8: In which a slap makes everything better

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"Are you ready?" I take a deep breath and glance at Vos from under my lashes.

"Do I have to answer that question?" He chuckles and in one motion, sweeps me off my feet, making sparks erupt at the pit of my stomach.

"I won't be throwing you to the wolves alone, Red." I bristle when he says my name. I look up to find his burning gaze on my face making my lower regions clench in delight, something I haven't felt since Abe looked at me. I must be such a wreck to feel like this for some one other than my mate. It just doesn't make sense.

But it can make sense if you think of the minor possibilities.

I rid myself of the thoughts and refuse to think about it further. I'm probably just having a very minor nervous breakdown.

I glance up at him again and find his jaw clenched. His eyes were still on me and I find myself lost in his brown-green orbs; it was a very unusual colour that held very unusual emotions— the most prominent one being, hesitation. I don't know what Vos is holding back and I don't plan to pry it out of him anytime soon. If he wants to, he'll tell me.

But you want to know what he's holding back aren't you?

"You're very beautiful." He whispers under his breath but I heard him loud and clear even with my hearing slightly compromised because of my wolf's disappearance. I suddenly feel heat rush to my cheeks and know for a fact I just blushed because of his words; I however refuse to look away from him and continue to hold his stare. I know he knows the attraction is there— at least for me. My attraction for him was obvious, it's just that I keep denying it. 

And just like that he snaps out of our reverie and blinks fast and he adjusts me in his arms. "Let's go. They'll all be waiting for you." I could feel his heart beat through his shirt and it was beating fast, but that can be because of our hike from the cave to the lower part of the valley.

I swallow down the weird feeling boiling at the surface and lean against his broad chest, trying to control myself from saying anything. I wouldn't want things to be more complicated than they already were. I don't need any more drama, also if I act on this weird attraction I have, it might hurt me more in the long run. Vos may have a mate somewhere and I don't want the risk of losing myself if I somehow lose him.

You don't exactly know if he has a mate.

Everyone has a mate, stupid conscience.

But you want to know the possibility of a second cha-

-No! Damn it Red. Stop thinking about this! You still have an Abe problem to solve.

Reject him.

Lost in my own thoughts, I was only pulled back to the present when Vos took off and started running at a slow pace— well slow for a werewolf— giving me time to take in our surroundings. The sun has yet to rise but its rays were slowly starting to peek behind the trees and for the first time in my life I appreciated how it looked; blue-violet skies pierced with an orange-yellow beam created a myriad of colors which I could never have seen with my normal vision because everything would be too bright. I wouldn't have stared at the sky for more than a minute, but now I can stare all I want.

                     •           •          •

"Red!" I squint my eyes and make out the figure running towards us. Vos had slowed down to a jog and completely stopped in front of the figure I now discerned as my mother and had concern written all over her face. "Oh my darling!"

Vos places me back on my feet making sure I had my balance before letting go. I felt a sinking feeling at the pit of my stomach but I refuse to acknowledge it as I wrap my arms around my mother and bury my head in her neck. I don't care what anyone says, nothing can ever compare to a mother's embrace.

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