29: Trusting the enemy can be a good thing

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I stand up straighter and smile at Rory's bewildered face. I know about everything running inside her mind right now. this girl must be very confused about me. 

"Okay then, let's go wherever you want to take me."  I say as I stand on my tippy toes then fall back flat on my feet as I enjoy the smell of incoming rain around us. 

"You- you aren't even going to fight me?" She asks even more bewildered as we head to the South. I shrug my shoulders and shake my head as I lightly look around for a trail. 

"Well you see, I know for a fact that my fighting skills aren't great. I've been either too lazy to learn, too depressed to even think about it or too happy in love that I didn't think I'd end up being in trouble again." I finally turn to her now solemn expression. "I know it'd be useless. Also, you haven't exactly done anything to me. You even helped me by killing that man." I didn't know what reaction to expect from her but judging from her eye-roll, she must have been so over me. I mean I know it takes like special people to get used to my personality. I'm cute that way. 

"What if you and Vos were stuck in this situation and he was in danger? Would you still be thinking that way?" I thought about it for a while. If Vos were in danger of course i'd be more hyper aware of everything but he's an Alpha and is set to take Orion's position, Vos is probably really strong. 


Shut up self! we haven't seen his hunky Godly like skills yet. he may be a twerp in fighting but good in strategy you know? 

You think someone only good at making strategies can replace Orion? Who is good at both strategy and fighting? Are you mental?

Yes, Yes I am. 

"Whatever." I smile at Rory who starts to walk south and follow her silently for a few minutes before I answer her question. 

"I probably wouldn't worry then." I say silently. I see her clench her fist and I know she wants to tell me something but is waiting for me to finish. "I haven't exactly seen Vos fight but i'm sure he'd be able to keep himself and me safe." I finish quietly, knowing if it comes to it, Vos would fight for me. 

"You're not even going to doubt him?" I let her question sink in as I stare at soft pelts of rain that was starting to fall around us. 

"Even if he were to tell me right now that he is part of the rebels, I will keep hope. I know my mate wouldn't just go around doing things because of irrational reasons." I state silently. 

"You know blindly believing in your mate can get your whole pack killed."  She says it with such venom that I couldn't help but stop in my tracks. 


She stops and turn to me, making me stop in my tracks too. "Don't even ask." 

"I'm not gonna ask but I'm going to say something about it." I say softly, trudging ahead of her slowly. 

"Why are you going to talk about something you don't know?" She says harshly but I can't blame her. Pack deaths are a sensitive thing after all. 

"Because I'm sure it involves your sister and Vos. I'm eventually going to need to hear this story to understand why he rejected your sister." 

"He rejected her cau-"

"Please don't tell me. I don't want to have pre-conceived biases until I hear his side." I say a bit too harshly but it doesn't matter as long as she understands my point. 

"Fine." We spend the rest of the time in comfortable silence as we walk slowly to wherever the hell she'd taking me. 

After what felt like five hours, she suddenly comes to a full stop like she was shot with an arrow. I in turn froze and trailed my sites to where her eyes were locked on and I couldn't help a sigh of relief. 

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