CH 21- Pain and Heartbreak

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Adelaine POV-


"LAINEYYY!" Yep, this is how I am once again woken up.

I wonder what happened now. I think, as I drag myself out of bed and towards where the noise came from.

Could this day get any worse?

Incase you are wondering, I never should've asked that because it apparently can. 


I quickly drag my sleepy body down the stairs and to the living room where I think the shout came from. 

"Wyatt? What in the world are you doing up this early?" I ask incredulously, as I look at him standing up and staring outside at something.

Not two seconds after I ask that, a frazzled looking Nate comes running out to once again help in whatever danger has my siblings screaming their heads off. Wyatt doesn't say anything but slowly turns so I can see his frightened face looking out the window. Without a word, he points a shaky finger towards Nate's driveway. Wondering what's going on, I walk over to him, but am suddenly stopped by what I'm seeing. 

Outside is my car. Normally that wouldn't be weird, considering I had asked Hal to drop it off the night before. The bad part was that the headlights were smashed out, there were key slashes on the side, and in big red letters was the word 


I'm not really sure what happened next. All I know is I saw black spots and began to fall, as I heard Nathan and Wyatt scream my name. 



Checking my phone, I saw it read 1:27 a.m.

Whenever I babysat, I always waited for mom and dad to get home before I went to bed. I don't really know why, I guess I just couldn't sleep until our whole family was home safe. I blame it on my parents' constant reminder of how 'family is the most important thing.' Either way, that's the only reason I have been sitting on the couch for the last four hours waiting for them to arrive. 

Before they left, they said they would be here at 9:30 and no later. 

What is keeping them so long? They're probably just partying extra hard. Maybe even doing the nasty in the car. 

EWW! That is sooo not an image I needed put in my head. 

After trying to call them three more times, I decide to just head on up to bed. Right as I'm about to walk upstairs, I hear the doorbell ring. 

Well finally. 

Figuring my parents just forgot their house key, I go to open the door but am stopped when I see a man in a blue cop's uniform instead of my parents. 

"Ma'am. Are you Adelaine Scott? Oldest daughter of Kelly and John Scott?" The officer asks me with a wary look. 

"Umm yes sir, I am. May I ask what the problem is? My parents aren't home right now but they will be shortly." I reply back, using the polite tone my parents always taught me to have. 

At the mention of my parents, the man gives me a look full of sorrow. What the heck is going on? Before I could voice my question, the man starts again.

"My name is Officer Jenkins and this is my partner Officer Anderson, may we come in? I'm sorry it's so late, but I was sent here to talk to you kids. Could you please get your siblings?" He asks hesitantly. 

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