CH 16- Finding the Truth

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Nathan POV- 

After listening to what Lainey and Wyatt said, I have so many questions. 

What's wrong with their uncle? Who does he think he is calling her those name? I should beat his ass! Why does Lainey have to work so hard? Why didn't anyone ask for help? What the hell does she mean 'hotel'? 

I'm snapped out of my questioning when I see Wyatt getting up to leave. I wait for the door to close before turning back to Lainey. I see her looking out the window with tears in her eyes. Figuring she just forgot I was here, I stay back and let her have her moment. 

Well that is until I see her start to cry and slide down to the ground. I quickly rush over and wrap my arms around her stomach. I'm guessing she's having some sort of panic attack because her breathing is erratic and she looks about 2 seconds from passing out. I need to do something. 

"Breathe Angel. I've got you. Just breathe." I say, in a soothing tone. I watch as her muscles tense then begin to loosen a tiny bit. I can tell she's still having a freak-out but at least me being here seems to be helping more than hurting. 

"Shh. It's ok. Keep breathing." I say to her again. 

Not knowing what to really do, I keep whispering similar phrases while calmly rubbing my hand in circles on her back. I watch as her breathing begins to slow and her eyes become more focused. I just continue to hold her until I feel her muscles unclench completely and she melts into my hold. 

"There you go, Angel. Are you ok now?" I ask gently but still feel her muscles tense a bit more. She sits up and scoots of my lap and I silently mourn the loss of her in my arms, as she looks back up into my eyes. 

God, she has the most beautiful chocolate eyes on the planet.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. I'm sorry you had to see that. I didn't realize you were still in here." She says, her voice still shaky with emotion. 

"It was no problem Angel. I'm just glad you're alright now. Want to tell me what brought that all on?" I stupidly question. 

Duh, her brother just stole and her uncle seemed really mad. 

Why the heck did I ask that? 

"Umm, I'm just a little stressed. I need to figure out what I'm going to do next and I still don't even know how I'm going to deal with Wyatt." She says, beginning to get lost in her thoughts again. 

"I'm sorry you're stressed Angel. Is there anything I can do to help?" I ask. She looks at me with a surprised face. 

What? Hasn't anyone ever offered to help her before? 

"No, no. It's alright. I've got everything covered." She says, after hiding her initial shock. 

"Sorry Angel, but judging by what just happened, I don't really believe you." She starts to say something, I'm sure to deny my help, but I cut her off. 

"Let's start with this. What did you mean when you told Wyatt to get the bags and that you all would be staying in a hotel?" I ask, deciding to get at least one of my original questions answered. 

"Oh, umm. It's nothing, just my uncle doesn't want us back in the house until all this gets sorted so I figured we would just stay at the local inn or something." She says with a shrug of her shoulders. I can see she's trying to play it off as nothing, but I know that this whole staying in a hotel situation is one of her causes of stress. 

"Well that's an easy fix. You guys will stay with me." I say with a big smile on my face.

Please say yes!!!

"What, no. No way. I can't ask that of you Nathan. There's four of us and we will be just fine in a hotel." 

Well I could've guessed she'd say that. 

"Look Angel, it's not a big deal at all. My parents are out traveling the world somewhere and I have plenty of room at my house. Plus, I'm not taking no for an answer. So either you agree to come stay with me or I will sleep outside whatever crappy hotel y'all are staying in, to make sure you're safe." I tell her, deciding that guilting her into it will probably work. 

She looks at me and I can see her mind running through my ultimatum. I honestly can't tell which way she is leaning, but can only hope it's towards staying with me. Finally, she puts me out of my misery and answers. 

"Fine, but only because I would feel worse having you sleep outside and I don't doubt that you would. But, I'm paying rent." She finishes getting up to go to the door. 

There's no way in hell I'm letting her give me a single dollar, but I just take the win for now and decide to have that fight later on. I follow her out of the break room door and we walk over to the table where all three kids stand with duffel bags and a concerned looking Hal. 

"Is everything alright darlin'? I'm just fine giving you the rest of the day off, but I want to make sure you are ok." He frets while giving me a look that says 'I will beat your ass if you do anything to hurt her.' I take a step back and turn to look at Lainey instead of him.

"Yes Hal. Everything's fine, thank you for being concerned. Guys, get your bags and go head out to Nate's truck. We are going to be staying with him for a little while." She says, looking at her siblings.

They all let out an excited 'whoop' before picking up their bags and walking out the front to my truck. Lainey does the same and I start to follow before I feel a rough hand grab my bicep. Turning to the culprit, I look right into one of Hal's infamous death glares. 

"Look here boy. I don't care how much of a bigshot you are in this town. Those kids out there are the closest things Jennie and I've got to a family around here so you better not hurt them. They've been to hell and back, and the fact that Lainey trusts you enough to stay with you means you must be a heck of a good guy. But I'm warning you. If you do anything to break that trust or hurt them, well I've got a shotgun and enough bullets to kill an army." He says in a menacing voice.

"Sir, if I ever do anything to hurt them, I'll load the gun myself." I say with absolute sincerity. 

He nods and releases my arm. Then, I continue to walk out the front and into my truck. I start the engine and drive my girl and her siblings home. 

I'm going to keep them safe. No matter what. I can promise you that. 

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