Learning Civility Pt 1.

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"Taylor honey, the new neighbor's are coming over for brunch, okay?" Andrea asked.

The small four-year-old crossed her arms, "But adults are boring."

"They have a kid named Joe that's your age," Andrea explained. "You two can play together."

"Joe is four?" Taylor asked, confirming.

Andrea nodded, "Just like you."

"Yay!" Taylor jumped up and down, "I'm going to have a friend."

"Yup," Andrea replied, "Now why don't you go get changed, okay?"

"Can I wear the Mermaid shirt?" Taylor asked innocently.

"Sure," Andrea smiled at her daughter. "They'll be here soon, so why don't you hurry on up."

Taylor made a tiny salute, running up the stairs. Half an hour later there was a knock on the front door. Taylor stood next to her Mom and Dad, Austin already sitting at the table. The door opened, revealing a brown haired woman, and a bald headed man next to her.

"Hey, I'm Elizabeth!" The brown-haired woman said.

"I'm Taylor!" Taylor said cheerfully, reaching out her hand.

"Hi there, Taylor," Elizabeth smiled, shaking it. "And this is Richard," Elizabeth motioned to the bald-headed man.

Richard shook Andrea and Scott's hand, "Nice to meet you both."

"And these are our sons Tom," Elizabeth motioned to a kid, seemingly a few years older then Taylor.

"Hi!" Tom said, smiling.

"And Joe," Elizabeth looked down, seeing Joe standing behind her. "Say hi, Joe."

Joe waved shyly. Taylor just grinned, "Hi Joe!"

"Hi," Joe mumbled, looking down at his shoes.

Satisfied with his answer, Taylor waltzed back inside the house, plopping down in one of the dinning room seats. "You can sit here, Joe!" Taylor patted the seat next to her.

Joe glanced up at his mom, who nodded for him to go ahead. Walking slowly he sat down, looking down at his lap. Everyone took their own seats as Andrea served chicken, salad, and homemade mac and cheese for the kids.

Taylor instantly dug into the mac and cheese, suggesting it to Joe. Joe took a spoonful of mac and cheese, smiling slowly as he tasted it. "Isn't it good?" Taylor said, shoveling it into her mouth.

"Yeah," Joe said, taking another spoonful.

After they had both cleared off their plates, Taylor stood up excitedly. "Can I show Joe the swingset?"

Andrea looked up from her conversation with Elizabeth, "As long as it's okay with Elizabeth."

Taylor looked to Elizabeth hopefully, who nodded, "Sure! Have fun."

Grinning, Taylor motioned for Joe to follow her. Joe did, walking nervously away from the comfort of his parents. Leading him out to the backyard, Taylor proudly showcased the two swings hanging from the branch.

"This one's mine," Taylor said, sitting down on the swing on the right. "The other was for my brother, but mommy said he was to small to use it. So you can use it!"

He sat down, unsure. Taylor cocked her head, "You don't talk that much."

Joe shrugged, "I don't like to talk to strangers."

"I'm not a stranger, you've known me for at least an hour!" Taylor said, confused.

Joe thought about this for a moment, "Mom say's I'm an intro... invert."

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