CH 44- Going For Her

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Nathan POV-

*Friday, 10:15 p.m.*

"Hell ya."

"We beat some cougar ass."

"Crushed it!"

I just shake my head and laugh while listening to the various cheers of my teammates in the locker room. I continue to unlace my shoes and get out of my pads. My undressing is interrupted when I feel a hard slap on my back. 

"Good game tonight, OC." 

"Thanks, Coach." I reply, waiting for the news I'm sure he brought. 

"I talked to the coaches and they were impressed. Seems like you'll have your pick of schools. They told me, you just keep up the good work and they'll be in contact by the end of the season. Proud of you, son. You did good." My coach says with excitement clear in his voice, before walking away towards his office. 

"Congrats man!" I turn around to see my friends and Wyatt grinning from ear to ear. 

"Thanks. It's definitely good news." I reply. 

"I'd say. You tell Lainey yet?" Wyatt asks. 

"Ya, told her at the barbeque. She was more excited than me. Just a shame we might have to do long distance now." I reply sadly. My worry about the conversation at the barbeque coming back in full force. Wyatt comes forward and slaps a hand on my bare shoulder. 

"Don't worry, bro. I'm pretty sure my sis would follow you anywhere. Just talk it through, either way you guys will work it out. No reason to stress, at all." He says confidently. 

Deciding to just be excited, I push down my worries and return to changing while Wyatt heads off to get some ice. 

The trainer said he has some bruises, but nothing major and he should be good to go in a couple of days. I know he's still in a lot of pain, but trying to hide it so Lainey doesn't find out. When he comes back, the guys and I finish packing up our stuff and a few minutes later we are walking out towards where we are supposed to meet the girls. 

"Odd. I figured they'd be over here already." Jingles states from beside me. 

"Don't worry man. You know my sister, she probably just got caught up talking to someone." Mouse says nonchalantly. 

At that moment, we see Candace walking up with the twins. I wait patiently, expecting to see my girl a bit behind her, but no one shows. Candace continues to hurriedly walk towards us and I notice her face is a bit pale. 

Where's my angel? 

"Hey CeeCee. Where's Lainey? I thought you guys agreed to stay together." I ask when she steps up to the group. She hands the twins to Tank and faces me, giving me her full attention. 

"Actually, it was really weird. She said she needed to go pick up the tri-tip that you ordered, but I thought Wyatt didn't like tri-tip." She said with a hint of confusion in her voice. 

"I don't." Wyatt pipes in, now looking equally confused. 

"Exactly. But she told me to tell you that she was going with Jon to pick up the tri-tip, so to take the kids over here and just meet her at home." She continues. 

"Why would she say that? I didn't order any tri-tip and I don't know anyone named Jon." I say and look at the group who all wear my same face of confusion. That is until I watch Wyatt go white as a sheet. 

"Wy? What's wrong? Is it your knee? Are you in pain?" I ask, rushing over to him. He just pushes me out of the way and faces Candace. 

"Did you say the guy's name was Jon?" He asks in a shaky voice. 

"Umm ya." Candace replies, looking even more confused. 

"What did he look like?" Wyatt asks. His tone of voice has my muscles tensing and puts a bad feeling in my gut. 

What the heck is going on? 

"Wyatt. Why is that relevant right now?" She asks, looking around at the group for answers. 

"Just tell me Candace. It's important." He yells out. She looks taken aback by his tone, but answers anyways. 

"Ok, ok. He was like middle-aged. Big, but still smaller than Nate. He was definitely overweight and has brown hair with grayish-green eyes." She finishes. Wyatt's face turns an angry red and he throws his bag down.

"Fuck!" He yells out and starts pacing. After a few seconds, I stop him and force him to look at me. 

"Wyatt. What the hell is going on?" I ask. 

"That guy's name isn't Jon. It's Dorian." He spits out. All the blood drains from my face at mention of his name. 

"Your uncle?" Tank asks. 

"Ya, my uncle. Lainey and I used to watch this TV show and it has this character, Jon, on it. We always used to joke that the character was based off my uncle. Between that and the tri-tip comment, I knew something was up. Shit!" He lets out a string of curse words and runs his hands over his face. Everyone in the group is now on high alert. 

"Candace. Did she go with him?" I ask quickly. 

"Ya, she walked off towards the back entrance I think. Oh my god, this is all my fault. I should've known she was lying. The whole situation seemed off, but I just let her go with him. Oh my god." She repeats with extreme worry in her voice and tears starting down her cheeks. Seeing this, Jingles pulls her into him and tries to comfort her.

"Baby, shh. It's not your fault. Everything's going to be ok. We will get her back." He whispers. 

"We need to call the police." Mouse states. I'm about to agree before Wyatt pipes up. 

"We can't. Behind Lainey's back, I've called before and they just blow me off. Apparently my uncle is friends with the Sheriff so they just roll with whatever Dorian says." He states.

"Shit! So what do we do?" Mouse asks the group. 

Everyone is silent for a while. I see Tank holding the twins close but his muscles are tensed and ready to fight. Mouse looks tense too, but shows more worry on his face. Candace is still crying, while Keith holds her, a murderous glare on his face. And Wyatt looks a mixture of shock, confused, and angry. Clenching my fists, I feel my face heat to an angry red. 

"We go after her."  

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