19: The world doesn't stop turning for anyone

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I don't know how long I've been laying here, the concept of time just seems to be non- existent; has it been days? Months? Am I dead? Have I passed along with my wolf? Is my wolf dead?

It's not that I mind... I just wished I could have done more. I could have hung out with my mom more, I could have disturbed Sapphire more, I could have even annoyed Link to death more... I should have rejected Abe right from the bat; I should have had more time with Vos.

'Nothing would have prevented this from happening.' The light airy voice sends shivers down my spine as it speaks from behind me but I don't have it in me to turn around and see who it was. It could be some dead ancestor of mine.

"So I was meant to die this pitiful pathetic death?" I reply instead, distracting myself. The voice laughs, seemingly making the place around me glow brighter and warmer. I mean as bright as the colour black can be.

'You aren't dead, Red.' I frown, feeling unsettled at how familiar this voice is. 'You'd know that if you turn around and actually face me, a dead person.' So it is a dead person!

So instead of doing just that, I close my eyes and breathe out shakily. "I really don't wanna see a dead person!"

'Reddiane Thompson! Just do it.' I gasp at the familiar stern tone and quickly sit up as I turn around only to burst in tears when I see a happy glowing Lady Noelle before me and beside her, my tired looking wolf.

'You must be in pain?' I nod my head silently and sit back on my heels as I stare at Lady Noelle with my tears streaking down my face continuously, nothing would stop them from coming and I feel like if I don't let this out now, I'm never going to in the future.

"Hi." I call out softly to my beaten wolf with my chest hurting for her, for us. She looked so lifeless and small beside the petite Lady Noelle and I couldn't help but drown in self- pity. What has this man done— what have I done to end up like this? To end up here?

My wolf stares at me with soft tired eyes but doesn't make a move, she was probably in more pain than I am. Her legs were stick thin with her bones poking out at her joints. Her fur was thin in some parts and thick in others, her paws were missing some nails— probably from the struggle of the pain— but what stabbed me the most was how her tail was tucked in between her legs.

"I'm- I'm so sorry." I whisper, moving to kneel before my wolf as I grab her paws and place my forehead on them for a deep bow with tears streaming down my face. My chest feels like it would cave out at any moment from the pain I've caused both my wolf and I but instead of the growl and disdain I was expecting from my wolf, she merely licks my head and rests her head beside mine as she shows me her neck.

I cry even more when I realise that even after everything, my wolf still loves and respects me. She still tried to comfort me, even in her worse state. She gave me everything I needed and more.

"Am I dead?" I break the silence after a while and look back at Lady Noelle expectantly. Half hoping she'd say yes and half hoping she'd say no.

'No, not you.' My heart broke at the implications of her words. Not me, so my wolf, then?

"My wolf..." Lady Noelle sighs and places a hand gently on top of my wolf's head, slowly caressing her as if she were the most fragile thing in this world. My heart hurt at the gesture. So I can no longer be with my wolf now?

'Your wolf can no longer be with you.' I was expecting the blow but it didn't make it any less painful. My wolf has been with me since the very beginning and because of me, she suffered a premature death. A painful death at that. 'Red, she died so you could live. She gave you all her life essence to give you a fighting chance.'

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