The Breakup Pt. 3

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Taylor glances at Joe nervously, "What if they figure it out before we tell them? What if I give it away?"

Joe looks up from his phone, "Babe, you don't give yourself enough credit for your amazing acting. Besides, even if they did figure it out it's fine, it's not like they'll be mad, they'll just be happy to see us together."

Taylor smiled, "I still think it's hilarious that they planned this so they could get us back together."

Joe smiled back, "Yeah, it's nice to think that they would do that for us." He glances at his watch, "We better get going, you're arriving first right?"

Taylor nods, "I'll arrive first, and you'll arrive a few minutes later, I'm not quite sure what their plan is, or if we'll be at the same table, but we'll improvise."

Joe grins, "Oh this is going to be so much fun."

Taylor rolls her eyes, "Says you Mr. I'm-An-Actor-For-A-Living"

Joe just smirks and kisses her on the lips, "I'll see you there."

They both walk to their respective cars, and Joe watches Taylor pull out in front of him. As he watches her drive away he realizes that he really couldn't go without her. She was such a crucial part of his life.

Taylor parks her car, and walks up to hug her mom, who was standing at the entrance. In the corner of her eye she catches Elizabeth standing there in a green dress, no doubt waiting for Joe. She pretends not to notice her, and her mom pulls her inside.

"The table we- I reserved won't be ready for a few more minutes, so we can just sit down and wait." Taylor nods, trying not to laugh, she can see how hard Andrea is trying to make everything seem normal, but she knows her mom to well.

After a few minutes passed, Joe pulls out and drives after her towards the restaurant. As he pulls up he sees that Taylor's car is already parked, and Elizabeth was waiting for him at the entrance.

He gets out of the car to greet her, "Hey mum!" he says, pulling her into a hug.

"Hey Joe, this place is lovely, I'm so glad I found out about it." Elizabeth smiled.

If Joe was acting normal, he would of course ask her how she found out about it, but refrained, making sure not to blow his cover. Instead he nods, "It really is amazing, the seafood here is incomparable."

Elizabeth takes his arm and leads him into the lobby. Sitting on the cushioned bench is Andrea and Taylor, and Joe musters the best surprised but trying to keep it to himself face he can muster. He sees Taylor doing the same and resists the urge to smile.

Taylor finds herself near laughing as she watches Joe walk in the room. Elizabeth pretends to be on her way to the front desk before 'spotting' Andrea and her and walking over, bringing Joe with her.

Andrea spoke first, "Oh my gosh, hi! What are the odds?"

Elizabeth smiles back, "Oh Andrea! It's been awhile. And it's nice to see you again Taylor! Wow, that's hilarious."

Joe somehow manages to keep a straight face, and slightly tugs on his mothers arm, "Hi Andrea, Taylor." He nods to both of them. "We were actually just going to go grab our table. We don't want to be late so..." he trails off as he pulls his mother back towards the front desk, but Elizabeth stops him.

"Actually, you know what, we could all just eat together too, Andrea and I have some catching up to do." Elizabeth suggests.

Andrea nods, "That sounds great! We have a reservation for 6:00, and the table can fit four."

tay+joe one shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang