31: 99 Years isn't so bad :)

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Why do I always find myself in these types of situations? Like I get it I am basically wolf-less now and I obviously have not been taking my training seriously cause... well I was distracted with my life being on the line and all but really? Can't I at least get a break? I literally just popped my cherry and here we are being surrounded in danger. again. 

I sigh and look up to the sky glaring at the moon goddess. Girl, can't you give me a break? 

I let out a breath and walk towards the tree behind Link and I, settling myself in between its' huge roots and lean back as I watch the action start to unfold before me. One thing I have learned always being in this situation is that it's better to sit it out and leave it to the trained ones. I have an Alpha and a Beta with me, there's no point trying to be feisty in this situation. 

"Rory, stay behind me." Link mutters his voice going a level deeper as fur start to sprout from his body. 

"Link, it's too early for you to go all wolfy on us." I mutter silently, sure that he would hear it anyway. Sensing danger nearby and seeing Rory ready to face the danger probably pissed his wolf off. 

Instead of a reply, Rory growls at him but probably sensing his wolf being on edge, she complies to his words and move just an inch- no maybe it was just a millimeter behind him. Point is, she compromised. 

"What..." I turn to Rory who had her eyebrows drawn together as her nails elongated. Who ever the sensed was in big trouble. 

It was eerily silent for a few seconds and just like that, a loud growl came from behind me making me crouch in fright as I covered my head waiting for pain from a pierced organ. The growl vibrated through the trees and was met with answering growl to the opposite of where I a settled. 

In a flash Rory stood beside me and glared at the shadow that was looming over us as Link went towards the direction of the other growl. 

"What are you doing here?" Rory yelled harshly, her voice taking on a demonic like tone. 

I look around but could see nothing aside from the shadow. Hmm, must be because I don't have an increased sense of sight anymore. With my heart beating unbelievably quick, I sit back up and turn to Link who is dragging a small wolf by his scuff. 

The said wolf was unconscious but there seemed to be no damage to any part of his body.  


A small commanding figure exited from the shadows behind me but before I could see her face or really even take in her features, Rory, covers me and steps closer to me. 

"What are you doing here?" Rory speaks in a cold tone, tensing as she did so. She was ready to jump the woman but she seemed harmless. 

"I'm here to get my mate back." The woman says and being the curious little red that I am, I tilt my head and peak behind Rory's toned legs. 

The woman crouches in front of Link who throws the unconscious wolf on the muddy ground. 

"That is not your mate." Rory starts, moving so that she was once again in the way of me seeing anything. "You have no mate. You have no right to a mate." I breathe out. This is probably why Rory is so hesitant to have a mate-


I lean against the tree trunk and cross my arms across my chest as I connect the dots that should have been obvious the moment I laid eyes on the woman. 

Rory -> mate hater -> cold to every one -> but super cold to woman on the ground.

woman on the ground -> has the same black hair as Rory -> Rory a mate hater because of trauma related to her sister (?) -> Sister ex mate of Vos. 

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