CH 12- The Date

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Adelaine POV-

"Ok. Be good for Miss Mathews please. She was kind enough to watch you guys for a few hours, so let's not make her want to kill herself ok?" I say with a pointed look to Wyatt. See the thing is, he doesn't think he needs a babysitter so he's a complete brat whenever they have one.

"Isn't that a little harsh, Laine?" Nate whispers in my ear, humor clear in his deep voice.

"Not at all. I swear, these kids are monsters when they want to be." I say back with a chuckle before turning to the sweet old lady.

"Thank you so much again. We really appreciate it." I say.

"Nonsense. I'm happy to help out my wittle tater tot whenever he needs it." Miss Mathews says in a baby voice for the last part.

I try to stifle a laugh but a small chuckle escapes. Wyatt on the other hand just lets it roar and Nate blushes a deep red.

"Tater Tot?" Wyatt asks between laughs.

"Well of course. That's his favorite food. When he was little he would shove those things down his pants to hide them for later. Grossest thing I ever saw, but he was just too cute." The old lady says, seeming confused as to why we are all laughing.

Wyatt of course lets out another huge laugh and says something about 'telling the guys.' This earns him a glare from Nate, which does absolutely nothing to stop his hysterics. Miss Mathews is thoroughly confused now and turns to us with a questioning glance.

"Oh don't mind him. He's crazy. Thanks again and have fun kids. Come on Tater tot, we've got a date to get to." I say and then proceed to the door.

I hear Nate let out a low growl but just keep walking towards his truck. I'm about to reach the door when I feel strong arms spin me around. I look up to see Nate with a look of annoyance on his face, but his eyes give him away with their show of amusement.

"Crazy old woman. Doesn't know when to stop talking." He grumbles out and leans in towards my face.

Oh my gosh!!! Is he going to kiss me?

I feel my face get red and then Nate has a cocky smirk on his. He reaches around me and pulls open my door, obviously aware of what I was thinking. After my door is opened he waits with his hand out to help me in, always with that damn gorgeous smirk. Shaking my head, I take his hand and step into the truck.

"Relax. I think it's cute. Although, you might need to worry about Wyatt. I think he might've peed his pants he was laughing so hard." I reply. He grumbles something inaudible, then shuts my door and hops into the driver's seat.

"So, now that I've been thoroughly embarrassed. Ready to get on with our date?" Nate asks with mock self-pity, before putting the truck in reverse and backing out of the driveway. 

"Oh hush, I can tell you love Miss Mathews, but yes. I am ready. Where are we going?" I ask. 

"That, my gorgeous Angel, is a surprise." He says, turning to wink at me and then focusing on the road again. 

"Really? But I hate surprises." I whine, to which he just smiles and stays silent. 

We drive in comfortable silence for a few minutes. I didn't realize, but some time ago Nate had moved his hand to hold mine, on top of my thigh. I look over at him and immediately feel butterflies at the sight of him. He looks so handsome in his cowboy boots and hat, driving casually with one hand on the wheel. 

You might want to wipe the drool off your mouth. 

Shut up. 

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I feel the car stop. Looking up, I see we have pulled up in front of the diner. I feel the smile that hasn't left my face, suddenly begin to slip into a small frown. Not wanting to offend him, I quickly place a fake smile on my face. Nate just lets out a small chuckle and gets out to open my door. After helping me out, we start to walk to the place where I have to work everyday.

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