William Bowery

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Edit: Okay so this was written a week or so before the Long Pond Sessions happened, so I didn't have any clue of how the songs were written and such, hence why it's so inaccurate the stories she's told.

Requested By: Sneavlitt

"Ugh," Taylor closed her eyes, laying her head on the keys, a cacophony of notes lingering in the air.

Joe looked up from his computer, "What's up?"

"I've been on such a creative streak lately but now my head is just empty," Taylor let out a loud sigh.

Joe frowned, "I really liked the last one you wrote. Seven."

Taylor shrugged, "Yeah."

"So do you just not have an idea in mind to write about?" Joe asked.

Taylor nodded, frustratedly banging notes on the piano. "Maybe you could..." Joe paused, thinking for a moment. "You like writing break up songs, maybe you could write about a breakup."

"Yeah but what type of break up? I have no ideas," Taylor said. "I feel like I've done everything."

"Maybe you could play with the idea of the song being from two perspectives," A light lit up in Joe's eyes. "It could be about a miscommunication, neither one is willing to listen to the other. Two voices could be fighting over each other, each one looking for the high ground in the argument. That could even be reflected in the song, with both voices singing at the same time, trying to get the other one to listen and-"

Joe paused, realizing he might be rambling. "I mean I don't really know," Joe said, slightly embarrassed.

Taylor smiled, "That's actually a really good idea. It could be a duet. Thanks!"

Joe was slightly surprised that she even entertained the idea, "Oh, yeah um, your welcome."

Taylor got to work, working out a tune on the piano. After twenty minutes she looked up at Joe, "Can you come over here for a second?"

Joe furrowed his eyebrows, before standing up and going over to the piano. "What's up?"

"Can you sing this for me? I need a deeper voice just to see how it would sound," Taylor said, showing him her phone so he could see the lyrics.

Joe hesitated, "You know how I am about singing-"

"But Joe you're good!" Taylor said.

Joe bit his lip, "I don't know..."

"Please?" Taylor stuck out her bottom lip, making puppy dog eyes. "For me?"

Joe rolled his eyes, chuckling, "Fuck you, you're too convincing. But you will owe me multiple kisses."

Taylor smiled, "Yay! So I'm just going to play these chords and you sing to this melody."

She played a quick melody, "Sound good?"

Joe nodded, and she began to play the introduction chords. Soon Joe began to sing quietly, still insecure about his voice. Taylor stopped midway through, "Okay do it again, but this time be louder, I can barely hear you."

"I don't like singing in front of people," Joe said, a whiny tone in his voice.

Taylor looked him straight in the eyes, "Joe I'm you're girlfriend, we live together and I'm sure I've seen you do much more embarrassing things than singing. Besides you're really good."

Joe was about to object, but Taylor silenced him, "You're amazing, I love you, now shut up and sing."

Joe chuckled, before starting to sing again, but this time louder. "I I think I've seen this film before. And I didn't like the ending. You're not my homeland anymore. So what am I defending now? You were my town, now I'm in exile seein' you out. I think I've seen this film before."

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