CH 20- Figuring It Out

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Adelaine POV-

Last night, seeing as how it is now 12:30 a.m., was so wonderful. I loved making new friends and watching my siblings have so much fun. Falling asleep, I was so ready for the next day, because I'm finally going to let Nathan in. After talking with Candace I realized I need to stop being so afraid. So, I decided that today, I would drop some hints and hopefully he'll ask me out. 

All of last night, I completely forgot about my troubles and I'm actually having a hard time remembering them now. I know I need to find a way to pay my Uncle back, which just means a ton more work hours, but I really can't find it in myself to care right now. 

All I am thinking about is how many times I caught Nate staring at me last night. And the look of lust in his eyes when I walked in with my jammies on. I'm starting to really fall for him and I know that today will help further our relationship. 

With that thought, I drift off to sleep and dream of the wonderful day to come.


It's currently 8:00 a.m. on Sunday, my first day I'm actually going to start something with Nathan, and it's already going to hell. Let's just start from the beginning and roll with that.

*3:00 a.m.*

"LAINEYYY!" I'm jerked awake by a shout that sounds like Katie.

I quickly run out of my room, seeing Nathan throw open his door and follow me, and rush to the twins' room. 

"What? What's wrong?" I ask breathlessly, but stop when I see Dylan hunched over with throw up on his bed.

"Oh, Dyl. Hang on buddy." I say as I rush over to hold him. Right as I'm about to ask Nate to pass me a trashcan, Dylan upheaves all over me.

"S-sso-rry La-inn-e." Dylan says in between gags.

"It's ok bud. Don't worry about it." I say while trying to hold back my own upchuck because of the smell. 

I get the trash can from Nate and, ignoring the smell all over me, stand and rub Dylan's back while he throws up. After a while he starts just dry heaving and then stops and lays back down, exhausted.  

"Ok, Dyl. It seems like you got it all out. Why don't you come with me and we will go clean ourselves up." I say while lifting him off his bunk bed. 

We make our way to the bathroom when I'm stopped by a tired looking Wyatt.

"Dyl? What's going on? Lainey, god, what is that smell?" He asks, becoming more awake when the stench hits his nose.

"It's nothing Wy. Go back to bed, Dylan is just a little sick. We aren't going to the soccer game so you can sleep in. We might be a bit noisy so put your headphones in and try to get some more sleep, ok?" I ask. 

He just nods his head and stumbles back into his room, shutting the door behind him. Dylan and I continue our walk to one of the bathrooms. I quickly get his clothes off and put him in the warm tub. 

"Ok, buddy. Stay there, I'm going to go change, get the thermometer, and check your temperature." I tell him. 

I'm about to walk into my room to change when I hear my name called again, this time by Nathan. Groaning, I run over to the twins room again to see the same sight, but with Katie instead of Dylan. I push Nate out of the way and do the same thing, letting her get it out, before picking her up and putting her in the bath with Dylan. 

"Nate, do you have a thermometer anywhere?" I shout from the bathroom. I still haven't gotten to change out of my clothes and I'm really worried about the twins, they never get sick. 

"Ya, Angel. Let me get it and I'll bring it right in. Need anything else?" Nate asks.

"Ya, could you bring some water bottles? I think they need to hydrate more." I reply back.

A little while later he brings me the thermometer and water. I check Dylan's temp first, 101.2, and then Katie's, 101.0. 

"Dang it! Ok, my babies, you both have a slight fever so we are going to get you out of here and into my room." I say to them. Since the disgusting throw up has basically dried on me, I pick up Katie and Nate grabs Dylan. We take them both back to my room, since their beds are still covered in throw up, and tuck them in. I place a cold pack on each of their foreheads to hopefully bring their temps back down and then turn and leave. 

I walk out and back into the twins' room. I quickly strip their sheets as Nathan brings me new ones and I put those on. After finishing with their beds, I head into the bathroom to finally take a quick shower.

After getting out of my shower, I realize I completely forgot to get clothes. Wrapping the towel around me, I silently step out and open the door. Right on the floor is a pile of Nathan's clean boxers and a t-shirt. Deciding it's better than walking naked, I go back into the bathroom and slip them on. 

Mmmm it smells like him. 

This is now my new favorite outfit and if the look on Nate's face is any indication, when I leave the bathroom, it's his too. 

"Damn Angel. I can't tell you how much I love seeing you in my clothes." He says, making my cheeks bloom a dark red. 

"Umm, thank you for them. I didn't even realize I forgot to get some clothes."

"No problem sweetheart. Why don't you go ahead and take my room, since the twins are in yours, I'll take my parents' so I'm still close if y'all need anything." He says. 

Not having enough energy to argue, I just walk back to his room and close the door. Sadly,  I am too tired to appreciate his décor, smell, or everything else that is his because the second my head hits the pillow, I'm out. 

*6:00 a.m.*

"LAINEYYY!" And we are back. 

This time, it sounds like Wyatt is the one yelling for me, from the kitchen. I quickly run downstairs and, like before, am followed by a tired looking Nate. 

"Wyatt? What's wrong?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen, but am once again halted when I see a fire on the stovetop.

"Holy shit!" I yell and then grab Wyatt out of the kitchen as Nate races around us to put it out. Once the water doses it, I turn to Wyatt.

"Wy? What the hell?" I ask incredulously.

"I'm sorry. I know you guys had a rough night so I wanted to get up and make you something for breakfast, but I didn't really know how to work his stove and I accidentally put too much oil in the pan and honestly I don't really know what happened." He rambles on, not even taking a breath. I take a big sigh and run my hands through my hair.

"Well the thought was nice, Wy. But how about next time, you just let me do the cooking and preferably after 9 a.m., ok? Now, it's still really early so why don't you go back to bed and I'll finish cleaning everything up here." I say to him. 

He replies with an 'ok' and walks back to his room. I turn to Nathan and just hope he isn't too mad at us. What I'm not expecting is to see him laughing. 

"Well, that's certainly not what I expected to see this early." He laughs out.

"I'm really sorry Nate. Why don't you go back to bed, I'll clean this up." I reply, already moving towards the mess Wyatt made but stop when he puts his hand on my arm.

"Don't worry about it Angel. It's not a big deal and it can wait until tomorrow. Why don't we both just head back to sleep and deal with it then." He says to me. 

"Ok. But only because I'm too tired to actually realize how much of a mess he made." I say, making Nate chuckle as we both head back upstairs to our rooms. After checking on the twins, and seeing that they are still asleep, I once again hit the pillow and am almost immediately asleep. 

*8:00 a.m. (back to present)*

"LAINEYYY!" Yep, this is how I am once again woken up. 

I wonder what happened now. I think, as I drag myself out of bed and towards where the noise came from. 

Could this day get any worse? 

Incase you are wondering, I never should've asked that because it apparently can. 

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