their s/o giving them the silent treatment

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Requested by -Gw3n-!


He immediately thinks you hate him and just grabs you by the shoulders, he'll demand for you to speak to him, and if you don't, he'll just start sobbing on your chest.


He's very quiet, so when somebody else is quiet, he notices quickly. He thinks you have a sore throat and walks off to make you lemon tea, then he just sits next to you and stares at you...he cares, just in a creepy way.


He gets cocky and pissed at the same time, he taunts you and laughs about how you can't handle him, but then gets mad after five or so minutes of silence.


Billy hates it, stu is just mumbling to himself about why you might be so quiet. The two of them just decide to go to bed together and see if you're talking in the morning...if you aren't, then they're gonna get worried.


He at first doesn't notice and just thinks you're really deep in thought, but when he does notice he'll start thinking of ways to make you talk. He just picks you up and starts shaking you...whether angry or laughing, it'll get you to talk.


Oh God no- he has so much self doubt stuffed in his head that you ignoring him just makes him break down sobbing. Now he's absolutely devastated. Good job you broke the bubba.


No. He can and will throw you if you do that, you are not ignoring him.


He just...hugs you. He doesn't say anything, he doesn't yell, or pleas for you to say anything...he hugs hugs you tightly. Its confusing, but its his own way of saying he still wants you to show love, even if you Wont do it verbally.


He thinks its stress, so he runs off and makes you two sandwiches and turns on the TV, now instead of ignoring him you're watching TV with his arms around you.


She isn't good with most emotional issues, since she has severe emotional outbursts, she can't understand minor ones like annoyance or just pranks, you may have to talk before she thinks you hate her.


Fuck you too, buddy. He answers your lack of affection with aggression, he just starts yelling and stomping like a pissy Toddler, sooner or later he'll stop and just stop talking too, now one of you has to apologize and he's most likely not going to do it first.


Are you mad at him...? He has a lot of issues about affectionate figures being twisted, so the second he notices a small thing like that, he'll just assume you're really mad or even livid at him for something, so he'll just start....Apologizing.


He just starts acting like you're a dead animal, he'll poke and shake you, he may legitimately think you're unconscious with your eyes open...if You shout suddenly he might jump like a cat. Do it.

The twin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alright, go ahead, act pissy, he deals with pissy humans every day...he can wait. He just stares at you, unblinking, waiting for you to finally say is unbelievably terrifying.

Bo Sinclair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Fuck you. He gets mad like Billy, but unlike Billy he has an entire empty town to storm off in. You're gonna have to find him because he's now somewhere, most likely smoking and complaining to thin air about you.

Vincent Sinclair~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

That's alright, you don't have to talk to him if you don't want to. He'll just sit next to you and lean his head on yours, he's patient with however long It'll take for you to speak to him again.

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