what happens when you come home.

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Part two to the voicemails scenario, requested by MadAsAHatter122 and damianssoftside!


Hes an absolute wreck for the entire time you're gone, always wondering if you're gonna never come back, it went to the point where he was just in denial you ever existed, why would someone actually love him back? Needles to say, when he saw you walk in the house and smile at him with that beautiful expression hes come to adore, he was head over heels all over again.

"Dear, you scared me! I'm sorry for what I said, really I am, but please dont ever do that again!! ...I was really worried.."


He sort of just reverts back to silent psycho mode, showing no signs of even being human, his mind and his heart are at war, his heart believes you'll be back [HAMILTON NOO-], while his brain believes he fucked it up and drove you away, the night he comes home and sees you on the couch, he feels like the weight of the world is lifted off him.

"Bunny? Holy sh....I thought you weren't in haddonfield anymore, I'm so glad you're back...!"


Who knew the tiny fucker could act sad? Hes basically just a plastic dumbass with a gloomy cloud over him, sometimes he just walks around the house he met you in, hell, sometimes he even walks to the basement you kicked him down! When he walks to the park to find his next victim, he sees you, and it feels like time slows down.

"...you're still in town? What the fuck (y/n)? Y-you just...cut contact! I feel like a godamn mess without you! Come over here, yeah, I'm taking you home." [Less romantic, but honestly hes a godamn tsundere.]


They are a mess, their third musketeer is gone! The three of you depended on each other, without all three of you, its just...crumbled memories. Billy is freaking the fuck out, he thinks you'll never come back, while stu is just in denial of everything, he thinks you're pranking them. After a long night's work, the two come back home and expect the same bland feeling that's lurked in the air since you left, but instead the saw you, and gods were they happy.

"(Y/n)?? (Y/n)! Holy shit! Me and stu were so worried! Dont ever leave us again, please!"

"I missed you, dont joke around like that, I was starting to think you were actually mad...!"


AaaaAAAA--- rat man is sad. This music boi is just completely useless without his partner in crime. He mopes around and just waits for his brother, Nubs is worried too, hes like a dog waiting for its owner, so in the dead of night, nubbins sneaks out and finds out in town, so when Chop wakes up, the first thing he sees is you opening his bedroom door.

"(Y/n)? Holy shit,it's you! I-i cant believe it...I missed you so so much!!"


This innocent child is an absolute mess, always either being silent and secluded or just sad and mopey, his brothers tried to cheer him up, but that just ended in chop getting a bloody nose and black eye from nubbins accidentally elbowing him while trying to do a chicken expression. So in the end, his brothers knew the only way to get the shy innocent Thomas back was to get his (y/n) back, and gods was that hard, but soon enough they successfully kidnapped you.

"Hey chop-top, I got the ice back an-...(y/n)? 'Hon, i-i cant believe you're here..! I've missed you! D-do you wanna...come upstairs? I still got the snacks you like, I never stopped buying them..." [this one made me feel bad ngl]


Angry mf, after a month without you, he basically turns into a demon, he gets angry really easily and instead of the creepy game of victim getting, he just walks up to people and stabs them, his brothers get worried and decide to start hunting you down, drayton finds you and, for once, makes a compelling arguement on why you should come back, so you do, and holy shit does nubbins appreciate it.

"(Y/n)...? (Y/n)! Holy shit, I-I cant believe you're back, I missed you so much, it was so sad without you here..! I love you, I'm sorry for hurting you, please dont ever do that again...!"


Instead of you going back to him, he repetitively tries to get back to you! He stalks you and follows you in the shadows, always waiting for the second he sees you weak, he wants to get you back, but he knows you're a strong person, you won't just crumble immediately. Once he sees a single ounce of regret, he swoops in.

"Oh, h-hi lov-...(y/n). Funny seeing you here....at the place we met, I was actually here hoping you would be waiting...were you? I wouldnt be weird if you were...I miss you, do you miss me..?" [Yandere cinnamon roll.]


He. Is. Depressed. He sorta just mopes around and runs the motel badly. He refuses to go into areas that remind him of you, if he does then he just starts crying. It got up to the point where Norma cant even take it, so she kidnaps you and basically threatens to hurt someone you love if you dont go back to norman.

"(Y/n)? I didnt think you'd come back, i...darling, I know what I said, what I did, it wasnt good in the slightest, but I want to make it up to you...please?"


No, dont leave her, she. Will. Die. Internally of course, not actually...probably. she'll freak the fuck out and be all over the place in her head, it was you who went to her, you heard the complaints from your neighbors about 'your girlfriend is going crazy, I think she threw a chair out a window!'.

"H-honey, i...oh my god, is it really you? I've missed you, so much...can you stay...? I dont wanna see you leave again..."


She felt absolutely disgusted with herself, the things she said the night you left keeps rewinding in her head, she said things shell regret forever, she even goes back to her 'mercy black' obsession, burying herself in a phony mission to save her peace of mind. When you hear that shes basically mentally murdering herself, you rush to find her.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here? Mercy black is watching me, You cant be here! please go...I dont wanna see you hurt...! You're not running...please...I love you..."


This is....wow, you knew he was insane, but holy shit. He gets more in touch with the sadistic shit he does to the sorority house, a lot of people go missing in the two weeks you're gone. By the time he hits 15 on his 'missing person' board, you decide to save the rest of the rest of the sorority sisters and go back.

"Who...(y/n)? Oh my god, you're back! I didnt think youd come back...! You dumbass, i-i felt so shitty without you here...! Dont leave again...."


Poor guy, hes always sad, more forgetful, and you have no idea about how many carrie Ann's hes forgotten to feed, on top of all that, hes been ignoring everything to find you! He stalked a friend of yours to find you, then it was just a matter of getting you alone to convince you to leave.

"H-hey! Fancy meeting you here...! Yeah, its...been a while, I've missed you, especially your laugh...that night, I said some things I really regret, could you...come back? I miss you in my arms, please? I love you so much..."


Murder, only word for it, when hes sad, he turns to eating to cope, leading to a lot of missing kids and teens. He gets sad, he viciously tears a kid apart and eats them, repeat. It gets to the point where when you come back to your house, all you hear from the neighbors are stories of a horrifying monster wreaking havoc on the town, you immediately know who it is and go to pay a certain clown bastard a visit.

"Huh? Oh...hey! This? Just a leg, so what if I've been eating more? It helps me feel better...! Cause you left...I know I'm a literal monster, but even monsters have emotions!"

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