CH 15- Consequences of the Past

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Adelaine POV-

When I heard Nate say Wyatt was outside with my uncle, my heart stopped. After rushing the twins to a table, I quickly head out to the back. I can hear Nathan following me, but I don't have time to deal with that. I need to get Wyatt safe and figure out what the hell my uncle is doing here. 

Pushing the back door open, I'm slightly blinded by the bright sun outside. Blinking my eyes, I turn my head to see Dorian gripping Wyatt's left arm tightly. 

"Get your hands off him right now Dorian." I yell, while running over to them with Nate close on my heels. 

I watch my uncle release him and turn towards me as Wyatt runs over to meet me half way. I look past him to my uncle and see he's more pissed off then ever before. 

Oh shit! This isn't going to go well. 

"Lainey, what the hell. You need to go back inside. I've got this taken care of." Wyatt says. 

I quickly push him behind me as I see my uncle starting to stumble towards us. Not taking my eyes off him, I respond to Wyatt.

"Wyatt. I'm not doing this right now. I'm not even going to try to make you go inside because I know you won't, but you need to get behind Nathan right now." Knowing he's about to argue, I make my voice even sterner and quickly finish my thought.

"I'm serious Wyatt. Do not argue with me right now. You being in the middle of it will only make things worse. Do as I say now or you are going to be in a world of trouble, do you understand me?" I hear him let out a string of cuss words, but I can also hear the shuffling of feet. I turn around and sure enough he has stepped partially behind Nathan, who is a few feet behind me. 

"Angel, is everything o..." Nathan's words of concern are cut off by my drunk and very pissed off uncle.

"You! You bitch. I knew you were the one who stole my money. How dare you!" He sneers, getting closer with each word until he is only a few feet away. I can see Nate moving out of the corner of my eyes, probably to step in between us, but I hold up my hand and shake my head to stop him. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about Dorian. I didn't steal any money. Incase you hadn't noticed, I work here and make my own money. I don't need to steal yours." I say back, getting angry at the accusation. 

"You lying slut! You know damn well what money I'm talking about. You or one of those bratty children stole $200 from my room last night and you're going to pay." He spits out at me. 

Forgetting Dorian for a moment, I turn my head to see a very guilty Wyatt looking at me. Shoot! That's where he got the money from. 

"Wy, what did you do?" I ask in a low voice, my face a mixture of surprise, anger, and fear. I see Nathan looking confused but his muscles are tensing. 

Dang, on top of everything, he's now going to know about our life. 

"I'm sorry Lainey. I couldn't watch you work yourself to death when that jackass was supposed to be providing for us. He was supposed to take care of us! I was just trying to help!" He says exasperatedly. 

I feel betrayed, hurt, guilty, and a million other things.

I should have provided better for him. He shouldn't have stolen. Our uncle shouldn't be such a bad man. 

But, thinking that won't change what is happening now. Pushing my thoughts to the side, I give him a look that could kill a zombie. 

"Nathan, take Wyatt inside now. I'm going to sort this out and be in in a minute." I say to him, anger and fear lacing my words. 

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