CH 14- A Day Turned Bad

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Nathan POV-

It is currently 9:15 a.m. on Saturday. I'm supposed to pick Wyatt up at 9:30, then the twins and get to the movie at 10:00. I can't wait to hang out with them.

I know at first I wanted to get in good with the younger ones because I figured it would help me with Lainey. And although it worked, that wasn't my motive anymore. I actually loved hanging out with her siblings.

Wyatt is really mature for his age and our mutual love of football made us hit it off immediately. I definitely like how protective over his siblings he is, but how he still doesn't disrespect them. Dylan's a cool little dude as well. He just talks about whatever comes to mind and I love how honest he is. And of course there's Katie. That little girl has anyone and everyone wrapped around her finger with just one smile, and I was no different. 

As I walked out my front door a thought passed through my mind.

 I could really see myself being a part of this family and bringing them into mine. 

I just hope that they we will give me a chance to do that. I know I can give them all the life they deserve and I'll spend every day proving that to them if I have to. 


"Hey, Wy. How was your sleepover? Cause any trouble?" I said to Wyatt as he hopped into the front seat of my car. He sat, put his seatbelt on, and I started driving towards the diner before he answered. 

"Hey, OC. Ya, it was fun. Rian and I stayed up all night and his mom even let us walk to the store and buy a bunch of junk food. It was awesome!!!" Wyatt said excitedly. I let out a deep laugh.

"So, I'm guessing the answer to my question is yes, you did cause trouble."

"Hell ya." Wyatt said laughing. 

The rest of the ride to the diner was filled with stories of Wyatt and Rian's escapades of the night before. I was still laughing when I pulled my truck into the front spot of the Diner. Wyatt and I both got out and walked in, the bell jangling to alert the other patrons and employees someone has arrived. 

"NATE!" I hear squealed right before a flash of blonde hair and pink tutu come barreling into my legs, giving them a tight squeeze. I bend down to pick up an excited Katie and then look back up to see Dylan walking with Adelaine over to me. 

"Katie, what have I said about manners. It's impolite to go running into people like that. You might've hurt Nate if he wasn't paying attention." Lainey reprimanded the little girl still squirming in my arms. 

Hurt me? I don't think this little thing could hurt a fly. 

Not wanting to get in the way of Lainey's 'parenting' I decide to keep that comment to myself. 

"It's all good Angel. No harm done." I say and then turn to look at the three kids who were now all standing on her right side. 

"Are you guys ready to go? The movie starts at 10:00 but I figured we would need time to get popcorn and candy and all that." I hear three excited squeals and decide to take that as a 'yes.' 

Laughing, I turn my attention back to Lainey who was laughing too. 

God she has the most amazing laugh.

"Oh my, well I'm guessing that's a yes. Ok, you guys be on your best behavior for Nate. It was very kind of him to take y'all so you wouldn't have to sit here all day. Go enjoy the movie and come right back here after. I'll have some lunch ready for all of you, so for gosh sakes don't make yourself sick on junk food." Lainey says, giving a pointed look to Wyatt at the last part. 

She then starts to hand me $40, but I push her hand away shaking my head. 

"Don't worry about it sweetheart. This is my treat today. Remember you're doing me a favor by letting me hang out with these wild ones. Don't you fret about anything. I'll keep them safe and have 'em back here by lunchtime." With that, I grabbed Katie's hand and walked out of the diner, with Wyatt and Dylan following me. 

After arriving at the theater and getting snacks, I see how excited all three kids are. It's like they're at Disneyland rather than the cheap, two auditorium movie theater we have in our town. As if reading my thoughts, Wyatt speaks up.

"Thanks again for bringing us here Nate. We don't get to go to the movies very much, but it's one of our favorite things to do." He says with an appreciative look.

"No problem Bud, but if you guys love it so much why don't you come more often?" I ask with curiosity.

"Oh umm well Lainey works a lot so she doesn't always have the time to bring us. Plus, we don't exactly have the money to come here more than a few times a year." He says with a hint of sadness. 

I didn't know they were having money problems; although I guess that would explain why Lainey has to work so much, but why doesn't their uncle take care of everything? 

Deciding to ask Lainey about it later I reply to Wyatt.

"Well don't worry bud because if you want, we can come here all the time. I love going to the movies and I love hanging with you guys; combine both and boom, you've got my perfect day." I say with a wink to him. That seemed to do the trick and his smile immediately returned as he runs off to catch up with Dylan and Katie, probably to tell them the news. 

From here on out, I'm going to make sure to keep those smiles on their faces, as well as my Angel's.  


"... And then the bad guy hit him and it was like 'bam' 'pow' 'bang'. And superman went all 'kapow' 'boom' 'swoosh'...."

We're in the car listening to Dylan's recap of the superhero movie we had just seen, as I drive all of us back to the diner. The movie was pretty good and the kids really seemed to like it. As I figured, it was great to spend time with them and I was sad to have the time end, so I decided to hang out at the diner for a bit. That way, I could still keep the kids entertained and I'd get to watch my beautiful Angel while she worked. 

As I pulled my truck into a parking spot, I see a man stumble around to the back of the diner at the same time I hear Wyatt let out a string of curse words.

"Shit. What the hell is he doing here. This can't be good." He says, already getting himself and then Katie out of the car. I get out, help Dylan, and then meet up with them in front of the truck.

"What? Who is that guy?" I ask Wyatt, still eyeing the man who has disappeared behind the wall.

"My uncle." He says and then gives me Katie's hand.

"Here, take them inside. I'll be there in a sec, I just need to see what's up." Wyatt says as he walks off towards the back of the building. Deciding to give him his time, I walk the twins in and see Lainey coming our way. 

"Hey guys, how was the movie?" She asks.

"It was great! Let me tell you all about it..." Dylan begins, but soon Lainey cuts him off.

"Sorry Dyl, but Nate. Where's Wyatt? He went with you didn't he?" She asks, starting to look worried.

"Ya Angel he did. Don't worry he's just outside talking to your uncle. He saw him head to the back of the diner and figured he'd go make sure everything was ok. Said he'd be in in a bit." I replied nonchalantly.

I watched as the look of concern turned into pure terror on her quickly paling face. 

"HE WHAT?! Oh my gosh. Ok, twins, go on and sit in Jen's section. Hal! I'm taking my break. I'll be outside." She yells to the owner as she quickly rushes Katie and Dylan to a table, throws her apron on it, and practically runs out the back door. 

What the hell just happened? 

Realizing that there was no one here who could actually answer that question, I turn and follow Lainey out back to where I can see Wyatt and another man, who I guess is his uncle. 

The only problem is, Wyatt looks pissed off and scared. The uncle looks pissed and drunk. And Lainey looks terrified out of her mind. 

Something is really wrong and I'm about to find out what. 

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