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Chapter 28:: The Nightmare

The sound of the chopsticks lightly hitting against the plates echoed in the hospital room along with Jungkook's constant whining.

Jungkook whined everytime Taehyung feed him and stuff food in his already full mouth. While Jungkook chewed on it, Taehyung would quickly take the towel and softly dab it on olders slightly wet hair, making sure not to hurt him on his injured part.

After Jungkook and Taehyung finished hugging onto eachother, the younger pulled Jungkook to the washroom and help him fresh up. While Jungkook bathed Taehyung ordered lots of takeouts.

"Tae... I'm full." Jungkook said while moving his head back when Taehyung tried to feed him more. The younger glared at his husband. Jungkook gulped. "I seriously can't eat any more."

Taehyung sighed and sat beside Jungkook with a pout on his lips. The black haired noticed this and was quick to embrace him in a hug. "You haven't eaten anything. I saw your half eaten bowl of rice." Whispered Jungkook in the latter's ear.

"How can I eat knowing that my husband has not eaten anything for days now." Taehyung glared at Jungkook who let out an awkward laugh.

"But you should eat too. There's our baby growing in you." Jungkook fondly smiled at Taehyung who stared at Jungkook lovingly and returned the smile with same energy. He then started eating from Jungkook's plate.

Jungkook helped Taehyung lean against the bed's headboard, he then leaned against Taehyung and rest his head on younger's shoulder. His hand unconsciously rubbing Taehyung's baby bump.

The room was in complete silence until Jungkook thought to break it. "Tae, let's move out from that house to somewhere else." Taehyung stopped eating and snapped his head towards Jungkook.


"What?! Why?! Tae we literally fought on this topic and now when I finally agreed to move out from that house, your saying no?"

"Kookie listen-" Taehyung placed his hand on Jungkook's thigh. "There is something about that house, a secret. And I want to know that secret."

"But... I don't want you or our baby to get hurt, try to understand." Jungkook pleaded.

"Don't worry Kookie. I won't let our baby get hurt. I promise you." Taehyung kissed the olders forehead tenderly, letting his lips linger there for a while and pulled back.

"I'm.... I'm scared... Tae. What if you get hurt? ...... Or the baby?"

"Kookie relax. Nothing's gonna happen to me. You. Us." Taehyung placed the plate on the bedside table and wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulder and let the latter's head rest on his chest.

"You don't have any idea what I saw back there, that's why I'm scared, you might get hurt." Tears formed in Jungkook's eyes, he buried his face more into Taehyung's chest to hide his tears.

"Jungkook" Taehyung softly called out and said. "You can tell me anything you know that right? I'm right here." a peck was placed on olders head.

"I... I saw a... ghost of a little girl there. I know it sounds nonsense but I'm telling the truth. She was... real." Jungkook's grip around Taehyung, unconsciously got tighter. "I was so scared Tae"

"I believe you Jungkook."

The aforementioned male snapped his head up to look at Taehyung who was nodding his head. "Really?"

"Yes. I believe you, since I have felt something strange there too, so the house is actually haunted."

"If you believe it's haunted the why don't we move out from there? Please Tae..... atleast for our baby." Jungkook's tears started flowing down, wetting his cheeks.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐌𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 || 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤✓Where stories live. Discover now