the slashers find you.

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<part 2 of 3> [A/N:Heads up, I'm giving 'the man' a name for this book, I'm gonna he calling him by the name of the actors who played him, John.]


Hes been an utter mess, he wont sleep unless it's in your bed, he wont eat unless it's the food you like, and hes neglecting his hygiene! All he does is think of you, he thought you would be with him forever, be loved you with all his heart, he still does, he misses you greatly, you're still his soulmate, and he'll wait for you forever.

One day, malcom walks in with the groceries, still unaware of brahms, or the hellshires' deaths, he puts down his phone and sets it to speaker while putting the groceries away.

"How long will you be there? I can always visit if you would like."
Malcom says.

"No no, its alright, I can always just go to the mansion again if I wanna see you, I'm just downtown anyways, an easy drive."
A familiar voice says.

(Y/n)! Its her! She isnt far...! He'll use malcom as bait...he needs her back.


After you left, there was nothing keeping him from mass murders, ending with sleepless nights and physical problems. kills people much more often, whatever he can do to keep you out of his head. if/when he comes Home, all he sees is things of yours, he cant bring himself to throw them away, he needs them, he needs you, you're the only thing that makes him want to live.

But who knew that a murder spree would lead him right back to you? He killed everyone in a giant hotel, except one room, but when he looked in the peep hole, he saw his beautiful (y/n), asleep on the hotel bed. Now hes dead set on bringing you back.

Billy/stu, I'm lazy so I'm just writing for poly billy and stu:

They deal with it differently, stu is depressed and billy is always angry, stu stares out the window all day, hoping to see you walking back, and no matter how hard billy tries to make him eat, stu wont, its rare when billy and stu actually sit down for a meal anymore, now it's either billy eating on the couch and stu eating in their room, or billy eating in the dining room and stu not eating a thing all day. Stu will wait forever, and billy will try to make you come back for the sake of stays health...and what remains of his own sanity.

Billy yells for stu to come in the livingroom, and he does, what he sees makes his face go pale, but also makes him smile, it was you! You were in a hospital commercial for the town over! An internship commercial They're coming (y/n)..!!


woo boy, he made a fuckin mistake, he thought hed be fine without you, but hes a fucking MESS, who knew a doll could look like shit? It took him a month to actually admit to himself that he needs you, but now hes not sure what to do, how would he get you back?

Lucky for him, he always has magic, just a few tries and he finds your location, now hes coming to get his woman back.


hes completely blocking it out! The entire family knows what happened, but he just acts like your at the store, it takes a while, but his family finally makes him see the truth.

'Chop, wheres (y/n)?'

'Shes at the store! She said shell be back soon though!'

'No chop, she's gone, shes been gone for...a while.'

'What? That's silly talk! She left a few minutes ago!'

'Chop, it's been a month, shes gone.'

'You're funny! She'll be back soon, dont worry!'

'No, she isnt...! She broke up with you, it's been a month now, please. Move on, theres always more women..!'

'But....I-I dont want another woman...I want my woman....'

One day, drayton takes him in his car and starts driving, chop has no idea what's going on, until they arrive at a flower shop, and guess who he sees af the desk?

His lady, his beautiful (y/n).


He'll overwork himself, taking on all the jobs his family wants, it keeps his mind off you, but the second theres nothing left to do, and you cross his head, he'll go into a sobbing fit, he wants you back so badly, you were his everything, you still are in his eyes, one day, his mama sent him out on a trip to kill a group of campers, he was expecting a bang of druggies or something, but he saw something that made his eyes light up...

The love of his life, his (y/n), you were with a few other people, he can get you back, he just has to plan it right.


Hes easily angered, instead of being the hyper, happy nubbins that we all know, hes silent, but if someone mentions you, he'll go crazy. the longer your gone, the more agitated he becomes, he starts to think you'll never be back, that youve moved on from him, that makes it worse, until the day he was chasing some tourists, he had already killed one, the rest ran off, hes dead set on killing the rest, well, until the second a tourist said your name.

"(Y/N), RUN!!"

You're here..? You're here! back in his grasp, and hes going to make sure you come back.


Hes depressed, he sets his entire mind to you, always assuring himself you'll come back soon, he'll act fine, but hes a complete wreck, one night, he was passing by a house when he heard at least 7 people in it, it was deep in the woods, and it was a decent walk to get to the street, a good mile or two, so he decides to get some anger out on these poor kids. when he hits the breaker, all of them scream, and a familiar voice starts cussing, he looks into the window and he sees...

You..! He can try to win you back..! Hes not letting this chance slip.

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