Perfect Night

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Requested By: Bullockholic

"I can't wait for you to come home tomorrow," Taylor grinned through the Facetime.

"Me too, it's only been two weeks but I feel like I haven't seen you in years," Joe chuckled.

Taylor adjusted the camera, "So you're going to be back at four tomorrow?"

"Yup, what do you have planned for dinner?" Joe asked.

Taylor smiled slyly, "It's a surprise."

They talked for another hour, before Joe went to bed. It was midnight in London. "G'night love, I'll see you tomorrow," Joe said.

Taylor blew him a small kiss through the screen, "Night."

Joe hung up, exhausted from a long day of filming. All he wanted to do was go home and cuddle with Taylor. He laid down on the bed, rubbing his eyes. He turned off the lamp, trying to fall asleep. After fifteen minutes he picked up his phone again, unable to fall asleep. He texted Taylor, 'Hi'

Taylor replied almost immediately, 'Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?'

'I can't sleep' Joe typed.

'Wish I could call you but I'm going to a meeting soon' Taylor texted.

'But I miss you :(' Joe frowned as he typed it.

Taylor laughed, texting back, 'I miss you too but I have to go now. Go back to bed <3'

'Can I just call you for like five minutes before your meeting?' Joe asked.

'I just called you like 15 minutes ago, but fine,' Taylor called him, and Joe picked up.

"Hi," Joe smiled, cuddling into the bed.

"Hey," Taylor said.

Joe looked at her through the screen, "Did you change? Can I see the outfit?"

Taylor nodded, setting her phone down on the counter so she could show Joe. She was in black blazer, with matching pants. "You look hot," Joe commented.

Taylor blushed, "Thanks."

"I can't wait to see you tomorrow," Joe said excitedly.

Taylor grinned, "In 25 hours you'll be here."

"That's too long," Joe whined.

Taylor laughed, "I miss you too babe."

They talked for a few more minutes, before someone called Taylor's name. Taylor turned to Joe, "Sorry, I have to go drive to the meeting."

Joe groaned, "Already?"

"You should go to sleep anyway, you have to wake up early for your meeting tomorrow," Taylor told him, walking out to the garage.

"Just stay on the call until you get to the building," Joe said, yawning.

Taylor laughed, "Okay."

They talked all the way until the car ride was over, until Taylor had to go into her meeting. "Good night again," Taylor blew him a kiss.

"Alright, g'night. I'll see you tomorrow," Joe was finally tired, and as he hung up he finally fell asleep.

London was nine hours ahead of L.A, so as Joe was waking up, Taylor was going to bed. It was seven AM, and Joe headed off to his meeting. Taylor woke up at five A.M, and couldn't fall asleep again. Once she woke up, she instantly called Joe.

He picked up, smiling once he saw her face on the screen. "Morning!"

Taylor rubbed her eyes, "Morning.

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