28: The trees would be so disappointed

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I hurriedly make my way on the highest branch of the tree, making sure that I am masked by the leaves. I pause midway and attempt to catch my breath as I stare down at the man who still has his face planted firmly on the ground and breathe out a sigh of relief. If the queen hadn't linked me, I probably would have been captured again and honestly, i don't need anymore bad memories, I have a shit load in my arsenal right now. 

Okay, so what do I do now? I can't exactly jump to the other trees like I did before because the trees are spaced so widely apart, making only the tips of their branches touch each other and even though I have tree talent, I'm pretty sure the tip of a branch no matter how strong, wouldn't be able to hold me up. 

Think, Red! You're some-what smart!

I lean against the rough branch and take deep breaths as I clench my lower regions. Vos and I didn't sleep a wink last night and now I'm doing weird tree gymnastics. I can't just rest can I? I both my cheeks and shift uncomfortably, I should probably start with my hair. It'd be weird if people were to find a blazing red object hiding within the trees. that's be really weird and shit. 

Just as I'm about to move to another branch, a shadow jumps from behind a tree as I hold my breath, waiting for whatever. I didn't exactly get the chance to learn self-defense techniques which I admit should have been focusing on knowing my history with being abducted so easily but I was busy with being almost rejected and all so why would I bother right? Right. 

Yeah, convince yourself more. You're almost getting there. 

Shut up, self!

"Lady Red?" I freeze, mentally cursing myself as I realise I've allowed myself to be distracted by my own thoughts again. 

I slowly turn my head to the smooth voice and smile sheepishly when I realise it was Rory in all her gothic beauty glory. 

"Hi!" I chirp, trying to look dignified as I try to balance myself on the branch with sweaty limbs and a heart beating erratically fast. 

"Are you okay?" She asks, pointing to the man is slowly stirring awake. 

"I-" before I could get a word out, she pulls off her heeled shoe and impales it straight on his head. Yes, it is a gory as it sounds. she literally killed someone with her shoe. 

"Um, he could have been a good guy, you know?" I state nervously as I slowly climb down the tree trunk. 

Instead of a reply, she merely states at me and I couldn't help but smack my lips. she makes me nervous. Me! Me who has a high position in the palace is nervous and intimidated by my mate's Beta! What even? 

She literally killed someone in front of you. That's a normal reaction. 

"If he were a good guy, you wouldn't be trembling on top of a tree." Okay, so she doesn't do jokes. Okay, noted. 

"So, uh should we leave?" I ask, side stepping the dead body as I attempt to pull her shoe off the head. 

"I can do that." I step back as she pulls the shoe off in one swift move and puts it on without even batting an eye-lash. 

See? She's scary! 

"You know you shouldn't trust me so easily." I sigh as I fall instep beside her. Yes, she literally just went off walking. LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED.

"But I have no reason not to trust you though." I answer with a smile, keeping my distance in case she goes all feral on me. I mean I just found out Vos rejected his mate and this girl may have really liked his mate before me and all and they might have even been best friends.  

One shall never underestimate the wrath of a best friend. 

"There are lots of reasons, Lady Red." She replies as she continues walking towards God knows where. Also as an afterthought, if she really is the bad guy, I'd be so friggin unmatched. I was safe on the tree but I revealed myself. So if anything does happen to me, yeah it'd be my fault. 

Red, we never change. 

Consistency is key, self! 

"Name one then." I state nervously. 

"Well, I'm the sister of the mate Vos rejected." 

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA See? it was too good to be true! oh my goddess Red you screwed us over! HAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 


"Lady Red, is there a reason you're laughing like a maniac right now?" I turn to her, still laughing at myself. 

"No, nothing much-" I say in between laughs, "It's just- HAHAHAH-" I clutch my stomach as I remember my first encounter with Link. " We're going to be great friends."  I say as I try to calm myself down. 

Screw this, if she were to abduct me somewhere,  I am wolf-less but the Queen, Vos and Sapphire - oh and my mother have strong bonds with me. Whatever happens, they can find me, it's just a matter of if they find me dead or alive. 

We're pretty good at staying alive though. 

That we are. 


Hiii okay, this is just a filler chapter and I know it's really short but I'm trying my best. i have the plot and all down it's just the words won't come out as I want it and I'm having a really bad writer's block. I apologise for that. I'll edit soon and promise to update and get over this weird slump. Thank you all so much for still supporting me no matter how erratic my updates are <3 You guys are the true MVP. 

comment, smile, love and laugh!  <3

Also, Rory, is pretty important. 

bow :3

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