15: Does it make me a bad person to be happy at her worse?

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"I don't think I can do this." I breathe out into the receiver as I stare at the double doors before me.

"Why would you even say that?" I blink back into the present and clutch my phone tighter in my hands.

"Link, I'm not ready to see your brother beg for his chosen's innocence." I hear him sigh, talk to someone in the background for a minute then replies to me.

"He's not going to do that with you in the room." I laugh sardonically and lean against the marble walls as my chest clenches painfully at a memory I'd forever hate.

"You act like you haven't been with me all those times your brother defended Melanie's honour." He breathes out and talks to someone in the background before answering me.

"Sorry." He pauses then breathes out. "I'll be there in an hour-" My heart clenches at the thought of him coming here.

"Link! That's not what I meant. I just- I just- I know you're busy. I just, want someone to talk to." I pause biting my lip. "Sapphire is already on the online conference and Vos is busy with the other high ranking wolves..."

I suddenly hear him chuckle and it warms my being, knowing that he isn't stressed enough to be emotionless. "Then talk to me. Red, I've already told you time and time again, I will make time for you. Things aren't as hectic as they used to be here. I'm actually kind of disappointed you didn't call sooner." My jaw drops.

"Hey! You could have called me too! But nooooooo!" He chuckles again and I'm suddenly overcome with a huge wave of sadness. Things are starting to change so rapidly and people seem to be moving on so fast that I could barely catch my breath.

Way to ruin the mood, idiot.

The doors in front of me suddenly open, and I know it's time. I take a deep breath and grip the phone tighter in my hand. As I turn to my side and see the queen and my
Mother giving me a reassuring smile.

"I have to go now, temporary Alpha." Link chuckles deep and I smile despite myself as I turn the phone off and take my place beside my mother. To an outsider it would look weird that a royal doctor would attend these things, but my mother and I are a key witness to the brutality of the camps and The rebels.

My mother suddenly leans in closer to me. "Tell me if the chimp makes you feel uncomfortable-"

"Chimp?" I raise my eyebrows and frown. I know she's talking about Abe but why chimp?

"Abe, Ape... clang association, Red." I nod my head slowly. Only my mother would think that up.

"Will you kick his ass?" I ask, remembering her former statement.

"No, I'll let Alpha Vos kick his ass." I choke on my own spit and the Queen laughs softly. I didn't even know she was listening to us!

"Why Alpha Vos?" I whisper, actually feeling the smirks of everyone around us, warriors included. Even Jed, who was usually quiet and reserved looked smug.

"You don't really want us to answer that do you?" I purse my lips and turn away, my heart beating unnervingly fast at the reminder of my Alpha.

                  •                 •             •

"We call upon the podium, Luna Melanie Castaldy." I take a deep breath, ignoring the tightening of my chest as I see Abe escort Melanie with gentle eyes. I look away but find myself trapped in Vos' penetrating gaze. He stood at the farthest corner of the hall in a black semi-formal tux and I swear at that moment everyone heard my heart jump out of my chest.

I smile at him excitedly but he merely turns around, leaving me in another state of confusion. Is he mad?

You don't know that! Maybe someone mind-linked him!

"Luna Melanie, you are currently charged with-" Sir Basti, a handsome elegant ild man, one of the werewolves in the Justice council looks down on the tablet he was holding and sighs as he glances back up. "-homicide, for being an accessory of many many murders-"

"-I-I was threatened by my father!" Melanie starts to protest but Sir Basti continues to read.

"-for putting the lives of the Queen and the Princess on the line."

"-I helped them! By releasing Orion!" She sounded desperate as she starts to stand on her seat but Abe grabs her and puts her on his lap. The action makes me look away and seek for Vos again but I couldn't find him. Instead, I find a woman who was wearing the same thing Vos was- so she was a warrior- and she was either staring or glaring at me.

"Luna Melanie Castaldy, you have betrayed the crown and have proved to be traitorous to the Kingdom." I take a deep breath as I focus on the hearing once again.

"However, with the accounts of Alpha Orion, your sentence will be considered carefully. With these, will you plead guilty or not-guilty."

And this is where we get to hear her side. Where we get to hear her truth.

"I-" I observe Melanie and I almost felt bad for her as she shivers on my mate's lap. Abe caresses her back and I clench my fists as anger consumes me. He was still my mate and seeing them together still hurts.

"I ask again, do you plead guilty or not- guilty, Luna?"

"I- I- It seemed right at the time!  I plead not- guilty." The hall goes up in an uproar as family members of those who have died scream and point their fingers at her. I can't believe she thought she could get away with everything by helping Orion. She didn't think. She didn't think about the children who were orphaned or the mothers who had to bury their children. She just thought because she fell in love with Abe, she would be pardoned by fate.


"Counsel of the Luna?" A balding man stands from the seat beside Melanie and stand on the podium.

"The Luna has been manipulated by her father. She was given no choice but to follow through with her actions. She is the victim in all this. It is true that she has done horrendous things but all under the influence of her father." The crowd went even angrier and because of that, the Queen finally stood up, automatically making everyone silent.

"Young man, you realise you admitted to her doing everything." The man at the podium gulped and I take a deep breath feeling all kinds of uneasy. "I don't think it is necessary to waste anymore time."

"Luna Melanie, because of your actions, you are to be immediately demoted to Omega. You will work within the palace walls and are not permitted to go back to your old pack. You will not speak to any of the royals and will not enter the main palace. I deny you the right to be a mother, for all the children you help killed. I deny you the right to a mate, for all the broken relationships you have caused." I sit straighter but somehow could not find it in me to pity her.

With that, the Queen turns to Abe who already had tears streaming down his cheeks. I look away again unable to stomach the situation, as I take deep even breaths. "With the power vested in me by all the previous Queens and the Moon Goddess, I absolve your mating as the consequences of your actions, and as reprieve to the lives of victims of the rebel camps."

By now everyone was silent and gazing intensely at the curled up Melanie. The next thing we know, Abe is curled on the floor and screaming.

I AM SO SO SORRY! I tried my best to keep up with the schedule but like things got really hectic huhuhu. I promise to do better huhuhu

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