CH 22- Watching Her Hurt

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Nathan POV-

I think I have had years taken off my life by everything that has happened this morning. I swear, every time one of the kids yells for Lainey, I get so worried that they're hurt. Although sick twins and a fire aren't really what one would call fine, it's a lot better than one of them being seriously injured or something. 

I wake up to another scream for Lainey. I'm a bit slower getting out of bed this time because I am about dead on my feet. 

This has been one long ass night. Ya, but you love being there for them. 

Ignoring my inner dialogue, I open my door and run out to see Wyatt and Lainey in the living room. I'm immediately wide awake when I see Wyatt's terrified looking face. He doesn't say anything, just points to the window that overlooks my driveway. I follow Lainey over to it, but am momentarily stopped. 

There, sitting in my driveway, is my Angel's car. Only it's smashed and keyed with big red letters reading 'MURDERER' on the front. I am suddenly so overcome with rage, everything in my body tenses. I can feel my hands clenching into fists and my face getting set into a deathly look.

Murderer? What the hell? Why would someone to this to her? I am going to find out and kill whoever is responsible for this. My sweet Angel does not deserve this. 

Speaking of, I look over at Lainey to see she is quickly paling. Before I have a chance to ask if she's ok, she starts to collapse to the ground. 

"LAINEY!" Wyatt and I yell at the same time as I rush over to catch her before she hits the ground. 

I sit down and cradle her in my arms, while Wyatt sits next to us, moving the hair from her face. He doesn't look nearly as worried as I am and that is not helping my anger nor concern.

"Wyatt, what the hell is wrong with her?" I all but yell at him, still holding Lainey in my arms. 

"She's having a panic attack. She gets them a lot but she hasn't had one like this since right after my parents died." He says in only a slightly worried tone.

"I've seen her have a panic attack. This isn't it, she's not responsive at all." I franticly reply, thinking back to yesterday in the diner's break room.

"She told me that if it's really bad she gets stuck in her head. She's probably having a flashback right now." He says. 

"Well, what the hell do we do?" I ask.

"We can't do anything, Nate. As much as it kills me, when she gets like this all we can do is sit here and wait for her to snap out of it." Wyatt finishes with a sigh.  

Wyatt and I both sit there silently for 15 minutes, me holding her body and him running his fingers through her hair, when I see her starting to come to. 

"Lainey? Can you hear me?" I ask, repositioning myself so I can cup her face in my hands.

"Wake up Lainey, we're right here for you." Wyatt says softly in her ear. 

I can see her trying to gain back her consciousness but it doesn't seem to be working. 

What if she can't snap out of it? No, no way. She was just starting to trust me. She's going to wake up, give me some answers, and then we are becoming more than f-ing friends.

I think to myself, still angry about all that's happened. I will my subconscious to calm down and try waking her up again. 

"Angel, baby. Please open your eyes." I plead softly. 

Seeming as my words did the trick, I watch as her eyes start to flutter open.

"That's it baby. Look at me. Come on." I instruct in a soothing tone. 

Her eyes finally open and I am met with the most heartbreaking chocolate gaze I've ever seen. I can see so many emotions fluttering around in her eyes: heartbreak, pain, confusion, sadness, and more, right before her steel walls go back up and she averts her gaze. Just looking at her be so hurt sends a sharp knife right through my chest. 

I would do anything to take this girl's pain away. 

"Nate?" She asks and then turns her gaze to Wyatt. "Wy? What's going on?"

"You passed out Laine." Wyatt softly answers her. 

I watch as realization hits and she suddenly remembers all that has happened. She lets out a gut-wrenching sob and turns her face into my chest, continuing to cry. I just sit there and soothe her until  it seems she got it all out. After another 10 minutes of me holding her, she finally calms down and looks up at me. 

"I'm ss-ss-sorry, Nate. Your sh-shirt is ruined." She says between sniffles.

"Don't worry about it Angel. You ok now?" I ask, not bothering to hide the concern lacing my words.

"Ya. I'm sorry. It's just seeing the car, brought up some bad memories." She replies, looking in the direction of the window again before back at me. 

"It's ok gorgeous. No need to apologize. You needed to get it out and I'm glad I could be here to comfort you. You think you can stand up?" I ask. She nods her head and I stand to help her up. 

"Nate I..." She begins, probably seeing all the unanswered questions written on my face. 

"Why don't we just rest for today. You and Wyatt go hit the movie room and I'll check on the twins. It's been a long morning, so we can figure everything out tomorrow." I interrupt. 

"But my car." She says sadly, looking out the window again and I watch her tense when she sees it. 

"I'm going to put a cover over it so no one can see. We can call the police tomorrow and fill them in, I don't think you are in any state to talk to them right now." I say. 

"No! Please, no police! It was probably some punk kid who just wanted to play a mean joke. There's absolutely no reason to involve the authorities." She  says exasperatedly, her face looking terrified. Wyatt speaks up before I can argue. 

"Laine, this isn't some practical joke. Your car was destroyed. We need to tell the police. You could be in danger, what they wrote on it means that they know you." He says pleadingly. Lainey looks at him, a mixture of hurt and anger.

"What do you mean they know me? Are you saying I'm a fucking murderer Wyatt?" She asks with her voice raised and a glare on her face. 

"Jesus Lainey, you know that's not what I meant." He says looking hurt.

"Really? BECAUSE YOU'VE SAID IT BEFORE, so why wouldn't I think that's what you meant." She yells at him.  

I feel my eyes go big as I look at Wyatt who has a shocked look on his face. 

He said that to her? I don't care if he's her brother or not, no one talks to my Angel like that. 

Suddenly, I feel an angry energy running through me as my fists and jaw clench. I'm guessing Wyatt sees this because he quickly goes to explain.

"No, no. It wasn't like that. I blamed her ONCE, the day we found out our parents died." He says looking at me and then turns back to Lainey. "I apologized immediately. You promised me you didn't hold that against me. I never EVER meant what I said, I was hurt and didn't know what to do. I'm going to spend the rest of my life regretting that, Lainey, but you know I didn't mean it." He says to her in a pleading voice. 

I watch as guilt fills her features before she tamps it down. She sighs and then walks off towards her room, mumbling something about needing a second to cool off. Wyatt and I just stand there dumbfounded. 

I have no clue what just happened, but I'm determined to find out. Lainey and I are having that talk, and soon. 

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