18: I can make boys cry too!

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It was dark and cold and the air was stale but I felt empty and light but heavy; a paradox is what I am becoming. I was also very aware with what had just happened. Abe rejected me. My wolf spirit is probably with Lady Noelle and I am probably stuck in my own mind.

Not that I'm complaining. I can just stay here forever what's the point of being back there?


My thoughts stall. Right. I had Vos.


And Sapphire


And Link


My mom. Can I really just stay here? I think about it as I stare at the dark expanse before me. Yes, Yes I can. If my own mate would reject me that way, why wouldn't they? If my own mate can stand to kill my wolf, what would stop other people from doing so too?

I sigh out; I couldn't even cry, I didn't feel like it, I'm just so numb and so over it. I then lay on my side as I stare on into the darkness.

Maybe this time, I can have the sleep I've been wanting to have for a while. Maybe this time, what could comfort me is to be by myself away from prying eyes. Maybe I needed to be lonely. Maybe I need to go.

I close my eyes and breathe in as I listen to the deafening sound of silence.


I stop talking in the middle of the meeting and clutch my chest as pain bloomed where my heart sat.

"Alpha, what's wrong?" I turn to Abe's beta and shake my head.

"I don't know. I think I'm just over worked." I answer and hand him the new applications but as I did, I accidentally push the glass off the table and just as it shatters on the floor, my phone rings.

"I'll get the glass, Alpha." I nod my head as I get up and answer my phone.


"Link..." I frown and glance at the unregistered phone number.

"Princess?" I hear sniffling on the other side of the phone and I automatically tense up. "Princess, is everything okay?"

"Link... it's Red. You have to come here."

I drop the call and immediately storm my way towards me room, leaving the beta agape. I swear. I swear if Abe did something stupid again, I'll kill him.


I turn the phone off and glance at Red's unconscious form on the bed. This is so stupid. It isn't supposed to happen like this.  She was just supposed to find her mate and live happily ever after!

"Love." I turn to Orion and bite my lip. If there's anyone in the room who knows how frustrated I feel it would be him, but even his presence couldn't calm me down and that's speaking a lot. "Why don't you rest first? Vos will take over-" I shake my head immediately and sit pm the bed beside Red.

"I really don't want to leave her." I hesitate but see the state Vos is in. His eyes were rimmed red and his total appearance looked disheveled and unkempt. He was suffering as much as me and I can't be selfish about this.

"She'll be fine." I nod towards Orion and give Vos a small smile as my mate closes his hands over mine.

As we exit Red's room, I heave out a heavy sigh and feel all the burden I thought have left me, come back. It feels like I'm at war again but instead of rebels, we were at war with emotions and invisible forces.

"Orion, if Red's wolf... if Red's wolf passed-"

"Princess!" As we turn the corner, Link comes running towards us with concern all over his face. He was covered in sweat and his clothes were crumpled and dirty. "What happened?"

I glance at Orion, not exactly thinking how I would explain this.

"Come, I'll explain things to you..." Orion let's go of my hand and leads Link towards one of the balconies. Now that I think about it, it hasn't even been thirty minutes since I've called Link. He must have run here with his wolf.


Abe sits silently in the dungeon cell thinking back to Red's expression and his wolf's growl but the stench of sweat, pee and rust makes it almost impossible  to think clearly. The air around the dungeon wasn't any better, it was humid and sweat was plaguing every part of his body and his chest feels so hollow, so broken that he didn't know where to start.

"If anything..." He jumps out of his reverie and stares blankly at the cell where Red's mother now stood, with the queen right behind her. "If anything happens to my Red, I will make sure Melanie suffers the burnt ten times more."

This got his attention but he couldn't find it in him to be angry anymore. He was so exhausted and emotionally drained that he didn't know if he even cared if Melanie will suffer. This was all her fault to begin with. If she just didn't seduce him. If she wasn't such a filial daughter and had to follow her dad. If she only knew how to stand up for herself and had substance...like Red.

Abe didn't notice the exit of the Queen and the doctor as he merely stared into space with legs bent at an unusual angle and pain radiating in every part of his body, he wanted nothing but death at this moment but death couldn't come fast enough with his hands shackled and bound by silver cuffs that were attached to the wall.

"What have I done?" He breathes out as memories of Red falling down plagues his thoughts. "What the hell have I done?"

He buries his face in his hands as he exhales his tears for the first time in years but this time, no one's there to comfort him, not even his wolf.



Guys, I am so sorry for the sudden radio silence but I promise I didn't do it on purpose!

As you all know I am a healthcare worker; I am not a front liner but I had to face patients everyday until the lockdown in our city... and the cases are rising by hundreds daily and I had to be quarantined because we found out that one patient we had, were exhibiting symptoms... I had cough and colds too (turned out to be allergies) so I was on self-quarantine for two weeks and I was in no head space to write and do anything productive with my anxiety and worries... but last week I heard good news, the patient was cleared and I only needed anti-histamines! So I'm cleared too!

So guys, please do keep your social distancing, wear your masks when you go out. If you have neighbours and friends with no food, please give them some of yours. What we need now more than ever is peace and solidarity and If you're not taking the virus seriously at least think of those around you.

Comment, subscribe, love and smile!

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