21: I'm definitely moving on

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I spit out my dirt and stare at my brother's angry heaving form. The stench invades my senses bringing more tears to my already damaged eyes but I couldn't bring it to myself to stop provoking him. I hated the pain. My wolf hated the insulting way we are treated but we both know I deserve this.

Do more!

I scream silently at Link, mentally willing him to do something— anything to even make up for the fact that I've killed Red's wolf. That I was too blinded in rage.

My younger brother lands a foot to my gut and all I could do was smile. He's really grown up. Fighting for people, fighting for my mate. I'd hate him but he was there for Red when I wasn't. He was someone I didn't have the balls to be.


I smile as my body slowly grows more numb from the pain but somehow the pain on my wrists are the only things I could concentrate on, the way the silver starts digging on my hands was heaven compared to the image of the brother I've fought for beating the shit out of me.

Me head falls on the cold ground with a thud as pain explodes at the back of my head. It will only get worse from here, I needed it to get worse. This wasn't enough to make up for anything, getting to this level of dungeon was hard enough. Provoking the guards never worked but provoking Orion, provoking the Princess, the Queen and even Red's mother ended me up here but here isn't enough.

There's one more place worse than this, it was always labeled as the dungeon of Tartarus where the serial rapists and the serial murderers are placed. They aren't even fed, only healed. I deserve that kind of treatment. I deserved a never ending death.


The kicking abruptly stopped and I open one heavy eye and see my brother crumple on the ground and stare at me as realisation dawns on his face. He heard me.

"Why would you subject yourself to this? Why would you willingly subject yourself to this dungeon level? " He asks, his voice void of any emotion. He was just curious though, he didn't care that I did this to myself.

"I deserve it." I croak out as I finally allow my wolf to numb the pain from the silver and bring me to unconsciousness.


I stare at Red's unconscious form and clench my fists for the hundredth time. I hate that I couldn't do anything to stop her pain. I hate the fact that she had to go through so much shit and act like she was fine.

Even when we were together I knew she was hurting. I felt it. I felt her pain. The pain of a mate who was neglected and cast aside. She didn't deserve that pain.

I lift my hand and stroke her hair to the side as I study her peaceful face.
"You better rest up in there, Red." I whisper running my hand against the side of her face and over her lips.

"You better come back to me." I whisper again. I knew she was my second chance, I knew it but I wanted her to decide for herself whether or not she'd give that idiot Alpha another chance. I should have just marked her right then and there.

I should have just-

"VOS!" I turn to Sapphire who was panting heavily as she runs inside with Doctor Ruby trailing behind her.

"Is something wrong?" I ask pulling away from Red and sitting up straighter. As I face a panting Sapphire and a concerned looking doctor.

"I found it!" She lifts a piece of paper and hands it to Doctor Ruby who reads it then gasps as she stares at me in concern.

"What?" I hold my hand out for the paper. It was ripped from a small book and it looked really old.

I turn the paper over and hear my wolf growl at the words.

'The only thing that can pull a lost werewolf from the Spirit Realm  is a mark from a potential mate.'

"I- what?" I turn to Sapphire who was back to her calm self giving me an expectant look.

"You have to mark Red. It's the only way." I shake my head. I wanted to mark her, more than anything but not this way.

"It can't be the only way. I need her consent-"

"Alpha Vos, please." I stand up abruptly as Doctor Ruby get on her knees in front of me with tears in her eyes. "I know my daughter and I know she loves you. Maybe not as much as a mate would love you but I know if she had the choice she'd choose you."

You'd never be a good mate to anyone.

I close my eyes and reign in the memories that are threatening to come back and breathe out. With shaky hands I glance towards Red's pale figure and clench my fists.

"Why are you hesitating so much?" Sapphire asks glancing between Red and I, the confusion apparent on her face. Doctor Ruby looks up as realisation dawn on her face. She gets up and clasps her hands in anxiety.

"Do you already have a mate?" Before I could even reply I find Sapphire shooting me an even confused look. I know Orion has told her about my past. "Don't you want her as a mate? If you don-"

"No, it's not like that. Of course I want her as a mate. I want it more than anything but I had a mate a couple pf years ago  but she was killed." I say quietly. "I wasn't a good mate, I wasn't able to treat her right-"

Sapphire laughs out loud as she point at Red.

"Do you honestly think that Red would allow you to treat her any less than good?" I scoff thinking about how Red would definitely slap me if I even raise my voice at her. "Also, if you haven't noticed, people in the palace are kind of used to moving on from their former mates to their new ones."

"She'd probably kill smack you silly if you don't treat her right." Doctor Ruby states, gently caressing Red's hands.

"You're right." I sit down on the bed, not thinking of anything else as I gather Red in my arms placing one hand behind her waist and another behind her head as I tilt it to the side and rest my forehead against her cheek.

I inhale her subtle scent and allow my wolf to take charge as he slams into the forefront of my mind and eyes Red with determination. I feel his pride at the thought of having Red as ours and I couldn't agree more.

"I promise to be good to you. I promise to protect you." I whisper before I lower my head towards her exposed shoulder and sink my teeth.


Red's coming back soon!

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