CH 39- Figuring It Out

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Adelaine POV- 

As I stand in the house, looking out the back window, I see the boys all playing tag football. Dylan, Tank and Nate are on a team, with Wyatt, Keith, and Mouse on the other. Candace and Katie are sitting in lawn chairs, drinking lemonade and watching them. I just got off work and my heart swells, seeing my siblings look so happy and carefree. Watching them, I think back to all that has happened in the past month. 

We moved back into Nate's house a few days after he slept outside of Candace's, a thing he did all three nights we tried to remain there; it was the reason we moved back so soon, I didn't want him to keep sleeping outside. 

Although I had forgiven him, it took a lot more for Wyatt to. The first couple of days he was back, were pretty tense. Being his overprotective self, Wy really didn't want anyone to get their hopes up. I think once he finally saw what I saw, how much Nate regretted it, he eased up. Now, a month later, they've gone back to the way they were before. 

Like he promised, Nate has spent every day showing me how sorry he is. He's been sweet as pie and is constantly finding ways to help me. After the first couple of week, I had to sit him down and tell him he was fully forgiven. It didn't change his attitude, but he backed off the more materialistic tasks. We do, however, make a point to tell each other 'I love you' everyday and we've decided on resolving any issues immediately, instead of letting them stir. 

Among those issues, is still my uncle. After Nate realized I had truly forgiven him, the topic came up again. He still really wants me to call the police and report everything. Apparently, when Nate was doing his 'cooling off walk' Mouse and Tank had taken pictures of the front porch before they cleaned it. Those pics are in a file with all the other recounts of stalker-ish events. 

I think the only reason Nate hasn't gone and killed my uncle yet is because I really stressed the fact that I would leave if he didn't let me handle it in my own way. He agreed, but is still super protective and makes sure I always check in with him. Basically, I can't even poop without him knowing, which is a little frustrating but I know he's just worried about the next time my Uncle tries something. 

On everyone's insistence, I've cut back my hours at the diner. It's been nice to not have to kill myself and it means I get to spend more the time with the people I consider family. I haven't missed a football game yet and I definitely don't plan to. They have a really big game, against a rival team, coming up in about a week. The boys have all been practicing really hard and I can tell they are nervous. Candace, Dyl, Katie, and I have been making sure to plan a bunch of movie and nights out to keep them from going crazy. 

So, overall, my life has been going really great. Quickly changing out of my diner uniform, I put on a pair of soft leggings and one of Nathan's shirts. Grabbing a lemonade for myself, I walk out to my little family. 

"Lainey!!!" Katie says when she sees me and nearly topples me over in her rush to my arms. I give her a tight squeeze and set her back down so we can walk towards everyone else. 

"Hey, girl! How was work?" Candace asks when I sit in one of the empty lawn chairs. 

"Good. Old man Chuck came in today. I swear that man has no shame. Nearly 80 years old and he was flirting with me the whole time." I say with a chuckle, shaking my head at the old man's antics. 

"Ha! That man never changes. My grandma said he was the exact same way in high school, shame he never settled down with anyone." She replies. I nod my head and we both go back to watching the guys. 

I look at Nate. He has his shirt off and his abs are glistening with a light sheen of sweat. Although it's only almost February, the Texas heat has already started coming back. Not that I can complain, seeing as that means I get my man half naked all the time. 

I absentmindedly lick my lips when he turns and meets my eyes. I watch his travel down to my lips before his pupils dilate. I can hear him let out a low groan before he comes over and sweeps me out of my chair. 

"Like what you see Angel?" He asks before crushing his lips onto mine in a bruising kiss. 

I swear, you would think we hadn't seen each other in days rather than the few hours I had to be at work. Of course, we are interrupted when my brother starts to do his usual complaining. We both let out a chuckle as Nate sets me back in my chair and everyone else walks over. 

"So, I was thinking." Nate starts. 

"Oh no, that's never a good sign." Keith says, ignoring Nate's glare, and picking Candace up before sitting in her spot and pulling her onto his lap. 

"Shut up ass-hat. Anyways, I was thinking that since we have the big game this Friday, we should have a barbecue tomorrow afternoon. I know it's kind of late and, since it'll be a Sunday, we will have to work around people's church schedules. But, I think it would be good for the team to have a nice get together. Plus, I get to show off my girl." He says, looking down at me and doing the same thing Keith did. 

"Sweet. I think that's a great idea. My dad taught me how to use a grill when I was younger, and Lainey makes the best potato salad you'll ever have." Wyatt says excitedly. 

"Ohh, and we could hang cute lights and football decorations in your backyard. I bet the cheerleaders and other girlfriends would help us. We could even put out your guys' extra jerseys and then y'all can wear your game ones." Candace says with equal excitement in her voice. 

"I'm down."

"Sounds fun." 

"Count me in." 

All three guys reply. Seeing as how Dylan and Katie are off doing whatever it is they do, all heads turn to see my reply. 

"What are you looking at me for? I'm always down to party. Especially if it's one where I'm going to be surrounded by a bunch of hot football guys." I say, making everyone chuckle. Nate lets out a low growl and wraps his arms possessively around me. 

"Angel, I'm the only hot football guy you need to be worried about." He says in a commanding voice. 

"Mhmm, we will see. You might have to work a little harder to keep my attention." I say back, giving him a wink. 

Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say, because he carefully picks me up and tosses me into the pool. I hear everyone laughing and see Nathan with a big smirk on his face, when I resurface. 

"Nathan Andrew O'Conner you are going to pay for that." I growl out, but my voice turns to a laugh when I see Tank shove Nate into the pool. Of course, that starts a full out war and before I know it, everyone is splashing around in the pool with their clothes on. 

Gosh, I love my life. 

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