Meeting Taylor's Family

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Joe tried to fluff up her hair for the millionth time as Taylor applied a nude shade of lipstick. He walked over to where she was sitting and wrapped arm around her.

Joe gazed into the mirror, "Now don't we look pretty."

Taylor smiled, "You missed a great opportunity to say gorgeous babe, but yes we do look nice."

"I'd hope we do, I need to set a good example for you parents," Joe said jokingly, but there was quite a bit of truth in the sentence.

"Aww is Joe nervous?" Taylor teased

Joe glared at her, stepping away to go pick out a shirt, "I'm not nervous."

"Sureee" Taylor replied, dusting on some blush.

They are silent for a few minutes before Joe speaks, "Tay do you like, this shirt" He holds up a dark blue sweater, "Or this one," he holds up a red plaid collared shirt.

Taylor examines them both before pointing to the blue sweater, "C'mon you know I love blue on you." Joe blushes slightly before slipping into the sweater.

He glances at his watch. "They should be here within five minutes."

Taylor just ever so slightly nods while finishing up her mascara. "Okay, let's go downstairs and make sure everything's ready."

Joe and Taylor had only been dating for about two months but they both knew deep down that they had found the one. After what they referred to as the "Battle of Breakup" a month ago, where Taylor tried to break up with Joe, they were much more stable and confident in their relationship. Joe was spending much more time in America and Taylor would often come with him to London.

Taylor had already met his family a few weeks ago, and they loved her. Joe smiled as he remembered how nervous Taylor was going there but how on the way back she was already making plans to see them again.

Joe followed Taylor downstairs and watched as she fussed over the fact that the meat was slightly overcooked, but Joe saw absolutely no problem.

"Love it looks amazing, I don't see the problem," Joe put his hand on her back and watched as she leaned in to examine the piece of meat.

Taylor rolled her eyes, "Of course you don't see the problem, you'll eat whatever's put on your plate as long as it's edible."

Joe look offended, "Excuse me but I'm a great food critic!" their friendly banter continued on for a few minutes until they heard security call that Taylor's parents were her.

Joe cast Taylor a nervous glance, "I will admit this is kind of stressful."

"Now you see what I was going through?" Taylor whisper-shouted at him but quickly shuts up as soon as Andrea and Scott walked in.

Taylor and Joe walked side by side up to greet them, Taylor speaking first, "Hey mom! Hey dad!" and giving them both quick hugs, "This is Joe, my boyfriend," Taylor gestured to Joe.

Joe shook Scott's hand and went in for a short hug with Andrea. "It's so nice to finally meet you both, I've heard such good things," Joe flashed one of his charming smiles that made Taylor's insides melt like ice cream in the sun.

"Pleasure to meet you as well," said Andrea, and Scott repeated a similar phrase.

Taylor beckoned them all over to the dining table. "So, yeah today we just have some steak, potatoes, and your choice of greens."

Andrea and Scott both nodded, whilst Joe's mouth watered, suddenly starving. He unconsciously pulls her chair out for her before taking the seat next to her. Scott exchanges approving glances with Andrea before they both sit down and serve themselves some meat.

tay+joe one shotsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora