CH 11-A New Day

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Adelaine POV-

It's been 2 weeks since the Monday that Nate came over, and let me just say, a lot has changed.

Like promised, Nathan was there at 8:00 a.m. the next morning. Thankfully, my uncle decided to stick to his usual ritual of not coming home until Tuesday night, so we were safe. The ride to school was actually really nice. Nate made sure I was feeling better, opened my door for me, and asked how I slept. It felt really nice to have someone care, and made me feel even better when he asked my siblings if they had slept well and if they were excited about school.

After that day, I decided to give Nate a real shot. I've been letting him in, slowly, every day and I actually really enjoy his company. We hang out a lot but only when my siblings are around. I'm yet to meet any of his friends that I always see him with at school, but that's ok. I'm still pretty hesitant around new people. 

And I know what you're wondering. No, he hasn't asked me out yet, but I think he wants to.

No, you just want him to. 

Maybe. I don't really know what I want.

I really like him and could actually see us going somewhere but our whole friendship is based off lies. And these are lies he can never know the truth to. As much as I want to start a real relationship with him, I could never do that to him. I can't give him all of me because I need to keep my guard up and protect my siblings. It wouldn't be fair to do that to him.

Ya, keep telling yourself that. 

Shut up, inner dialogue. 

The crazy conversation in my head is interrupted by the chime of my phone, alerting me to a new message. 

Nate: "Hello beautiful. What are you doing tonight?"

Me: "Umm. I don't think I have anything going on. Why? What's up?"

Nate: "Perfect! I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight?"

Oh my gosh! He must be able to read minds. Is he asking what I think he's asking?

Me: "Dinner? As in a date?" He doesn't reply for about 5  minutes and I start to stress. 

What if he didn't mean it like that, but was really just bored and his friends were busy. Goodness, that was definitely the wrong thing to text. It was too soon. 

I'm about to do some damage control when I hear another alert come through. 

Nate: "Sorry, some sales man rang my doorbell. But ya Angel, like a date." 

AHHHHHH! He said date! A a real life date with Nathan O'Conner.  Wait! What about the kids?

Me: "Oh. I'm sorry Nate, but I don't think I can. I have my siblings to take care of and it's too late to get a sitter."

Nate: "I figured you'd say that, so I actually already have one lined up. Miss Mathews used to babysit me and she said she's happy to watch them. We could drop them off and then pick them back up when we are done. Easy as pie." I let out a small chuckle at the fact that he knows me so well, but I'm still hesitant to say yes. What if something happens and I can't get to my siblings in time? Or more importantly, what if I actually start falling for this guy?

Me: "It sounds really fun, but I'm just not sure."

Nate: "Aw. Come on gorgeous. Say yes and I promise I'll make it worth your wild. You wouldn't want me to have to tell my friends that I crashed and burned, now would you?" Another small chuckle escapes my lips, followed by a sigh. Well I guess one date wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides, how can I resist that logic?

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