7: The unlikely adventures of Mr. Broody and Ms. Semi-optimistic

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"You know you could have just left me in the cave. I would have been fine waiting for you while you hunt." I laugh as Vos glares at me and slams the pieces of wood on the muddy ground.

"Really Red? could I have really left you there?" I give him a cheeky smile and lean against the tree trunk as I try not to glance at my still deformed paw. I woke up this morning only to find the cave empty. It was lonely and I honestly thought Vos left me, so typical Red fashion I screamed for him until I could feel my own ears bleed from the inside out; safe to say, Vos was hunting and hurriedly ran back thinking something happened to me but yeah, I was safe and well... he was irked.

"Anyway, how do you know so much about mates?" I ask, observing him skillfully light a fire and start to skin the rabbit he caught. Yes, another rabbit. I wasn't able to eat the one he gave me yesterday and he nagged my ea off about eating right so here I am.

He continues his work for a while before giving me an answer. "I've been through a lot."

"Are you going to tell me what 'a lot' is?" He shakes his head as he tosses in the last pieces of wood into the fire that has barely lit.

"There's a time for everything." I sigh and continue to observe him. How his muscle contract with every move, how his breath hitches when lifts heavy pieces of wood out of the way and how he seems to be in tuned to whatever I do. "and now it's time for you to drink water."

I immediately scrunch my nose, by water he means that brown liquid thing. "I'm really fine now. I don't think I need any more of that." I point to the bottle he is holding, "in my system."

He looks serious as he settles beside me. "Red, you still need energy. Your foot is still a paw and you can barely stand." I take the bottle hesitantly and eye the offending bottle. Truth is, I don't really want my paws to go away. What if this was the last thing I have of my wolf? What if I get my feet back but I totally lose my wolf? "You're going to be fine. Your wolf will return."

"How can you say that for sure?" I ask in a small voice, my grip tightening around the bottle.

"I told you, I've been through a lot." He whispers it so silently that I don't think I would have heard it if it weren't for the very silent environment we were in.

"Vos, I can't hear properly anymore, my eyesight isn't as clear as it would have been, I can barely move efficiently. I am essentially human." I feel like I'm at the very end of my rope. I'm trying so hard to hold on by making jokes trying laugh but nothing. "I don't understand why this is so hard on me and it was so easy for Sapphire."

"First, I know you're stalling so drink this first." I glare at him playfully. Yes I was stalling but I was also serious. I don't understand why Sapphire's rejection seemed so easy compared to mine. I accept the bottle and take a long sip, forcing myself to swallow the bitter liquid. "Second, there's nothing wrong with being human. Third, it just seems that way because the Princess had Or- Alpha Orion from the get go. Their mating was foretold in a prophecy. Alpha Orion was her mate and familiar. She had someone to share all her baggage to. He also didn't waste time in claiming her. Fourth, I'm sure you know better than anyone it wasn't easy for the Princess."

I sigh. "You're right. I guess I'm just jealous. I don't know why I can' reject Abe, I felt like I physically can't and because of my stupidity, I lost my wolf."

"You're right." Shocked by his words, I glance at Vos only to see him smirk at me. "You should have rejected him right off the bat but you didn't. Why is that?" I shrug. I really don't know why I didn't reject him.

"I guess... I just wanted to give him a chance, to give our mating a chance." He nods once then gets up to finally place the rabbit's mean on the fire. "You know what? I don't know why I was expecting another hug from you." He glances at me with his eyebrows raised. "It seems like you have this alter ego. You're broody Vos during the day and you're mushy Vos during the night. Who are you really?" He smirks, making my heart do that uncomfortable fast beating again.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I roll my eyes and lean against the tree trunk and stare at the cloudless sky. I wonder if my mother- my eyes widen at my own realization. My mom!

"Oh my goddess! Vos I have to go back to the palace! screw my paws! My mom will kill me for wandering outside again! oh my gooddess! She'll be so worried and shit! If I ruin Sapphire and Orion's honey moon I will box myself!" Vos stares at me blankly.

"They know you're safe." I blink at the information and process it again. No, this doesn't make sense. "Okay, say that to me again, but slower this time."

"They know you're with me. They know you're safe." He retrieves a phone from his pocket and opens his recently called logs, the first name that showed being my mother's.

"YOU HAD A PHONE THIS WHOLE TIME AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER TO TELL ME!?" I yell as I throw him the closest rock to me.

"You didn't ask."

"Oh my Goodness! men are so clueless!" I hold out my hand and give him an expectant look.


"Give your phone, waterfly!" I shriek, upset about the while thing.

You're being to sensitive.

Shut up conscience!

Damn I want my wolf back, conscience go away!

I'm part of you, idiot!

I roll my eyes at myself and am brought back to reality when Vos stares at me with amusement.

"What? Don't judge me for talking to myself!"

He holds his hands out in surrender and hands me the phone. I take from him and hurriedly look up my mom's number.

                        •           •          •

"You-you traitor!" I scream, again throwing a rock at Vos' face but the man in question merely smirks and crosses his arms across his broad chest.

"You never asked." He says calmly.

"Because you're all broody when I ask you about things!" His eyebrows raise.

"Also, what does me being an alpha matter anyway?"

"Waterfly, you should be with your pack! Not with me! I've troubled you long enough. Damn it an Alpha, that's what!" His face changes from teasing to broody in a second. All traces of humour gone from his face.

"It doesn't matter." His tone takes on a harder edge to it and now I actually have the tact to stay out of it.

He already told you he's been through a lot. Don't push it.

"Anyway, what do you think of my new nick name for you?" His eyes meet mine and I know he knows what I'm doing. He knows I'm diverting the topic on purpose; at least he looks relieved.

"Waterfly?" I nod my head seriously.

"I've called you that twice and you don't seem like you minded." He removes the rabbit from the stick and places then on make shift plates made out of leaves and hands one to me, which I gratefully accept.

"If I did mind, would that have stopped you from calling me waterfly?" I shake my head no which earned a chuckle out of him.

Yas Red! Make him feel better!

"But why waterfly?"

"Cause Vos means water in some parts of the world and I don't know, it sounded cute." I shrug and start to dig into to the very tasteless rabbit.

"You're a very bad cook." He rolls his eyes and starts eating his own food.

"All I had with me was some herbs I found. Did you expect a gourmet meal?" I shrug and dug in again. So much for keeping the conversation alive huh?

We spent eating in silence and soon after that, I lean against him and once again stared up at the sky, he was still very much half naked, by the way. He tensed at first then relaxed as he turns his torso towards me so My whole back was leaning against the front of his chest.

"I'll tell you all about me one day, Red." I nod my head and lean my head against his shoulder as I turn to him.

"I'll be waiting"



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