new slashers: norman bates and Anna ivers!

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This boy needed an appearance, dont you agree? Norman bates is from the movie 'psycho', made in 1960, while Anna ivers is from 'the uninvited', made in 2009, I've watched both movies and I absolutely love them, but I've never seen Anna in a slasher book, quick explanation [AND SPOILER FOR THE UNINVITED], Anna has a hallucination/split personality named Alex, after her dead sister, so if Alex shows up, dont mind her.

-----Their jealousy on a scale:

Norman: 7/10, Norman's a smidge overprotective.

Anna: 9/10, you're basically all she has left.

-----Their nicknames for you!:

Norman: love, boo.

Anna: soulmate, one and only.

---their first thoughts when they saw you:


'Wow, just look at her...she looks absolutely perfect...'


'Alex, alex! Look at this woman..she believes you're real...finally...'

------on your monthly hell! [Period]


Norman is in immediate panic boi mode, asking his mother what to do, how to help you, and how to get you to stop leaking blood all over your clothes, if norman didnt have a blood phobia, he does now.


ACTIVATE PROTECTIVE GIRLFRIEND MODE! she does everything she can to make you feel better, have cramps? Heating pad! Have cravings? To walmart! Want cuddles? You bet your ass her and Alex will stay by you until you're off this horrible cycle!

---their reaction to meeting your ex:


Mama didnt raise a bad man! He'll be a proper gentleman and act nice to your ex. honestly, the only thing I'd be worried about is mother, she didnt raise a monster, but she sure as hell is one.


Please just hug her and love her for all eternity, like john, shes pretty insecure about her...everything, so please just let her know you love her in any way possible. ;w;

---would they do anything for you?:

Norman: as long as it doesnt involve murder, hes up for any lovey dovey gestures, now, if you want murder, I'd talk to mother.

Anna: Y E S .

---what they'd do/say if you wanted to breakup:


"What...? You want t-to...?"
Norman mumbles, staring into your eyes, disbelief running through his veins, yet, also a knowing feeling that you're speaking the truth.

"Why..a-all of a sudden..? Was it something I did....?"
Norman asks, stepping closer and wrapping his arms around your waist, you desperately wanted to explain, but your voice seemed to melt and leave you speechless, so all you did was walk away, leaving a confused and hurt boy in your tracks.


"You want to...break up?"
Anna asks in a shushed tone, you nod with shame across your expression, and by the look of her face, you could tell Alex was talking to her, that worried you slightly, as Alex is....slightly agressive.

"But we were all just fine yesterday...what could've made you want to...w-want to...."
Anna trips over her words, trying to keep a clear mind as her only fragments of reality started to crumble before her, you looked down and walked away, ignoring Anna screaming for you to come back.

----your nickname for them!

Norman: love, baby.

Anna: miss ivers, cutie. [Screams in ex girlfriend's nickname. -_-]

---the slashers find you:


Needless to say, hes been a fucking wreck, never trying to forget you while also not having multiple breakdowns every day is hard. One day, while he was cleaning the hotel, a guy walks in and sets his phone down, asking for a room, when norman hands him the key, his phone goes off, showing a picture of you on it, he smiles and answers the call.

"Hi baby! Yeah, I'm checking into a hotel tonight, but I'll be back by tomorrow morning alright? I love youuuu..!!"
The man says, Norman's blood boils at the man calling you that. Baby, only hes allowed to call you anything like that! and mothers pretty fuckin pissed too, you owe her some damn grandkids!

Norman takes the mans phone when hes gone and texts you an address to a bakery nearby the hotel, smiling to himself when you say you'll meet him there, hes getting his (y/n) back..!


She was wandering the streets to find you, going places you go to, talking to people who you talk to, trying to get any lead to where you've gone, Alex was barely any help, as she didnt even speak of you since you left, like she was hurt by the mention of your name, but one day, anna got lucky. as she was at the bakery to get some bread and muffins,  the baker who makes your favorite pumpkin [or any other kind] bread gets a call for a delivery of that exact bread, writing down a name and an address.

(Y/n) (l/n), 173 cherrymore lane.

She quickly took a picture of the address and sped off with her sweets, she knows where you are now, and shes not coming home again without her one and only.

-----Their apologies and---ahh, no. I spent a LOT of time on this part, and it was all gone the next fucking day! Screw this part.

-----Slashers react to their s/o being a demon:


Hah...oh no, hes gonna have a bad time with this information, whether hes Christian or anything, dating a demon is forbidden in almost any religion, but he still loves you, just not demons, so hes gonna find a way around this.


Powerful bae? Y E S, shes living for it, the first time you show your devil form, she freaks the fuck out in joy and hugs you, shell randomly ask you to show your devil form and pet your wings...lowkey feels nice on both ends, she gets something to pet and you get the pets, win win.

-----slashers react to their (s/o) being murdered:


When he hears about your murder, he instantly snaps, so does mother, hes easily influenced by mother into crimes and other dangerous situations, like a few other slashers, he just doesnt care about life anymore, you were his last shred of reality that kept him from drifting off, now that you're gone, theres nothing keeping him from becoming fully mother.


' no no....not them..!' Like Norman, you were her last piece of the real world, when she sees you behind her house, covered in...wounds...she just turns blank, she doesnt know what's real and what's not, so she just stops trying to figure it out, shell go along with anything and everything her mind tells her, it only lasts for a week though, at least, that's the estimated time, as that's how long it took for the police to arrive, finding both yours and Anna's body in the basement, you two are both known as 'the ivers ghosts', and were never forgotten for decades.


This took...a while, I hope you all like the new slashers!

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