CH 23- Questionable Answers

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Adelaine POV-

"Really? BECAUSE YOU'VE SAID IT BEFORE, so why wouldn't I think that's what you meant." I yell at Wyatt.

I watch as Wyatt's face turns into one of shock and Nate's eyes go wide right before he starts to look really pissed off at my brother. Assuming Wyatt sees Nate's 'I'm going to punch someone' face, he begins explaining what I meant.

"No, no. It wasn't like that. I blamed her ONCE, the day we found out our parents died." He says looking at Nate and then turning back to me. "I apologized immediately. You promised me you didn't hold that against me. I never EVER meant what I said, I was hurt and didn't know what to do. I'm going to spend the rest of my life regretting that, Lainey, but you know I didn't mean it." He explains to me in a pleading voice.

I watch as Nate relaxes and Wyatt's eyes fill with unshed tears. 

What the hell did I just do? 

I quickly say something about being alone and scurry off to my room to think over everything that happened. 

When Nathan suggested we call the police, I kind of flipped. It's hard enough keeping the real reasons why we aren't at home from my siblings and Nate, but I could never lie to a police officer. If they come, they'll just bring too many questions that I can't answer. Of course, Wyatt had his input about it and that just made me more scared and angry. 

I knew exactly what he meant when he said they know me, but in the moment it was all too much. I was stressed about dealing with my uncle, my car, trying to avoid all the questions I know Nate has, and part of me was still stuck in that horrible flashback. 

Never, in my life have I believed Wyatt thought that; heck, I didn't even when he said it. Sure, I believe that it's my fault, but I know he doesn't think that. It was so cruel of me to bring that up, knowing how much he regrets that day. 

You're a bitch

Yes, thank you for that, inner dialogue. I am completely aware of that fact. Sighing, I reach the door and push it open to see the twins still sleeping. I walk over and, using the thermometer on the nightstand, check their temperatures. 98.7, back to normal. 

Well at least one thing is going right today. 

The worst part about today is that Nate had to be here. He had to deal with be woken up three times, a fire, two sick kids, one panic attack, a complete blowup between siblings, and a ruined car. And this was all on our first night/day here. 

Jesus, he hates us for sure. 

Deciding I'm not going to wait for him to kick us out, I leave the twins sleeping and walk into their room to pack their stuff. Right as I'm in the middle of packing Katie's duffel, I hear a low voice behind me. 

"What are you doing?" My favorite voice deeply rumbles. Not bothering to turn around,  I continue with Katie's bag.

"I'm packing, Nate. I'm sorry you had to deal with all of this. It was really kind of you to offer us shelter but we'll leave as soon as the twins wake up. I'll get you some money for the damage to the kitchen and for all the hassle, you just need to give me a little time." I say.

Ya, you'll have to get in line buster. I've got an angry as hell uncle I have to pay off first. 

I hear him sigh, but just ignore it and continue packing. The room is filled with awkward silence for a bit until I feel a hand wrap around my arm, stopping my movements. I try to get out of it, but the grip is too strong. 

"Angel, Stop." He says, turning me to face him. Then, he cups my face in his hands and forces me to look up at him.

"One, I'm not taking any of your money. And don't even try to argue about that because that's non-negotiable. Two, you aren't leaving. You're staying with me and that is also non-negotiable." He says with no hesitation and total confidence in his words. I just shake my head. 

"No, Nate. We've already caused you way too much trouble, we aren't staying. Now, please let me go so I can finish packing this stuff before I need to go apologize to Wyatt and deal with him not wanting to leave either." I say, trying and failing again to move out of his hold. 

"No you aren't leaving and I'll tell you why." He says, looking at me with a face I've never seen before. 

"I like you Lainey. A lot. I fell way too fast that first day you bumped into me. I know it's only been like a month but I honestly can't imagine my life without you and I wouldn't want to. And having you four in my house, finally makes this place a home. I love how Katie can make me laugh at anything, and I can always count on her to keep me being a gentlemen; which by the way, I know you instilled that in her. 

And I love Dylan's crazy and bizarre stories because they make my fricken day. I love being able to talk to Wyatt about guy things and knowing that I can be there for him when he needs it. But most of all Angel, I just love seeing you all here, with me. It makes me feel like a part of a real family, not one where the parents are always gone and no one really cares what the kid does." I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes at his beautiful words, but keep them at bay and remain silent, while he continues. 

"Look I'm not going to lie, today was a lot. But I loved every bit of it. I jumped out of bed every time your name was called, ready to fight off any danger that dare come near you guys. I liked being useful to you with the twins and feeling like a goddamn superhero with that tiny fire. I loved when my voice was the only thing that could comfort you during your panic attack. Listen Angel. I know I have a lot of questions that you aren't ready to answer yet but I don't care. As long as your safe and in my arms, I'll wait until you are ready. Just please, don't run away from me. Let me help you, let me be there for you and the kids." He finishes with a pleading look at me, never once taking his hands off my face. 

I remain silent for a second and feel his thumb brush away a tear I hadn't known had fallen. Obviously losing my mind because of what he just said, I lean in to his touch and slowly brush my lips against his. I wait as he parts for me and then his lips come crashing down on to mine. 

I swear I see fireworks as his tongue mixes with mine. His lips are so soft and the kiss is harsh but sweet. As he pulls away I see the light swell to his lips and can feel the burn of my blushing cheeks. He looks down at me, lust clear in his eyes. 

"So I take that as a yes, you'll stay?" He asks hopefully. I think for less than a second before explaining one more thing. 

"Nate, I don't do one night stands or anything like that. If I say yes, you have to be sure. We are a hard group to deal with." I say to him. 

"Baby, I'm more sure than anything in my entire life." He replies instantly.

"No, really think about it. I'm broken, Nate. My heart and my soul are not something I can just give out. They're broken." I reply sadly, letting a part of me slip that I've never told anyone else. 

"Angel, I'm dead serious. I want you, I want the twins, I want Wyatt, I want to be a part of your family. So yes, baby, I'm sure. I want this, however broken and beautiful it may be." He says back looking straight into my eyes. 

"Just say yes. We can figure the rest out later. Just say you'll stay here, where you're safe, and that you'll be my girl. Please, just say yes." He pleads to me. 

What do I do? I've already fallen for him, but this is so fast. Not that I really care, I mean my life isn't very conventional. The kids really like him. He said I don't have to tell him about my secrets yet. And it would save us money that I desperately need to pay my uncle. But what if this backfires? Can I really take that chance?

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I look straight into his jaw-dropping eyes and give him my reply. 


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