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Chapter 02:: The Gloomy Past

Taehyung was busy plating the dishes he made, just within half and hour. Yes! He is a preety good cook and all thanks to Seokjin who thought him how to cook. He used to work with the older in a cafe during his highschool times and gained all the required knowledge he could, from Seokjin.

Jungkook on the other hand was sitting at the dining table admiring Taehyung the whole time. He saw his husband- how smoothly he flip the steak in the frying pan and apply a thin layer of butter onto it.

Totally Jungkook's taste.

"Tae~ My baby~" Jungkook got up from where he was sitting and back hugged Taehyung, nuzzling his face on younger's nape. Jungkook left soft butterfly kisses on others nape.

Jungkook remained clinging onto Taehyung who just purred into Jungkook's embrace. He loves it when Jungkook cling to him all the time. It brings back the sweet memories, when they got into relationship. But sometimes the bad memories enter in as well.

Exactly two years have passed since they are married and just couldn't get enough of each other. Each day they find new things in the other even if it is a small little thing, which makes them fall for the other one even more.

It was years ago. When Jungkook's eyes landed on the cutest living being on the earth he ever saw.

Kim Taehyung.

He was a the most fragile, cute, beautiful, heavenly, and literal ball of fluff in Jungkook's eyes. Every single time he saw him, Jungkook wanted to wrap him in his arms and protect the innocent soul from this cruel world.

Coincidentally they happen to be in the same English class. Both sitting far away from each other. Jungkook took the initiative and befriended Taehyung who agreed to be friends with this handsome young man.

Slowly their friendship grew even more. As in more than just best friends.

Taehyung too fell in love with the kind, loving, funny, and possessive Jungkook who did all sorts of things to gain Taehyung's trust. How could he not fall for The Jeon Jungkook?!

They kept their feelings form eachother due to the fear of being rejected. When Jungkook couldn't bottle up his emotions anymore in his heart, he gathered all the courage in him and confessed his love for Taehyung who quickly gave him a big fat Yes! With tears of joy cascading down his cheeks.

They had full support of their dear friends but unfortunately Taehyung's parents were against their relationship.

He weren't homophobic but, they simply didn't wanted their son to be with Jungkook because the boy was an orphan and they felt that Jungkook couldn't do anything in his life and it would be an insult for their family, if people knew their only son is married an orphan boy.

Speaking about Jungkook, his parents left him in an orphanage when he was just a baby. He never got the love he always wanted to feel.

When he was ten year old he met an eighteen years old high school student. Kim Namjoon. The boy felt pity for Jungkook so he befriended the lonely boy and also helped him every single time, even financially. He looked afer Jungkook as his own little brother.

Namjoon gathered up all his courage and literally begged his mother to adopt Jungkook who finally adopted the boy when he was 17.

Coming back to Taehyung, his parents were the villains in their own son's love story. Trying to seperate their son from the one with whom he fell head over heels with. Taehyung's parents arranged his marriage with Park Bogum, the youngest son of the Park family.

Bogum too had feelings for Taehyung and upon knowing that Taehyung's parents themselves agreed to marry them both he bacame kind of selfish. Taehyung asked Bogum to reject him and this marriage but he didn't wanted to let Taehyung go.

Having no other choice for Taehyung he had to run away from home with Jungkook far away from his parents, relatives and Bogum.

They went to Jimin and Yoongi for help who helped them without another thought. They gave them a place to stay. They kept hiding from0 everyone for four days and when they couldn't take it anymore— on the fifth day they got married in a nearby church. Only calling their very close friends as the witnesses.

Taehyung along with Jungkook went back home to share the news of his marriage with Jungkook, so that they could stop with their cheap tricks to seperate them but to his dismay, his enraged father threw him out the house along with his belongings. He didn't imagined his father would disown him so quickly.

With a heavy heart Taehyung left the place where he had grew up and promised himself to never return back there. He went with Jungkook to his small little appartment which he now called his home.

Jungkook knew this small apartment was nothing compared to the mansion Taehyung stays but still he tried his best so that Taehyung wouldn't feel suffocated in this small place.

Taehyung was very much depressed after than and cried himself to sleep which worried Jungkook to the core. He couldn't see his husband sad so he promised himself to take good care of his husband from now on.

He worked hard a lot and the result of his hard work was the company he managed to put up. The Jeon Auto Company, which became famous within a year. And now he is one of the successful CEO you'll come across.

Though he is not the richest one but still rich enough to take care of his husband and himself.

He bought a big house, similar to the one in which Taehyung was used to stay in since his childhood. He bought him all kind of things which even his parents wouldn't afford to buy him. He again let Taehyung enjoy the lavish lifestyle which he was once used to.

Though Taehyung didn't need all these expensive things except Jungkook's love. He was too grateful to have Jungkook in his life. The thought of his parents regretting their decisions always crossed his mind.

"Steak is ready!" Taehyung says finally placing the plate in the centre of the table. Jungkook smiled pulling Taehyung closer.

"You really know what's my favourite. Don't you?" Asked Jungkook bopping his nose with Taehyung's.

Younger chuckled and softly knocked Jungkook's head. "Ofcourse I know dumbo. After all you are my husband."


At first I had written this story as a pdf form just for my best friend as I was shy to show this to others. But then she wanted me to upload it and I finally posted this on wattpad.

And I'm happy that I did that, y'all gave so much love for this book.

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