5: Disorientation: I'd look it up but I'm lazy.

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"Mother, it's been three days!" I wail and pace back and forth as I pull my hair in frustration. "I'm about to go out of my mind!"

"Sapphire, you need to calm down. We know that Red is safe, just that we don't exactly know where she is." I stop pacing as Orion enters the room with his phone against his ear. He was talking to his Beta and probably Link about Red's situation and I'd like to think they have this under control but I was already a mess.

"Mother does that even make sense? How can you know she's safe-"

"Princess, If I may." The camera pans to Doctor Ruby who was standing beside my mother calmly. "You don't need to come back here just for this, I know my daughter is safe and I trust the person she's with right now."

"Just for that? My best friend is missing!" I feel my heart rate start to pick up as my frustration grew even higher. How can they all stay so calm!?

"Love." I automatically relax as Orion's arms wound around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I feel his heart beat through his shirt calm in into more rational thinking. "She's fine."

Something about his voice made me turn to him and hurriedly say by to the people on the other side of my phone. "Orion, there's something you know that I don't."

He sighs, gives me a smile and directs me to the couch where he settles and places me on his lap. "Can't you humour me for now?" I raise my brows and give him a flat stare. "Look Love, we're in the mountains of Sweden, inside a beautiful glass cabin surrounded by nature and close to no neighbours. Can't we enjoy this time alone without worrying about anyone from the palace?" He strokes my lips and I had to breathe in to hold myself together.

"We can." He gives me his heart stopping smile, making his dimple appear. "But first tell me what you're hiding." He immediately shakes his head.

"I'm not hiding anything, Just, it's a bit complicated to explain but if you want you can look into my head and know for yourself."

"I respect you Orion. I want to know because you told me yourself." He plants a short sweet kiss on my lips and smiles.

"Have I told you 'I love you?'" I laugh still feeling tingles everywhere he touched.

"Not in so many words." I plant a kiss on his cheek and stare into his blue eyes, as I bury my head on his neck- "Hey! Stop distracting me!"

Orion guffaws then tightens his arms around me. "Okay, It's time I tell yo u about my cousin. He wanted to introduce himself to you personally but I guess I'll have to tell you."


I storm the carpeted corridors of the palace as I clench my fists in order not to punch a hole on the fixtures around me. This stupid idiot! Even my wolf was on edge. He was pissed to, even more so than I am. Our friend was hurt and now we don't know where she is.

As I round the familiar corner, I hurry my footsteps and kick open the brown double doors to my brother's chambers, not caring that his chosen was on top of him sucking his face off.

They pull apart instantly as some of the door's remnants land on their figures. I would have respected their time but I'm way past respect— my brother deserves none from me.

"Link, what the hell!?" I walk towards then calmly, shoving Melanie off my seething brother. "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?"

Abe stands from his position, in all his naked glory and glares at me as I throw a blanket towards his woman on the floor.

"My problem?" I am mad. So mad that I didn't register the movements of my fists until it landed and made a deafening crack on my brother's face. "My problem is that you are here sucking face with this slut, while-" I stop talking as my eyes land on the puncture wounds on his neck. "YOU ALLOWED HER TO MARK YOU!?"

I am beyond mad at this point, I am livid. I jump on my brother and land punch after punch, letting my body do all the work as my wolf takes control. He wasn't even defending himself. The bastard knows he deserves it and I planned to give him what he deserved, ten times more. "YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD!" I continue to punch him even as I see and feel different sets of hands hold me back. All my mind could see is Red's hurt blotchy face. She's been through so much all because of him.

"Link!" I ignore the voice as my wolf only saw Red. He was out for blood. We promised the Princess to protect Red and we couldn't do that.

"Link, Stop." My fists freeze mid-air as I breathe heavily and stare down in my brother. He was barely conscious but by the weight of his stare he knows why I pummelled him.  He knows yet still remains stubborn.

Soft arms wound around my biceps as my wolf calms down. I turn to see the Queen give me a calm smile and guides my back as servants transfer my brother into a stretcher and brings him somewhere with Melanie crying after them.

"She's safe, Link." I couldn't speak as I stare at the blood on my hands. "Link." I Look at the queen who gives me a motherly hug. "You don't have to feel guilty. Honestly a lot of people were lining up to beat the shit out of him. You just got to him first." I give out a small laugh, my wolf still feeling mad and frustrated.

"Thank you, Link." The Queen pulls away and I see the doctor stand behind her with tears in her eyes.  "Thank you for defending Red's honour." I nod.

"Let's go Ruby. You have to treat the injured." The Queen drags the doctor out of the room not before I heard.

"No. I promised Red I wouldn't treat him."

"Noelle would have hated that answer!"

"Well she's not here!"


I wake up to cold air and a dark, starless sky. Why am I even here? Where is here, even? I try to move my body but it felt stiff and heavy.

Did I die?

A sudden sound made me sit up in fright but soon as I did, I groan and bury my head in my hands as a dizzy spell invaded my senses. I try to feel for my wolf but I couldn't get anything out of her, so I breathe in and out trying to re-orient myself to the situation.

I look up as I hear the sound of footsteps walking on dead leaves but I couldn't see anything or anyone. My vision wasn't working well and even my ears had to strain to hear the faintest of sounds. What the hell had happened to me?

Just as I attempted to bend my knees to stand, a Large brown wolf walks out from the shadows, carrying what looks like rabbit in his mouth but instead of feeling scared, I sort of felt comforted.

"Hi?" The brown wolf looks at me and I gasp. He looked so majestic the closer he got. The moonlight highlighted his features and made his fur seem luminescent under the soft glow. His light brown eyes stare at me as he drops the rabbit before me and sits on his paws.

"You're a werewolf right?" He nods his head and pushes the carcass closer to me once again but I refuse the meat. It was just too raw. "Can you shift?" He shakes his head no and nudges towards my shredded clothes on the clearing away from us.

I frown at first until I look down and realise, I must have been in his clothes. I feel my cheeks redden at the thought of a random man seeing me but it was probably a life and death situation right? "Are these your clothes?" He nods his head as he tears into the rabbit himself and throws the other half on my lap, an action that made me gag.

I stand carefully, making him stand in turn and take off the too large shorts as I hand them to him. His shirt was large enough to cover me until my thighs, this should be fine. I mean he didn't exactly do anything bad to me right?

He could have raped you already thick head!

Ugh, I swear my conscience is always doubting everyone.

"Here you can change back, I'd like to know how I got here." I sit cross legged on the ground as I look at him- hey, not that I think about it, it can be a her! Oh maybe I am safe after all.

He or she grabs the cargo shorts with his/ her teeth and hides behind a tree before I hear the cracking of bones and when he appears once again, now as a human, my mouth drops open.



Well, maybe Vos is an important character after all.

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