CH 8- Helping Her

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Nathan POV- 

When I heard Lainey scream in pain, I was so worried. I mean, I knew she was hurting but I didn't know it was that bad. And when I saw how bruised her ribs and knee were, I knew something was wrong. 

I'm a football player, so I've seen my fair share of injuries and that did not look like one you get from just falling on the ground. The whole situation was off. Wyatt kept giving her angry looks, the twins looked scared, and Adelaine's responses were all wrong. 

Why would she care about telling the hospital what happened?

We are in my truck now, heading to her house. Adelaine is in the front, with the twins and Wyatt piled into the back. I can tell she's in a lot of pain, but I'm guessing she's trying to hide it from her siblings. 

She would make a wonderful mother. 

Woah! Where did that thought even come from. This is bad, I am getting to infatuated with this girl, and she barely even tolerates me. I'm snapped out of my thoughts when Wyatt says the best thing I've ever heard.

"OC, why don't you stay with us for dinner? Lainey shouldn't be up and walking, so you can help me cook. Then, you can just stay and watch movies with us. It's Katie's turn to pick tonight, which means it's going to be a Disney movie and I would love another man there to suffer with me." 

Yes! I love this kid. This is my chance to take my shot. 

Lainey turns and gives Wyatt a death glare. If looks could kill. She then turns to me, telling me with her eyes 'you better say no.' 

"Ya, bud. That would be great. I agree, your sister should not be up and I make a mean meat sauce for spaghetti. And come on, who doesn't like Disney movies." I finish with a wink towards my angel and ignore her death glare, now directed at me. I hear a 'Yes' from all three in the back and just continue driving to the address she gave me, with a big fricken smile on my face. 

This is my chance to finally catch my angel. 


Wyatt POV-

We are in Nathan's truck, driving back to our Uncle's house, after football practice.  I'm in the back with the twins, shooting daggers at Adelaine's back as Nate drives. 

How could she not tell me? If I knew she was in that much pain I would've forced her to tell someone or go to the hospital. 

That's why she didn't tell you, you idiot.

 Oh, right. Well if she won't let me help her, maybe she will let Nathan. 

I saw his face when she fell. He was so worried about her. I know she doesn't want to admit it, but I think Nate might be the one to get us out of all this crap. I was happy he was there for her because I couldn't even think straight I was so mad. I swear I am going to kill that uncle of mine one day. I can't keep watching my big sis get her ass kicked, just to protect us. 

Suddenly I got an idea.  

Ohhh, Adelaine is going to kill you. 

Oh well, if it means she gets some help, I'll deal with it. I quickly clear my throat and begin to say what I'm sure will be my last words, if Lainey has anything to say about it. 

"OC, why don't you stay with us for dinner? Lainey shouldn't be up and walking, so you can help me cook. Then, you can just stay and watch movies with us. It's Katie's turn to pick tonight, which means it's going to be a Disney movie and I would love another man there to suffer with me."  I ask, ignoring the glare Adelaine is sending my way. I watch her look back at him, pleading with her eyes for him to not say yes. 

Man, I really hope I'm right about him. What if he says no? That would mean I was wrong and we are back at square one. My sister can be pretty scary sometimes and I'm guessing he doesn't want to get on her bad side. Maybe I'm reading into things and he doesn't actually care about... 

My overthinking is interrupted by Nate's deep voice. 

"Ya, bud. That would be great. I agree, your sister should not be up and I make a mean meat sauce for spaghetti. And come on, who doesn't like Disney movies." He says with a wink aimed at my sister, earning him the dreaded death glare in return.  

Katie, Dyl, and I all let out a 'Yes!' As Nathan continues the drive to my house. I just hope Adelaine can see where I'm coming from and doesn't kill me before I turn 13. 

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