping her arms his neck. "Tay..." Joe didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry," Taylor said meekly, tears cascading down her cheeks.

"Don't be sorry," Joe brushed back her hair, tucking it behind her ear. Taylor just buried her face deeper in his shirt, blocking out his comforting words. "Taylor," Joe tried to get her attention, backing up so they were face to face. "It's okay, Love," His face morphed into a smile, "This is good, right?"

He became worried when Taylor didn't reply. "Do you not... want it?" Joe asked slowly, before quickly assuring her. "I mean of course it's your choice, you can choose what you're comfortable with and what you want."

"No, it's not that I don't want it. I'd love to have another kid with you, and for El to have a sibling. I just..." Taylor sighed, "I don't know, it's just a lot right now."

"That's okay, I understand," Joe reached out his hand to rub her arm. "So... how far along are you?"

"I think 2-3 weeks," Taylor said, playing with her hands nervously.

Joe couldn't help but grin, before pulling her into a hug. "I can't believe we're going to have a kid."

His smile was contagious, and soon Taylor was smiling with him. 

Two Weeks Later

Ella squirmed impatiently. "Muuuuum, I thought we were going to play."

"Dad and I have something to tell you first," Taylor shifted on the couch as she let Ella clamber into her lap.

Ella's curiosity peaked, "What?"

Taylor looked at him Joe, motioning for him to start. Joe placed a hand on Ella's lap, "Well El, how would you feel about being an older sister?"

It didn't register in Ella's mind yet what they were hinting at, so she just tilted her head in confusion. Taylor smiled softly, "You're going to have a sibling Ella. We're having another kid."

Ella's eyes widened, before letting out a loud shriek of excitement and jumping off of Taylor's lap. She ran around the coffee table, before jumping back on the couch. "Really? I can be an older sister?" Ella looked back and forth between them, almost expecting it to be a prank.

"Yeah," Joe smiled, he was admittedly nervous to tell Ella at first, a small part of him scared that she wouldn't want a sibling. Ella let out another scream, happily bouncing up and down. Joe and Taylor exchanged content glances, before turning back to Ella. "This means that we need to take extra good care of Mummy, okay?" 

Ella nodded, but then a look of confusion passed over her face, "Why?"

"She's pregnant. Your baby sibling is growing inside of her right now."

Ella cocked her head, "How did she get pregnant."

Taylor laughed softly, and Joe chuckled, "That's a discussion for another time."

"Nervous?" Joe glanced at Taylor, who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Taylor took a deep breath, "A little."

They were on the way to the doctor's office, for Taylor's first ultrasound. Sensing her nerves, Joe rested a hand on her thigh, rubbing it softly. Taylor placed her hand over his, thankful for his comfort.

Upon arriving Taylor and Joe checked in before sitting down in the lobby. Taylor's grip on Joe's hand tightened as someone walked by them, nervous someone would recognize her. Joe squeezed her hand through times, before kissing her cheek. Small things like this always gave them both a sense of relief, something they both currently needed. 

tay+joe one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora