12: So maybe I won't get killed?

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"Red." I ignore him and take bigger hurried steps to wherever there are a lot of people. I didn't want to deal with Abe, not today. Yesterday's interaction was enough to last me a month. "Red." I hold my breath and walk faster.

You're being too obvious!

Screw obvious. I want far away from him as possible.

I turn a corner and see the double doors leading to the east field. Warriors were currently in training but I don't care. Maybe some eye candy will forget me about Abe's existence.


I burst through the doors, not bothering to close them and run towards a lone figure roaming in between sparring warriors. I felt my heart rate speed up as I have a hunch on who it might be. I squeal silently, forgetting about the hulking figure gaining on me as I break into a run.

"Vos! I mean, Alpha Vos!" Vos turns to me with a frown but I jump on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso, ignoring his sweat as I bury my head in the crook of his neck.

"Hi." He whispers huskily making me freeze in his arms and re think my choices.    There were currently a horde of warriors around us and a stupid Alpha chasing me but here I am feeling all giggly and tingly in the arms on an Alpha in the middle of training. Does this make sense?

"I missed you." The moment those words escaped his lips I decided. Yes, Yes it does make sense. I don't know how it does but being in his arms in tangled with his sweat and scent and comfort, It did somehow make sense.

I bury my face further into his neck as I feel him bury his in my hair, taking in a deep breath; all warriors and other Alphas forgotten. This, this felt like home and this felt amazing.

This may also hurt you along the way.

I frown at my conscience. Stupid conscience, you were the one encouraging me all those days ago!

Yeah, but like...I'm you... so....

I block my own thoughts out of my head and breathe in Vos' scent; pine and mint, something I didn't notice before- Oh my Goddess! I pull away from a smirking Vos and squish his cheeks.

"I can smell you!" I declare making him tense under me and also making me painfully aware that there were people around us as they laugh out loud.

Heat instantly rushes to my cheeks and instead of being the shameless Red that I am, I hide my face in Vos' neck and tighten my arms around him. "Please take me away from here."

The vibration shook harder as Vos' chuckles more and tingles starts shooting on my legs but I ignore them still wanting to get out of the area.

"Everyone, morning training is through; Rory will head the afternoon training." Rory? Who's Rory?

"Yes Alpha." Vos wraps his arms around my waist securely and hikes me higher on his torso as he start moving towards wherever— I still had my face hidden in his neck and I wasn't going to get out anytime soon.

Just admit you like being close to him. Like super close.

Shut up, Red!

"We're out of earshot and far away now." I reluctantly pull away and glance around us only to find us somewhere deep in the forrest as tall trees surround us and spans across all directions. How'd he get this far, that fast?

He's an Alpha, nitwit.


I don't know why but the thought of Vos doing Alpha stuff makes me tingly and happy but like all days, I ignore the feeling with dry humor.

"Omg is this the part where you kill me and pretend we never met?" We are in the forrest after all. I pull away and get down from Vos' arms.

"I don't know is it?" He takes one step forward and I dare one closer, making the gap between us almost non-existent. My heart instantly goes into hyper-drive and the heat on my face from earlier spreads through out my body as his stare paralyses me in place.

He is so beautiful.

"Is it?" I ask in a small voice but he only gives me a smile. Slowly, his large hands slides around my waist and he pulls me against him, my chest exploding with tingles and sparks at the contact. He lowers his head towards mine, our faces so close that I can feel his breath fan against my face.

"I would never kill you." He whispers softly, his thumb running circles on the small of my back. I swallow my saliva and blink, unable to form a coherent thought. "So I'll kiss you instead."

My eyes widen as he plants his lips close to mine— MY FIRST KISS!!!!!! — but my thoughts turns into mud and my eyes and lips act on their own as I respond to his slightly chapped lips and pull him closer against me.


"Orion!" My mate turns to me with a questioning look but I couldn't help but laugh as the pink apron contrasted greatly  against his black V-neck.

"What you just wanted to laugh at me?" I shake my head and walk towards him, turning off the stove once I was close enough.

"I can do the cooking. You have to get ready for your conference call. Andy's probably worried sick by now." He shakes his head and rests the spatula on the table.

"They can wait a week more." He slides his arms around my waist and pulls me flush against him. "I'm currently on a vacation with their future Queen, they can wait." He plants a kiss on my lips and I smile. Being with him never got old.

"We've delayed Melanie's trial long enough." I say, treading carefully. He didn't like he fact that he had to restate all that has happened to the war council; he's already done it once but Andy misplaced the files and now he has to stand witness again. "I just want Abe out of the palace." I sigh and bite my lower lip which he of course eyes.

"I know. But starting the trial won't put Abe out of the palace. It may even make him stay. Especially if Melanie is found guilty." I frown. He's right. If Melanie is found guilty, Abe could give up his title and start working for the castle.

"Hey." I look up as Orion moves my baby hair out of the way. "After I give the testimony they'll start the trial again and it will be and uphill battle for everyone but I promise you, Melanie and Abe will get what is coming for them. Okay?" I nod my head. I don't care whether Abe and Melanie get what they deserve, I worry about my best friend.

"Sapphire, I promise you, when we get back, Red will be better. She has Vos now." I smile at the thought.

"But I haven't met him yet! What if I don't approve?" Orion chuckles and hugs me to him.

"Well then, he'll have more challenges to face." I raise my eyebrows at his statement.

"So you aren't going to help him earn brownie points?"

"Love, I would never help a guy earn brownie points with you." My mouth falls open but Orion merely pushes it close and sweeps me off my feet.

"Orion! Your conference!" He laughs as he kicks our bedroom door open.

"They can wait one more day!"

Hiiii!!! Were you waiting for that kiss? Did you expect that to happen? Did it come out of nowhere??

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