CH 18- Friend of a Friend

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Adelaine POV-  

"Jingles, what the hell have I said about coming into my house without me knowing?" Nate says to the owner of the deep voice.

"Sorry, man. But your door was unlocked and it's Saturday, which means movie night, incase you forgot. " The man says. 

His arm is pushed away from the gorgeous woman it was around, as she lets out a high pitched squeal and rushes over to pull me into a hug. 

"OMG! You must be Adelaine! It's so great to meet you, Nate hasn't stop talking about you." She says, squeezing tighter with each word. 

I feel like my bones are being crushed, but in a good way. This strange woman seems really nice, but I still don't know her and I'm afraid if this hug goes on any longer I might pass out from the lack of oxygen. Luckily, Nate sees my panicked look and steps in to grab and pull me to him. 

"Jesus, CeeCee, let my girl take a breath would ya." He says. 

My girl? Oh how I love hearing that. 

"Oh don't you start with me Nathan O'Conner. How could you not tell me this gorgeous girl was going to be here tonight. I would've brought something to welcome her into our group. Now you made me look like a horrible person." She pouts to Nathan as the first man pulls her back into his side. Deciding to be brave, I step in this time to save Nate.

"You're just fine. Actually it was kind of a last minute thing, so it's not really Nate's fault." I say to the group. 

"Yep, Angel and her siblings are going to be staying with me for a bit." He says and then gives a pointed look at the woman. 

"Soooo Candace Smith, you can bring her a gift next time if you really want." He says mockingly to the girl, who just replies with 'fine' and snuggles in deeper to her man. 

"Well, now that that's out of the way. Angel, this is Johnny McAdams, Keith Walker, Hayes Smith, and the fiery red head over there is his sister Candance. Or better known as Tank, Jingles, Mouse, and CeeCee." He says, pointing to each person. 

I look at each person as Nate says their names. 

Johnny is probably the biggest guy I've ever seen. I would say he's around 6'7 and covered in huge muscles. He has tan skin and black hair, and a bright smile with perfectly white teeth. The name 'Tank' most definitely fits him. 

Keith, the man who's holding onto the woman, has a handsome, rugged look. With his blonde hair, blue eyes, and slight scruff, I would place him as a cowboy or mountain man. He's smaller than Nate but still over 6 feet.

The girl who's currently snuggled up to him, Candace, is one of the most beautiful women I've ever seen. She has long strawberry blonde hair that is styled perfectly in soft curls. Her eyes are like a greyish blue and work perfectly with her splattering of freckles. To top it off, she has the most perfect body I've ever seen. She's shorter than me, probably around 5'7, but looks like a model with her slim but toned figure. 

And finally, her brother Hayes. He's like the normal pretty boy. Blonde hair and the same eyes as his sister makes him look exactly like the boy next door. He's smaller than the other three men, around 6', so I'm guessing that's why they call him mouse. Like the others, he has a toned body, but not as muscular as his friends. 

Gosh, what do they put in the water in this town. Ya, but my man is still the hottest one here. Wait, my man? Did I just say that?

 My thoughts are interrupted when I hear Wyatt let out a yell behind them. 

"No fricken way!"

Everyone whips their heads around to see the excited boy coming down the stairs.

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