Don't Meet Me in The Afterglow pt. 2

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"What?" Joe tilted his head, confused. "But-"

"No, Joe," Taylor said, gulping down the other words she wanted to say.

Joe's face fell, "You've only been here for fifteen minutes, why don't we talk about it a little. Can you let me explain myself?"

Taylor shook her head, "Your actions have explained yourself enough."

Joe let out a long sigh, "So did you just come over here to cry on my shoulder then leave?" She could've sworn she saw the glistening of tears in Joe's eyes. Ignoring his words, she turned around and paraded out the door. "Fuck," Joe mumbled to himself, collapsing on the couch. Burying his face in a soft blue pillow, he let a tear fall down his face. Just like me to mess up the thing I really loved.

Taylor rushed back to her house, wanting nothing more than to cuddle into bed with her cats. She did feel a little remorse over what she did to Joe, but she thought that no matter what bullshit excuse he could give, she wouldn't forgive him.

Yet, something compelled her to go back. She decided on going back to his flat the next morning, so she could have time to prepare herself. The following morning she headed out the door, forgetting to text him in advance.

Upon arriving at his flat, she saw that the lights were on, indicating that he was home. Taking a deep breath, she walked up to the door and knocked.

No response.

Glancing at the still light window, she knocked again. Just as she pulled her phone out of her pocket to text him, the door opened, revealing a disheveled Joe. His hair was unruly, his sweatshirt was wrinkled, and the whites of his eyes were now a vibrant red.

"Joe?" Taylor asked carefully.

"Taylor," Joe's words were slightly slurred, and Taylor glanced behind him to spot a wine glass. It's ten in the morning, is he drinking?

"Hey," Taylor said warily, "Can I come in? I just wanted to talk."

Joe took a second to register Taylor's words as he stared at her. "Sure, sure." Taylor followed him to the couch, the one that she was crying on just yesterday.

"Are you doing okay?" Taylor said, his appearance already giving her the answer. Joe simply shrugged, staring down at the couch cushion. Taylor instinctively reached out to fix his hair, combing her fingers through. "What'd you do this morning?"

"Just sat around," Joe mumbled, glancing at the empty wine bottle.

Taylor shifted uncomfortably, "I wanted to come back and let you explain if that's alright with you?" Joe reached for the wine glass again, but Taylor stopped his hand, moving the wine glass out of his reach. "Joe, c'mon."

Joe snorted, "Sorry I was a fucking idiot and broke up with you."

"You aren't an idiot," Taylor said softly. "Can you just explain why you did that?"

Before Joe could start speaking again, he stood up, bolting to the restroom. Confused, Taylor jogged after him, finding him vomiting into the toilet. "Oh Joe..." Taylor said sympathetically, combing his hair back so it wasn't in his face as he finished up.

Joe groaned, leaning back. "You know, morning sickness is a sign of pregnancy," Joe joked, smirking as a small sliver of his old self reappeared. "Maybe I should go get a test."

"I wonder if you're having a girl or boy," Taylor smiled. When she thought about the possible outcomes of today, joking with her drunk ex boyfriend about pregnancy didn't make the list.

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