11: If I could make one wish, I'd ask to be an emotionless rock

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"Are you going to let go?" I shake my head silently and tighten my arms around him as I try to hold back my tears.

"Hey, you know I'm still coming back right?" I stay silent and squeeze him once more. "Red, I think you're over reacting."

My lips quiver as I pull away and stare into his amused eyes. "But what if you find your mate there?" I know it's none of my business but I just can't imagine Link anywhere else aside from the palace. Maybe my abandonment issues really did eat me up inside; If I were the old me, I'd probably even cheer Link for being a temporary Alpha but for some reason I just can't find it in me.

"Red." He holds my gaze; his no linger amused but understanding. "You know that my mate died." I try not to gasp at the information. I'm sure he mentioned it at one point but I was so deep in my own problems that I didn't notice the weight his words carried until today.

He runs his thumbs over my knuckles and squeezes them together. "I'm not ready to move on..." I bite my lip and stare at his carpeted floors. "I thought I was ready. I thought that maybe I could move on..." I look up and see hesitance written all over his face.

"But?" I urge.

He stayed silent for sometime before he breathes out and pulls away. I watch warily as he stands up and closes his bedroom door gently and turns to me silently. "Red... I wish..." He takes a steady breath making my heart jump out of my chest, the atmosphere around us was tense and heavy his gaze now burns into my skin with searing heat.

I get up and walk towards him slowly, trying to calm myself but Vos' face suddeny pops into my head. What would he think if he'd see Link and I together? Would he be jealous? Why is it even important for me to know? I rid myself of the thoughts And stop short when I find myself right before Link. "You wish what?"

"I wish... I wish it was you." I take an unconscious step back as I process his words.

"You wish... what was me?" Link visibly gulps and closes the space between us making the air thin and the room smaller. The hairs on my arms and neck rises as he gently places his hands on my shoulders and places his forehead against mine then running one hand from my shoulder up to my cheek.

"My mate." I froze and all my thought process just stopped and as much as my brain froze, my heart went into overdrive and started leaping off my chest in all directions possible and just as I was about to reply, Vos' face once again popped in my head and this time, I couldn't shake him off. Even my heart couldn't shake him off as it started to beat faster at the thought of him.

Link clears his throat, grabbing my attention as he slowly breathes out. "I wish it could have been you. I would have kidnapped you the moment and saw you." I laugh softly and close my eyes, allowing myself to feel butterflies in my stomach and a rush of blood on my cheeks.

"You wouldn't have kidnapped me." I reply, my tears falling from my eyes. "You would have helped with the war still."

He chuckles softly and finally puts his arms around me as I bury myself in his chest. "You're right."

"I always am."

His arms tighten around me and secure me in place. "...I would have put you first." I take a shuddering breath as I struggle to control my emotions. Life was so unfair to both Link and I. He lost his mate early and mine doesn't want me. "We could have been each other's chosen too..."

I pull away and stare into his sincere eyes as he gives me a soft smile, making my toes tingle.

"But?" I urge, only now wrapping my arms around his waist.

"But, I want you to have a chance at a real mate and I know your happiness is here." I frown. Does he mean Abe?

"Your bro-"

"Not him." Huh. He gathers my hands in his as confusion eats me up. "I would never trust your happiness with him, so please fight for it. Fight for your happiness and find it with the people you love and who loves you."

I laugh and squeeze his hands. My chance at a real mate fucked up real bad and he kinda looks like you." He chuckles out loud and throws his head back.

"That too. I don't think we can ever be together because I look too much like that bastard." I laugh and give him the tightest hug I could muster but stay silent. I knew what he meant. I knew what meant when he said real mate; as much as I was pinning for his brother, I know Abe and I could never be together now. Too many hurtful words were exchanged and too many betrayals on his part happened for me to ever trust him fully. It hurt but it happened and last night I finally started to accept my reality. That maybe I'd have another mate out there who would love me for me, who would bring out the crazy Red again. Who would fight for me even though I didn't need to be saved and for some heart clenching reason, I know that it is not Link that I'm meant to be with.

Link pulls me out of my thoughts when he returns the hug with as much strength and plants a kiss on the top of my head. "But I'm always going to be your knight in shining armour until you don't need me anymore; You know that right?"  My chest does the clenching thing again and I nod my head silently because no words can express how much I trust and love Link. I know he'd always be there for me.

                       •           •          •

"Reddianne Thompson! Where have you been!? Link is leaving and you aren't anywhere to be found!" I smile sweetly at my mother as I hurry down the marble steps of the palace, pointedly ignoring Abe's hulking form beside Link.

"I was just changing mother. I was in fact in Link's room helping him pack." The Queen, who stood regally beside my mother in a red formal satin dress giggles quietly and places a hand on my mother's shoulder.

"Hi mama two!" I wave my hands to which the Queen giggles louder and physically had to stop my mom from coming at me, probably to pinch my ears.

"Oh Ruby, never mind her. We aren't in a formal event anyway." My mother huffs out loud and I exchange an amused look with Link. Lately both the Queen and mom have been acting like teenage best friends who haven't seen each other in years.

"Red." My mother stiffens and I put on a sarcastic smile on my face as I face Abe.

"Alpha." He frowns but I don't see what he does next because I throw myself at an unsuspecting Link who staggers a couple of steps back as he catches me.

"Oof." I bury my head in the crook of Link's neck and breathe him in. He stiffens under me but I don't care. I'm going to miss him.
"Hey, you know I'm coming back right?"

I nod my head and pull away. "Of course you're coming back because if not, I'll drag you over here myself. You shouldn't have to keep fixing what your brother can't handle." I her the giggles from my moms and smile when I see Link's smirk.

I ignore Abe's growl and pull Link towards me again. "I'm going to miss you." I whisper, low enough for only both of us to hear.

"Me too." He replies, planting a kiss on my cheek and giving both the Queen and my mother a hug.

"Link, you're welcome here anytime." Link nods then bows formally at the Queen then turns to his brother, holding out his hand.

"I expect to see you in the pack soon, fulfilling your duties." Abe opens his mouth to reply but Link didn't give him the chance to speak. "Be the Alpha out parents wanted you to be. Be the person I looked up to before I was kidnapped and stop acting like an easily manipulated puppet." I purse my lips as Link grabs his bags and turns to the large marble doors of the palace, not looking back once.


Heeyyy! I'm baccckkk!!!! So sorry for this late update! I was really sick and well, I just got back!

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