sawyer twins imagine:

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Imagine if both sawyer twins were madly in love with you?


(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

I walk downstairs with some camera film for nubbins, I finally got the film of the first day we met..wheeen I threw his camera in a stream, it's been a month of looking for a repair company for the camera, and someone to fix the film, but I did it!

"Hey, nubbinnss..!"
I say, wrapping my arms around nubbins' back, he smiles and turns, and immediately lights up when be sees the film and camera in my hands.

"I finally fixed it, the film was saved too."
I say, nubbins hugs me.

"Holy hell! You're awsome..! "
Nubbins says.

"Nubbins, I got the--oh, hi (y/n)!"
Chop says, putting his music disc down, chop is the only other sawyer besides nubbins that's nice to me, maybe its cause I like his music? [Honestly, I'm just writing the music part because I'm listening to 80's rock while writing, I love it.]

"Hey chop!"
I say, he walks up and hugs me, i chuckle a bit at the sudden hug, but accept it anyways.

"So how's everything? Anyone special yet?"
Chop asks, it feels like both of the twins are focusing solely on me after he asks that.

"Nope, not yet."
I say, nubbins sighs.

"Oh, speaking of, uh...surprises, I gotta tell you somethin', but drayton needs your help, so whenever you can, meet me outside."
Nubbins says, avoiding eye contact.

"Alrighty, I'll go help drayton and meet you later."
I say, waving, both of the twins wave back until I'm outta sight.

I walk over to where I think drayton might be, the place they keep the bodies, and sure enough, hes here.

"Finally, took you a damn while."
Drayton curses, I roll my eyes and walk over to him.

"Alright, help me life this person up on that table."
Drayton says, I nod and grab the dead mans arms, drayton grabs his legs and we pull him up to the table, we tie his limbs to the ropes on each table arm [that's what they're called, right?], drayton grabs a hacksaw and starts hacking off their limbs.

"Y'know, those twins are really heads over fucking heels for you."
Drayton says, not looking at me as he keeps tearing off the dead person's arms.

"What? No, they're just really nice."
I say, leaning on the wall, watching drayton.

"Nah nah nah, one of those twins were just telling me hes gonna tell you about his 'undying love' today, cant remember wich one though, but damn, those twins are sappy as fuck."
Drayton says, grabbing a leg and throwing it in a bucket.

"I wonder wich one, I'll figure it out after I go meet nubbins, he wanted me to meet him soon."
I mumble.

"chop-top isnt gonna be far from the two of you, hes always stalking somewhere near you whenever you're here. So be careful of your words, set him off and you'll need to start runnin'."
Drayton says, grabbing the bucket that's now full of organs and limbs and walking away, leaving me to think.

'Hes always stalking somewhere near whenever you're here'

Chop-top POV~~~~~~~~

Fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK. My BROTHER likes the only women I've ever actually liked?! FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!! Thomas had his little love fest, and drayton probably had his, this is MY GIRL. MINE MINE MINE!!

I need to beat him at his own game, I'll tell (y/n) before he can..

(Y/n) POV~~~~~~~~~~~~

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