CH 29- Wondering About the Truth

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Nathan POV-

Everyone but Candace and Lainey are sitting in the movie room eating pizza and watching Captain America, since it was Wyatt's turn to pick. 

I checked on the girls about 30 minutes ago, but they still haven't come out yet. I know they are having a 'girl talk' or whatever the heck that means but I was really looking forward to cuddling up with my Angel and watching Chris Evans kick some ass. Apparently Keith had the same idea since he turns to me and speaks quietly, so as to not disrupt the movie. 

"Hey, what do you say we just go deal with CeeCees' wrath and interrupt the girls. I'm sick of waiting for them to come out. I mean it's 'girl talk' it definitely should not take this long." He says. I nod my head and he must relay the message to Tank and Mouse for backup because they nod their heads too.

What? Candace is damn scary when she wants to be and I do not feel like getting kicked in the balls right now. 

All four of us stand and start moving towards the living room, leaving a completely oblivious Wyatt watching the movie with Katie and Dylan. Stuck in my thoughts about how I'm going to evade Candace's monstrous kick, I nearly run into the girls. 

"Woah there. We were just about to come get y'all." I say, looking down at them. I expect to see two happy girls who just got done gossiping but instead I see both with red puffy eyes. 

"Angel? What happened are you ok?" I ask at the same time Keith cups Candace's face and asks a similar question. They both just snuggle in closer to their respective boyfriends, which only makes us all the more worried. 

"What the hell man? I thought you said they were just having girl talk." Keith suddenly turns, angry at me. Candance steps back slightly and forces him to look down at her. 

"Relax you big oaf. We were having 'girl talk.' It just got a little emotional." She replies, calming Keith down. 

"Well I don't really know what 'girl talk' entails but I sure don't like that it made my girl cry." Keith says to Candace.

"Well it's not usually like this." Lainey mumbles into my chest. All four guys look at her before turning our questioning glances to Candace. 

"We just shared some secrets." She says and then hesitantly continues.

"I told her about James." 

My muscles tense at the mention of the fucker that beat up on Candace. I look around to see Tank with a deep scowl, Mouse a murderous gaze, and Jingles tightening his hold on Candace. It's safe to say we hate that bastard with a passion. 

That day we found out what he had been doing to CeeCee, we all piled into the car and drove to his house. Luckily his parents weren't home and we caught him taking the trash cans out. I'd never seen any of us get that mad before, especially Keith. Which, by the way is how I figured out he had feelings for Candace. 

Anyways, we all took turns bashing that fuckers' face in and Jingles, not so suddely told him that if he ever showed his face around here again he would 'make sure to reserve a plot for him at the town cemetery'.

I don't think Candace ever found out about what we did, thought I'm guessing she suspects since the kid had to move to a different town. Even though we got some good licks in, we are all still royally pissed that we didn't see it happening or stop it before it got that bad. 

"Relax tough guys. He's gone now and we're fine. Actually better than fine. Our talk helped a ton and Lainey here finally realized that she made a new best friend." Candace replies with a wink to Lainey who has moved back slightly from my chest. 

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