33: The Lazy dream

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"I can't believe you were being serious." I glare at Sapphire as I cross my legs on the plush couch and turn my gaze to the mountains of paper work before me. 

"I know right?" Sapphire huffs as she takes the space beside me and leans back. There were circles under her eyes and her skin looked rough. She was still gorgeous but she looked so exhausted. "That was honestly a bluff but who knew so many requests would come?" 

"What are these for again?" I start, as I examine the papers closest to me. "hmmm request for more food." 

Sapphire groans and sit straight once again as she takes the papers from my hands and scans it carefully. 

"These are from the camps that need more food rations. Wait, ugh we can't eat and relax in this state." She gets up with a determined look and collects three mountain stacks of paper before us. 

"Red, please organize those there to the most pressing to the least. I'll finish as much as I can tonight." 

"Yes, Princess." I say as I automatically get to work. Ever since Sapph started working in the palace we had this silent understanding between us. The moment she requests me to do something related to work, a line will be drawn between us. Right at this moment, she is Princess Sapphire, the future sovereign of the Kingdom while I am her right hand maiden. 

I glance at the clock and sigh, it was nine in the evening, mama two and our mates are out subduing the remaining camps, my mother is treating wounded soldiers and Sapph and I are here doing organizational work. Oh goodness who ever said they wished to be a princess, take back your wish right now! 

I swallow my sigh and move to the floor as I start to organize the requests to the best of my abilities. I mean okay, a trained monkey could do this but still, I did a lot or reading you know? fast reading at that. 


Hours pass, the dark turn to dawn but somehow Sapphire and I are still awake doing what we need to. 

"Princess." I call out cautiously, not wanting to disturb her. 

"Oh my God! Red I thought you would never finish!" My eyes widen as I take in her very organised desk. 

"Wait, were you just waiting for me to finish up?" She nods her head and laughs. 

"Were you just waiting for me too?" She asks as she gets up from her desk. 

"I mean I just finished but I was gonna wait." We both laugh and collapse on the couch. 

"I've signed and requested a for a re-proposal on the budgets. I can't believe we did such boring work." I laugh and slap her thigh. 

"I can't believe I'm hearing you say that. You the prim and proper princess." She laughs and leans her head on my shoulder. 

"I'm only like this with you Red." I laugh and shake my head. of course I know that. Sapphire is only crazy with me, I mean now Orion is here but she's crazier with me and I am crazier with her. 

"Should we go check what the hell is happening outside? " 

With out another word, we both get up and exit her mahogany office but as we walk through the deserted hallways, clanking sounds of pots and pans and excited chatter enter our ears. We give each other a clueless look and walk a tad bit faster to check the outside world but instead of the quiet we were expecting. Everyone in the camp was bustling around with excited looks on their faces. 

"Um what the-" Sapphire started. 

"-hell happened?" I finished as tables were being set up on the far corner of the camp and pigs were being cooking in the other side. What the hell? 

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