slashers react to their s/o in the bath

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Once again, this idea was given by 4u_4ever, theres a lot more too, a lot of them are gonna be really fun to write...Alexander hamilton mode is gonna kick in and I'm gonna write too much and get a hand cramp. XD

Warning! This might have some extremely sexual scenarios...especially Ryan's scenario bit...I'm sorry for the innocent bois scenario. ;-;


He wanted a bath before you, but you had to do the rat traps was still alive, it jumped out and started climbing all over you, so you were covered in dirt and emotionally scarred.

Ngl, brahms probably went in his little wall area and peeked in the hole...I dont wanna write what he did after.


No problem, Michael wont argue, he hates bathing or showering anyways...but he kinda misses you.

He'll just stand at the door Blair witch style until you come out, its absolutely terrifying, and you better hope you have clothes, you dont wanna come out naked with Michael watching.


He wanted to drag you out and make you help him open your damn fridge, but he was too short to even open the fucking bathroom door.

He just banged on it until you were done, you were pissed and so was may or may not have kicked him into the bathroom and locked the door....good for you (y/n).👌



Billy will immediately begin to try going in with you, and Stu is trying to protect you from the dirty minded billy by keeping him down on the couch, billy isnt all too happy, and Stu is terrified of what Billy might do in there...poor bby.

When you get out, both of them are asleep on the couch, its absolutely adorable, you have no idea what happened either, so Stu the cockblock has saved what's left of your innocence yet again!


"We have WATER?!"


The poor bby is bored without you, so he just fiddles with his 'hobbies' and talks to his momma until you're out, when you are out, he'll run up to you and hug you...probably run his fingers through your wet hair too, he likes the wet hair.


He'll probably just go to 'work' to pass the time, but he gets really worried after a little while, what if they drowned? What if they're in trouble?? WHAT IF CHOP-TOP IS GONNA BARGE IN?!

He ends up rushing home and bangs down the door, only to realize you fell asleep in the bath, so he gets you out and puts you in his bed, covers wrapped over you and him lying next to you...he cant get the picture of naked you outta his mind though.


Norman's fine, its norma you gotta worry about.

She'll whisper in Norman's ear about what you might be doing, making him really damn paranoid, he sits through it for a good hour though, not wanting to disturb you, but in the end, he feels like hes gonna cry from stress, and ends up going to the bathroom and opening the unlocked door...should've locked the door.

You and him just stare at each other, hes red as a godamn tomato and so are you...from now on, either scold Norma or lock the door.


She will take a bath with you, no questions, shes already got bubbles, bath bombs, snacks and her little movie player, you two are gonna cuddle in the bath and that's that!


Shes sad, she wanted to take a nap with you, and got an idea to do so...

She ran into the woods while you were in the bath and kinda just...rolled in the dirt, when she got back, she ran in the bathroom saying she needed a bath couldnt really say no, you tried but she was already trying to get in the bath.


Already stripping, you have no say, you're having bath sex. [I cant WRITE THIS SHIT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE-]


He'll just nod and smile, watching the TV, but after a good 5 minutes his mind drifts, and not to a good place I'd say...

Hed probably just start out with missing you, but sooner or later his mind would have dirtier thoughts than your fucking legs man.

When you get out, Ryan has a stone-like face with a pillow around his lower stomache, just...staring at you, he growls slightly when you get closer and grabs your collar, pulling you down.

"My room. Now."

[Oh fuck...I regret writing this...]


Hed hiss and run up the godamn wall, he does NOT like water, not after that fucking well at least.

Once your out, its time to get penny off the ceiling...there goes your plans for the day, taking care of an alien/demon lover is hard work.

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