drunk slashers...!

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This wall rat of a man would never understand why people love alchohol in the books he reads, so he decides to figure out, he waits until you're in town and downs a bottle of wine, you come home to him on the chandelier, screaming about his shoes and hair, you have to bribe him with his favorite food to get him down, and once hes down, he immediately passes out, all fun and games until you wake up with the worst hangover known to man.


Hes had alchohol before, but just a sip, so when you and him go to your sisters little 'party' filled with idiots and alchohol, he goes into curious baby mode and takes a giant swig of tequila, he immediately regrets it and gags, it only takes him a few minutes until he realizes that the punch hes been drinking also has alchohol in it, at least michael is a cuddly drunk, he just attaches himself to you and keeps saying how lucky he is to have you, you love drunk Myers...♡


Let's say that chucky can get drunk, hes definitely been drunk waaay too many times, and you catch the doll man with bottles of booze constantly, hes the drunk that laughs at everything, he just stands next to a potted plant and pokes it, laughing up a storm, lucky for him, dolls dont get hangovers. unluckily for you, this makes him want to get drunk constantly.


Billy and stu decide to take a relaxation day, stu brings a giant thing of alchohol, and suddenly it's not a drinking contest against the two idiots you love, billy gets drunk first surprisingly, and hes the jealous drunk that refuses to let you two out of his sight, while stu is the confused drunk, who never knows what the fuck Is going on, imagine how hard it'd be to watch both of them:

"(Y/n)! Billy! Where are you?!"

"You're staring a wall stu, turn around."

*Does a full 360 back to the wall*


"that wall better keep its eyes off my lovers!!"

"What the fuck billy."


He steals Dayton's whiskey and drinks it all, you come home from helping nubbins with some kids that got loose, and you're met with a giant hug and lots of kisses, chop is the over affectionate drunk, he just holds you in his arms and whispers al the things you do that make him feel special. [Why the fuck is it so hard to write this without it sounding perverted?]


He got dared to drink a full bottle of scotch by his brothers, he did and immediately started gagging from the sour taste, you end up getting called and have to come over, Thomas is the sad drunk, who just needs someone to listen to his problems and hold him, he'll probably fall asleep on you, hes best boi.


Haha, jokes on you, he was already drunk at the start of the day!! Hes the kind of drunk to guard his (s/o), and will not hesitate to bitch slap anyone who even talks to them, so...basically hes a cat when hes drunk, a very loyal asshole of a cat.


He does not have a good tolerance for alcohol, one can of beer and it's over for him, hes the talkative drunk that basically just tells you stories for hours, some you like, some you are horrified of, and some are just plain weird, but no matter what, hes still a happy boi when he finds out you were there for him.


It was actually norma that drank, she downed a bottle of wine and peaced out, leaving norman to suffer his mothers actions, hes the stupid drunk, not even gonna sugarcoat it, keep an eye on him or he'll go out in the middle of the fucking road and 'talk to the cars', this mans an idiot when hes drunk.


Baby drunk, she refuses to talk or walk, and she'll just...stare at you, it's the creepiest thing shes done so far, you end up dragging her ass to bed and dealing with her crying until she fell asleep, she is definitely not amused when you tell her the next day, not. Amused.


Hello! This is gonna be my last chapter on this for a little while, I'm taking medication that makes me really tired and dizzy, and it's hard to write correctly, I'll be back though!

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