CH 28- Telling the Truth

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Adelaine POV-

For the next 15 minutes I tell her everything. How my parents died, my uncle abused us, what I did to protect my siblings. I even went on to tell her about the most recent event and how I owed him money for what Wyatt did. By the end of my story we are both in tears and holding on to each other. 

"You see. I don't care what happens to me, but I can't let my siblings get hurt. If anyone finds out, CPS will separate us and I won't let that happen." I tell her, after I finish with my sob story. 

"I'm so sorry Lainey. I had a hunch that something was going on, but I didn't know it was that bad. And I completely understand why you can't tell anyone. I promise I'll keep your secret, as long as you promise me you'll stay safe from here on out." Ignoring the last part of Candace's request, I ask her what she means.

"What do you mean you had a hunch? I thought this was the first time you saw anything." I ask her.

"Well it's the first time I saw actual proof. But remember when you hurt your knee and Nate helped you? He was really worried about you and was telling us about how it looked bad. Everything he was saying immediately sounded really familiar, but I kind of blew it off since I didn't know you very well. I'm so sorry. If I had confronted you earlier, maybe you wouldn't be hurt right now." She replies, bursting into tears and making me do the same all over again. 

"Candace, you can't think like that. I didn't know you then and even if you had confronted me, I would have lied right through my teeth. None of this is anyone's fault but Dorian's." I say while pulling her in for a hug. 

"I'm really grateful I have you in my life to talk to. I hate that you had to go through this too, but I'm glad you're here to help me." I say after pulling away from our hug and looking at her tear stained face. 

"Of course. And if anything had to come from that bastard James, I'm glad I have the knowledge to help you. So what do we do now?" She asks.

"Well, I can't tell anyone what happened. Like I said, I won't risk my family like that." I say without hesitation.

"Well, I'm not letting you get hurt again." She says with a stern voice. 

"Candace, I think of you as my best friend and we've only known each other for a short while, but you can't worry about this. It's not really your problem to deal with." I reply.

"Like hell it's not. You are my best friend and you're dating a man I think of as my brother, that makes you family Lainey. So you and your siblings are now under my 'protection' so to say. Look, I promised you I won't tell anyone and I won't but I need you to make a promise to me too." She gives me a pointed look and continues when I make no motion to argue with her. 

"You'll stay here, with Nate. Just cut off all ties with your uncle. Once you turn 18 in a year, you can go to court and get full custody of your siblings, that way you can be safe from him but the state can't separate you." She says with confidence. 

"I don't know. I can't ask Nate to do that for us." I reply hesitantly.

"Honey, that man thinks you hung the moon. He would do anything for you and I promise, you living here is of absolutely no inconvenience for him. And if for some reason that Jagoff messes up, then you'll come to live with me. End of story and so not up for discussion." She states giving me a stern look that says 'I dare you to fight me on this.'

Deciding it's best to just accept her help and deal with the consequences later, I agree. 

"Perfect. Then it's settled. But Lainey? You know you can't hide this from Nate forever, he's going to know something is up sooner or later." She says to me with a sorrowful look.

"I know CeeCee. I just... I don't know. I'm scared that if I tell him, it will ruin what we have. I'm just not ready yet." I reply.

"I get it. Just don't jump to conclusions about him. Nate's a really good guy and I've never seen him care for anyone as much as he does for you and those three rascals out there. I think if you give him a chance, he might surprise you." She says wholeheartedly. 

"Oh and if he acts exactly how you think he will, then I'm going to be giving him a piece of my mind, while holding a very dangerous knife." 

We both let out a roar of laughter at her protective antics. 

"You, know. I think your 5'7 self really scares the crap out of those giants of men out there." I reply, still laughing.

"Hell ya I do. They all know not to mess with me. You should see them run when I'm on my period. Ha! They're like scared little girls." She says with a wink and an evil smirk on her face. 

"Alright honey. Let's go get you cleaned up and head out to the living room. I'm starving and pizza and cuddles with my man sound really good after all that emotional crap we just went through." Candace says, standing and dragging me into the bathroom.

"Ya, that does sound really nice." I reply back more lightheartedly. 

I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my chest and it's all because of this fiery red head. I guess telling someone did help. Now I just have to trust that she will keep her promise to me. And I know one day I will tell Nate, just not right now. For right now, I want to live in my blissful, naïve, fairytale, that I have in this house. I've fought hard to stay alive and I'll be damned if I let my uncle ruin these moments when he's not even here. 

17 minutes, a pound of concealer, and a ton of Advil later Candace and I leave the room hand in hand. We have a new bond between us that can't be broken. I trusted this girl with my secrets and she was there for me without judgment. It feels really damn good to have a new best friend. 

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