if you got kidnapped [oh boy...]

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I just wanna apologize in advance for my sailor mouth, im playing mystic messenger and im on day 8 in Zens route and im getting pissed off...whoever knows what im talking about has probably shared this pain.

Requested by Callie_Afton, sorry it took a bit! ;w;


Haha, d e a t h, he will hunt your kidnapper down and bludgeon them with a godamn pipe he ripped from the house a week ago.

You're appreciative, but...the pipe problem is concerning.


If you, somehow, got out of his field of vision long enough to get kidnapped, he'd be pissed, he wouldnt even go creepy stalker Michael mode with the kidnapper, He'll just walk up to them and choke them to death.

Oh, you wanna be somewhere by yourself after that? Nope, now michaels afraid of leaving you, have fun with this little shit.


Yes, take the possesed dolls lover, im sure that'll work out well....he wont have much trouble in finding you, and when he does, he will go completely crazy on the kidnapper, stabbing, hitting, biting, that guy is fucked up once chucky is done.

When you get home, chucky complains about having to do shit himself without you here, although, hes secretly relieved that you're back, He'll never tell you that he almost broke down before he found you.


D E A T H, loving boyfriends turn to ruthless killers in a matter of second, especially if its because of one or both of them, they'll feel guilt, anger, and basically the need to beat the fuck out of whoever took you...which they did once they found them.

Honestly you never saw them like that, no ghostface getup, just pure anger and a wrench...creepy as hell.


Whoever had the bright idea to kidnap a war vets s/o definitely didnt think it was gonna backfire on them...unfortunately, it sure as fuck did. He will take nubbins with him and try to find you, and if/when he does, he has no intention to make your kidnapper a meal...hes gonna make them a godamn blood pulp.


who in fucks name would want to hurt this child?! His brothers would have to help him find you, because he was really depressed when he found out you were gone, by the time drayton and the twins found you, he was already so depressed that he couldnt think straight, so when he saw you walk in the door, he felt like everything just melted away.


Norma is immediately on the case, while norman is a sad boi. She doesnt just whisper in Normans ear, she basically drags him everywhere, once she finds you and your kidnapper, blood shall pour...normans really happy you're back though, even if he was disgusted at all the blood on him when he went back.


Anna and Alex on the case! They'll slowly but surely track you down, and then, when they figure out where you're being kept, 'Alex' will take out your kidnapper as Anna takes you and runs, she spends the rest of that day next to you, just being happy that you're there.


This poor bby will go crazy, frantically trying to find you, she'll put up flyers, try to make a search party, she'll even put out a reward for anyone who finds you, once you're found and your kidnapper is taken into prison, she'll cry tears of joy, so happy that her one and only is back in her arms.


Murder? Murder. He will go ape-shit crazy, unfortunately for the kidnapper, Billys always seen him in the sorority house, looking at you with such a creepy look, and worse for him, Billy knew where he lived, because he was very close to the sorority house.

It wont take Billy long to hunt him down and fuck him up, then he'll be pretty protective of you, not thinking twice about murder if someone looks at you the wrong way.


Dont hurt the child!! He will be absolutely heartbroken when he finds out one of the townies kidnapped you to try and strike a reaction out of him, he'll act nice and quiet in town, looking for whoever took his one and only lover.

Once he finds out who did it...its open season on them, you'll wake up on yours and Ryan's shared bed, and he'll tell you it was all a dream, smiling and assuring you that nothing happened, but for about a week after that, you'd hear screaming in Ryan's basement when he wasnt around, but not Carrie Ann's or Ryan's screaming...creepy.


How fucking dumb does someone have to be kidnap a demonic/alien shapeshifters lover? Well, someone was dumb enough.

Penny will go completely feral, tearing into whoever or whatever stands in the way of finding you, once he does, He'll just grin with eyes like a happy puppy, you wont question the blood all over him, you're just happy you didnt see what he did to get it on him.


Dis bitch gonna get fucked up. He will be furious on another person taking whats 'his', and as time goes on in his sesrch for them, his anger turns into fear, when he strikes luck and sees you on the street, with some bastard walking with you, grasping your wrist tightly to keep you there, he will decide that they deserve a fate worse than death.

He'll get you at night when hes asleep, getting you somewhere that the man couldnt find you at, probably a different town. every day after that, he'll haunt that fuckers nightmares, never letting him live down what he did, the lesson here: dont kidnap freddy's s/o.


Not exactly kidnapped, more like forbidden to go into most areas in the camp because of scary stories another counselor told the kids, and now they refuse to go there, but those areas are where Jason lurks, so he considers it kidnapping.

He'll be pretty angry, and in the dead of night, he'll take his vengeance, taking the counselor that scared the kids and dragging him off into the woods, everyone thinks he just quit without telling anyone, as he was known to be the kind of asshole who'd do that, so after a little while of convincing the children he was just trying to scare them, they wanted to go to the areas again, and you could see Jason again! He was really happy...although, he should probably be careful about hiding that guys body. [Holy fuck this is long]

The twin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

First time most people would see him pissed off, Doll herself said that she saw another damned drag you off, and he didnt want his little Angel to be scared and confused in hell, so he decided to take revenge.

It was easier than you'd think to find the one who took you, as the Twin works for the Devils carnival, he knows most of the damned and other workers, so they were very helpful in telling him where the kidnapper went, it only took him around an hour to find his angel, he told you to go back to the tents and wait for him, when you walked off, you could swear that you heard screaming..and something cracking.

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