slashers reacting to their s/o's baby pictures!

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I am trying my hardest not to put a godamn repo-man character in this book.


He randomly found them while cleaning [going through-] your bags, and he decided that he wanted to see some.

You caught him looking at pictures of baby you with other babys, he started asking you who they were...Brahms is the only man you'll meet that gets jealous of you with other people as a BABY.


Hed be randomly walking around your house when he found them, he wasnt all that interested at first, but he was kind of amazed on how long youve lived when he sees pictures of baby you on top of tall things or trying to eat inedible stuff.

You catch him in your room, the first think he asks is 'are you a ghost?'


Yeah...he was gonna light stuff on fire when he found them, he decided to use the blackmail before he did, he saw your pictures and immediately started laughing.

You walked in on him laughing his ass off, he looked at you, trying to catch his breath.


'you're such an ugly stubby adult.'

'...listen here you little shit-'


Billy found them and showed them to stu, they thought you were absolutely adorable as a kid...then making babies came to Billys mind, and Stu sent him to horny jail. [Hit him over the head]

You walked in with an unamused Stu and an unconscious Billy, the first thing he said was "it was for your sake, be grateful you get to use your legs tomorrow."


Ha...hes out of it when he finds them, he was going around to find some hidden snacks, when he found a book with your name on it, he didnt think twice and looked through it, he was so high that he thought you had a sibling named (y/n), and thats who the kid was, so when you walked in, you had to explain to your drugged out boyfriend about what time the picture was taken.


He finds them while cleaning, and immediately couldn't help looking through them, he loved how your smile was as a baby, and then he starts fantasizing about what your kids would look like, when you walk in, hes sitting on the floor with a dumb grin.


He found a photo album, full of PHOTOS, the bastards gonna look at them, he ends up spending a few hours looking at them, so by the time you find him, hes already looked through them, he turns and asks you if he can take the pictures when you and him start a family, and you just smile.


He found them when he was cleaning, and the cuteness of seeing baby you was too great for him to resist snooping, so he did, and he thought you looked adorable as a kid, when you walk in hes probably gushing about your little baby cheeks.


Shes always had an odd relationship with children, as they dont like her but she likes them, or sometimes vise versa, either way when she finds your baby pictures she thinks you're adorable, you might walk in on her mumbling stuff about 'why did you get to be the cute baby in the relationship', its meant to be a compliment but shes not that good at them.


If this phone moaning bastard has a breeding kink, hide your baby pictures, he'll somehow find them and start thinking about how a baby from the two of you would look like...then he'll start thinking about making them, just bonk the horny from his head...Aggressively....with a stick.


Like Billy, he'll think about babies, but unlike him, it wont be sexual, you'll walk in on him mumbling about how adorable your future children would look and how happy he'd be with making a little family of his own with you.


Doesn't really know what to think, he eats children, but he loves you, so child a mixed feeling, although he might laugh a little if there's a funny picture.


He may see it and get bored, but if he was already bored, he'll flip through the pictures, he may even get a good chuckle out of a few, he might have blackmail on you if There's some really embarrassing one


Wholesome boy would love to see baby you, he likes small children, and he LOVES you, so the two of them combined is absolute euphoria, he may even ask to keep one, he has it in his pocket and likes to take it out when hes stressed.

The twin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Is odly happy to see them, he likes that you have things of your past, if you walk in, he'll ask you to tell him stories of your childhood, since he doesn't remember much of his past anymore, he loves to know yours.

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