25: Hey, I just wanna--

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"It's been three days, do you think he's not horny anymore?" Sapphire spits her drink out and clutches a pillow in her hand as she throws is straight to my head while trying to balance her drink in her other hand.  

"The hell!? That was so not princess like!" I laugh as I dodge the soft offending object and lay back down on her soft mattress. I don't know when the last time was that Sapphire and I could just lounge around and talk anything. We found ourselves in her old bedroom after escaping palace duties and now we're just enjoying each other's company, like old times. If Lady Noelle were here, she'd have our head by now. 

"Yeah and you think your question was Lady like?" She rebukes, setting her glass down as she turns to face me with a glint in her eyes. I laugh again as I turn my head to the ceiling. 

"Red." I smile and have out a contented sigh, never have I felt so peaceful in such a long time. 


"I'm so glad that you're alright." 

"Me too, Saph. Me too." I whisper back and raise my legs up towards the ornate ceiling. "but back to my question, Vos isn't doing anything anymore and honestly it's frustrating me the hell out." My wonderful best friend bursts out laughing and sits up to sip her drink again. 

"Serves you right! Weren't you the one who told him you needed to shave?" I groan and drop my legs down as I hide my face behind my hands in  mortification of my dark past. 

Dark past? Really, Red?

Shut up, self!

"I mean, I did say that and I did mean it but like what girl shaves for three days!? Are men this dense?" She laughs again and I sit up to face her. 

"Who's side are you on!?" Sapphire laughs even harder and gets up from her position, pulling me along with her. 

"Red, since when did our conversation go from doing chores and hiding from our mothers to complicated relationships with men?" She huffs out as she fixes my hair and straightens my Green dress. "I feel like we've aged a decade in a span of a year and I'm not ready to comprehend the weirdness of this situation." 

"Agreed." I do the same thing Sapphire is, and fix her hair and her floral Sunday dress. "Anyway, do you think we should go to the throne room right now? I feel like we've been slacking on duties and all." 

"Reddiane Thompson, are you actually thinking about responsibilities and such?' I laugh, a heavy weight on my chest as I recall my conversation with Vos. 

"I mean, I need to be some one reliable so I can stand beside Vos properly, you know?" Sapphire sigh and claps both side of my cheeks. 

"Red, if you weren't reliable, do you think my mothers would appoint you as my right hand? Do you honestly think they'd give you one of the most important positions in the palace if they thought you were unreliable?" She raises her eyebrows but the doubt doesn't ebb away. 

Ugh! This isn't like me! 

Exactly. You're supposed to be overconfident. 

Screw other people! I am my greatest hater!

Exactly. I am your greatest hater!

You are ME! Idiot!


Stop saying exactly! 

This is getting nowhere!

"Ha!" I exclaim and slap my both sides of my face, which of course I should not have done now that I realise Sapphire's hand were still on either sides of my face and the slap just kind of hurt a little more than it should have. 

But it woke you up, did it not?

" We're both right! Psh, the fact the Vos gets to stand with a beautiful Red head with pretty eyes is an honor in itself! Screw it all! I'm already reliable enough-- this is all baseless confidence though, but screw it all!" I declare and pump and left arm up which Sapphire mimics. 

"Yes! Screw it all!" She declares.

"Now, let's go disturb our mates and our mothers!" I declare once again to which sapphire laughs and nods her head silently as I pull her out of her old room, Just like old times. 

                                                          .                                 .                               .




"Sapphire, Princess of wolves, what is the meaning of this???" Sapphire laughs and pushes me towards a smirking Vos who was standing in front of an actual live working helicopter with hands behind his back, waiting for me patiently. 

"Just go with the flow!" I panic and glare at a laughing Orion who grabs Sapphire by her waist. 

"The flow is shady!" I scream over the cacophony of noises and see my mother wave enthusiastically from one of the palace windows. The hell? Did I enter a universe where everyone becomes impulsive and I become and intellectual? What is this sorcery!? 

"Stalling won't change anything, Red." I turn to Vos and bite my lower lip, completely forgetting about my come-back. He now has his hair down and he looks like a friggin God and I hate it and I hate him and why do I feel hot all over? I don't just feel hot, I feel something down THERE and it's frustrating and I hate this! 

My eyes finally found his and they were now an intense dark color and the feeling just became more intense and oh my goodness I think I'm horny. Holy crap!

Are you now? 

I jump at Vos' voice in my head and feel the heat rise to my cheeks! of course he could friggin read my thoughts! 

I run over towards him and pull his hand as I hop inside the helicopter and shut the door tight, which of course I should not have done because now I'm in a small enclosed space with his scent wafting everywhere and oh my goodness he smells so good!

Red! Concentrate! You might have lost your wolf but you still have hormones!

"Is everything set, Alpha?" I turn to the pilot and was about to demand him to step on it or uh- fly on it? how do you tell someone to fly a helicopter faster?- but instead, Vos pulls me to him and opens the doors. 

"Change of plans, Alec. Meet me here tomorrow same time. For now, we have urgent business to attend to." With that, Vos carries me bridal style and heads towards the woods hurriedly with Sapphire and Orion's laughter floating in the wind around us. 


So... I know I have been absent for so long and I'm so sorry!! Quarantine has not been good for my mental health and my writer's block really isn't helping anything... anyway... I'm back and well... this is just a filler chapter! I promise a better chapter soon cause the next chapter kind of needs mental preparation to write since I've never written one... if you know what I mean hihiihi so, please look forward to the next chapter as I promise to give you the what I have not given you in the last book ahahahaha (again, if you know what I mean...) 

Also, thank you so much for sticking with me despite these weird schedule updates!

Comment, subscribe, like and uh smile! <3 

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